I have not been able to find the words yet to tell you how I feel about my trip to Haiti.
As you may know, you and many others in my audience raised the first $1.5 million dollars to launch Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), whose goal is to break the back of the global sex trade. Hundreds of slaves have been freed by O.U.R. In fact, the biggest bust in global history happened just recently because of this program which is near and dear to our hearts. Children in countries all over the world, including America, were freed.
There are people anxious to tell the stories uncovered by O.U.R. A major movie is in development and TV shows have been pitched. But Tim Ballard, the founder of O.U.R., and I agree on one thing: the real story isn't about the western dirtbags that come --- many from America --- to buy, sell and abuse children, some as young as ONE year old. It isn't about the buying and selling of eight-year-old children to pick bananas or the 13-year-old girl I met with the scars from chains around her wrists and around her throat from when her captors tried to kill her. It isn't about the child sacrifices in Uganda. And it isn't even about the missing women and children The Nazarene Fund is still trying to free from ISIS sex camps.
The real story is about so much more than sex slavery. The real story is about hope.
The full experience of this trip to Haiti and what it meant to me, how it changed me and what I am planning on doing, I will share with you after the first of the year. We will not only arrest some of the most evil men and women on the planet today, free children from a life of hell, bring needed attention to the fact that there are more slaves on the planet today that at any other time in human history, but I believe we just may save ourselves and our world.
When people ask me what can bring us together, I believe it is this.
This trip may have changed the course of my life. Tania and I will be praying hard for these children and for answers on how we can best serve. Right now, I would ask that you visit Operation Underground Railroad and learn as much as you can.
Here are a few pictures from my trip that I wanted to share with you:
Pierre. The cutest kid ever. He would not let me put him down. He put on my glasses and we became pals. Later, hand in hand, I took him to the room full of gifts and let him pick one. From the toys, play guns, matchbox cars, light sabers, etc., he picked a stuffed elephant.
Not a prison, but gates to keep the bad guys out. This is a high security center where some of the kids are witness to what I would classify crimes against humanity.
No child would let us go. They all pressed their faces to ours, starved for love and kindness. There are 300,000 orphans ready to adopt and only 300 were adopted last year. The government is so corrupt and standing in the way.
This is Junior. He is blind and lucky to be in a safe place. Sometimes children like him are sold to harvest organs. I put his hands on my face so he could 'see' me.
A wonderful 3-month-old girl. Her mother was just rescued and is a sex slave survivor. The baby was born free. Mom stood behind and said this was the first time she had heard her baby laugh. I think it's because she had never seen a talking marshmallow.
A story I can't wait to tell. Heroes that heard the call on my show and sold everything to move to Haiti to help. Wait until you hear the whole story.
Featured Image: Glenn Beck with Operation Underground Railroad in Haiti.