The constitutional right of Americans to own guns is under attack like never before. Yet the Framers found this right important enough to list second in the Bill of Rights:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
The Founding Fathers believed self-defense was a Biblical right to ensure citizens could defend themselves against any kind of illegal force --- from a neighbor, an outsider or their own government.
The anti-Second Amendment crowd believes they can regulate gun ownership based on the words "well regulated," but that intentionally ignores the Founders' meaning. It actually means well trained and prepared. However, regulation is exactly how they'll infringe on your Second Amendment rights. With 300 million guns currently owned by American citizens, it's not likely they'll be rounded up by some government agency. Instead, progressive liberals will do what they do best: apply massive regulations to drastically reduce your ability to purchase or own a firearm.
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Gun Control Part IV: Confiscation
If Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have never advocated taking guns from responsible gun owners, then why do they both keep suggesting that we could use, as a model for the United States, the gun laws in Britain and Australia? Two countries that have taken guns out of the hands of responsible gun owners.
For American citizens that don't believe that confiscation can happen in the United States of America, here's a clue: It already has.
This is where America is today in the battle to retain its Second Amendment rights. One slip up from a Second Amendment supporter brings widespread condemnation and ridicule from the media. But an anti-gun president of the United States can claim that your 14-year-old is more likely to have a fully automatic Glock G20 on their nightstand than a heartwarming copy of The Fault in Our Stars. The first step is knowing there is an ongoing attack.
And while progressives certainly have contempt for the Second Amendment, they also know that the vast majority of Americans cherish the Constitution, including, if not especially, the Second Amendment. So progressive politicians continue to walk the fine line between appearing to support the Constitution, while at the same time desperately trying to curtail or eliminate American citizens' gun rights.
The only way to stop them is with an informed, vigilant and active citizenry.
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