With two progressives on the ballot, it's more important than ever to recognize the progressive agenda. Progressives claim they stand for the future, but their version of the future comes at a high price --- your personal freedoms.
In truth, progressives represent the oldest impulse known to mankind: the will to power, to dominate and to exploit. Stopping them requires arming yourself with knowledge.
There are three main phases to the progressive plan:
Phase I: Organization & Infiltration
Phase II: Sowing Political Turmoil
Phase III: Implementing Political System X
To accomplish Phase I, progressives must achieve five key goals.
Organize groups for control. The collectivization of society began. Instead of focusing on individual rights and freedoms, progressives focused on organizing people into groups that set them apart. Sanger organized around “birth control” (i.e., eugenics), Wheeler organized around temperance, labor groups organized workers, and so on. This was the genesis of “community organizing,” and it has changed little from then to the days of Obama—herding people into groups, motivating them with fear.
Infiltrate. Slowly but deliberately, progressives inserted themselves into key American institutions, including the government, the labor movement, academia, the media, the military, and the courts. Progressives not only ran for high office, but they also made a point of inserting their operatives into a permanent gov- ernment bureaucracy. They took control of the labor movement and of academia, which became a hotbed for progressivism at all levels. The leading “race-theory” eugenicists came from America’s top universities such as Princeton and Johns Hopkins, the latter of which was designed specically to bring the “German university” model to the United States. Progressives such as Dewey influenced the education of the youngest Americans.
Weaken the social fabric. For the collectivization of society to succeed, the natural, organic bers of our social fabric—faith, tradition, family, heritage—needed to be ripped apart. Progres- sives systematically drew wedges between di erent segments of society by collectivizing and organizing them against one another. And all with an unceasing agenda of political correctness to revise history and remove all traces of faith from public life.
Confuse the concept of right and wrong. Sometimes it feels as if we’re living in a moral house of mirrors—up means down, down means up, and everything is distorted. That is exactly how progressives want it. By preaching moral relativism and shaming us into thinking our traditions are wrong and outdated, by convincing us that our moral compass needs to “progress,” they can lead us ever closer to the final step of phase I…
Bring society to a state of near crisis. At some point, the confusion becomes too great, and those who could stand up to bring some sanity to the public sphere are successfully shamed into silence. The nation is brought to the edge of collapse so that progressives can step in and take power, all in a false-prophet effort to relieve people’s fears and anxieties.
Ready to learn more? Next up is Phase II: Sowing Political Turmoil. (COMING SOON)