GLENN: Matt Walsh is the author of The Unholy Trinity: Blocking the Left's Assault on Life, Marriage, and Gender.
Are you more hopeful or less hopeful than you were let's say 12 months ago?
MATT: Well, I'm never hopeful.
GLENN: What's going to happen to us, Matt? What's going to happen to us? Look down the road and take a guess. And I know it's a guess. But just take a guess. What's coming?
MATT: I think we have a long and arduous road ahead of us. And I think if we have any hope of reclaiming the culture, whatever that means at this point -- because it is lost to us right now, let's be honest. It's completely lost. But if we have any hope of reclaiming it, it's going to take generations. And our children, you know, and our grandchildren are going to be the ones to, you know, carry -- carry the weight of that. This is not -- you know, one of my huge concerns about Trump was that conservatives would -- would start to kind of relax.
GLENN: Uh-huh.
MATT: And figure, oh, we already won. Everything is going to be fine now. And that's not the case at all.
GLENN: What do you think is going to happen -- what do you think is going to happen to him? How big was last week?
MATT: Well, I think -- I don't know. I mean, it's hard for me to believe. It's kind of hard for me to see him actually being in the White House for the next four years. I don't know. I have the same feeling as a lot of people. That it's hard for me to -- I don't know what four years of this looks like.
It's hard for me to see how we can make it through four years. And at any rate, I mean, there are only really two years for the Republicans to do anything, to make any real inroads on any of these issues. Because I don't think they're going to own the entire government after the midterms. And so they've got a lot of work to do, and they haven't done much, as far as I can tell.
So -- but it doesn't matter what happens. It's only -- that's just -- it's all political. You know, even if everything worked great and Trump was signing conservative laws left and right, which he hasn't been and I don't think he will -- but even if he did, the culture is still the culture. Our institutions are still fundamentally lost to us. You know, the media, academia, pop culture, Hollywood.
GLENN: Give me an institution -- give me an institution you believe in still.
MATT: None.
MATT: I believe in -- I believe in the institution of the family. I mean, but when I say that, I believe in my family, you know. But even in the institution of the family itself in this country is in dire straits. Outside of that, I mean, what institution can you believe in? This is something that, you know, the godless left has infiltrated all of our institutions, and they began that process many decades ago. And they've been incredibly effective at it. And it's hard for me to look at any institution in America and say, well, this institution is healthy, strong, ordered towards, you know, God, towards a higher power. I don't know.
JEFFY: Matt, it's been good talking to you. It's been talking to you, man.
GLENN: Yeah, but, you know what, when you read his blogs, man --
JEFFY: I love him. I love him.
GLENN: He is really -- he's on target every time.
STU: Matt, there's only probably small parts of this that are actually solvable. And I'd like to get you on board with my constitutional amendment that would require one person, one bathroom. There shall not be any shared bathrooms for anyone anywhere. You go to a sporting event. You're not with all guys. You're with you because you get to go to the bathroom all by yourself. Comments?
JEFFY: Pretty good one.
MATT: I am totally on board with that. I don't like sharing bathrooms with people anyway, especially at a sporting event where you're all like -- where you have that trough thing, where you're all like livestock around it.
GLENN: Wait a minute. That's --
MATT: So, yeah, I can get behind that.
GLENN: -- not to drink out of?
STU: No. No.
GLENN: Oh, crap.
JEFFY: Since when?
GLENN: The name of the book is The Unholy Trinity: Blocking the Left's Assault on Life, Marriage, and Gender.
And he is making the point -- headline on the back of the book: It's not just values. Reality itself is under attack. And that is true.
JEFFY: Yes, it is.
GLENN: We've got to find our way back to reality. And Matt Walsh will help you do that. It's available everywhere. The Unholy Trinity by Matt Walsh. Matt, thanks for being on. We'll talk to you soon.
MATT: I appreciate it. Thanks, Glenn. Thanks, guys.