GLENN: Let me go to Ryan in Ohio. Hello, Ryan, you're on the Glenn Beck Program.
CALLER: I was just -- how are you doing?
I just wanted to call in and let you guys know that as an active duty combat veteran -- I was actually a combat medic, and I thought Hacksaw Ridge was absolutely just phenomenal. We're one of the most underappreciated MOSes in the military, and we don't get a lot of recognition. A lot of the combat, action MOSes do, but the combat medics don't. And I thought it was great to see a movie where they could show somebody with the infantry, with somebody in the crap like that, and be as selfless as we are. And I just thought it was absolutely phenomenal show of human spirit and the way people can really care about other people.
GLENN: Did you know about this guy, Ryan, before the movie?
CALLER: I do. As a combat medic, when you go through combat medic school in eastern Texas, part of the thing is they have a combat medical team there. Pretty much everybody goes to it. We go in. They give everything. And in combat medical, they actually teach you about Desmond Doss and the sacrifices that he gave to help others. And it basically is the embodiment of what every combat medic should be. The person who is there with the infantry. You're there. You're their moral support. And you're also their heart and soul. Without you, you know, everybody else there wouldn't be able to do their job if someone got hurt.
So I just really -- it really touched me. I actually kind of cried during the movie just because it kind of took me back to being over there.
GLENN: So when I talked to Mel Gibson, he said he toned some of the things down that Dawson did because he said they're really, truly unbelievable. And what he does in the movie is unbelievable. But he said, if we did everything he had done, he said, nobody would believe it. But one of the things we talked about was, I thought this was the most real prediction -- or, depiction of war that I've ever seen. Is that what it's like?
CALLER: To an extent. As close as you're going to get in a movie without being there. There are some things that I don't talk about in this day. Even my fiancé kind of gets a little bit upset because there's things that you just don't talk about. There's things you see, there's things you do that you're proud of, but you're not proud of at the time.
JEFFY: I know, right.
CALLER: And this to me was the closest thing to what we actually do in the heart of battle of any movie I've ever seen.
GLENN: Thank you very much. Thanks for your service, Ryan. I appreciate it. God bless.
PAT: Giving Jeffy flashbacks from the island of Spice.
JEFFY: I can't see it. If it's too real, it's going to bring back memories.
STU: I don't think you've even traveled overseas, let alone fought in a war.
GLENN: I'm not sure if you've even seen a war movie.
JEFFY: It's too real, Glenn. I can't see it.
GLENN: I know. You're such a hero.
JEFFY: I don't profess to be a hero.
PAT: Just doing your job.
GLENN: Yeah, right. Okay. In the big one, right?
JEFFY: Island of Spice.
PAT: It was Grenada.
GLENN: Yeah, Grenada. The big one.
PAT: The really big one.
JEFFY: Stopped communism dead in its tracks.
GLENN: Dead in its tracks. Yeah, yeah. Where you there for the Falklands too?
PAT: That was French.
JEFFY: You know, you sound like you're making fun.
GLENN: No, I'm not making fun -- not you, Jeffy. Not you. Wouldn't do it. Wouldn't do it. Not with the hero metals that you surely own.