Hofstra University posted a “trigger warning” sign to warn students about the potentially disturbing content discussed during Monday night’s presidential debate.
"In the lobby, there was a little sandwich board with a sign:
Trigger warning, the event just beyond this sign may contain triggering and/or sensitive material. Sexual violence, sexual assault and abuse are some of the topics mentioned within this event. If you feel triggered, please know there are resources to support you.
Glenn then offered a personal message to millennials.
"I want you to know, if you're in an alcoholic situation right now, you're in the throes of it, keep going, brother. Just keep going. You've got those good blackouts that are helping you get through the day. I understand it," Glenn joked.
Co-host Pat Gray followed up with a whispered disclaimer:
What Glenn Beck just said was political satire and shouldn't be construed as actual advice. Please don't sue us, anyone who may be going through alcoholism right now.
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: Holy cow. I -- out in front of Hofstra yesterday, in front of the -- the debate, in the lobby, there was a little sandwich board with a sign that says: Trigger warning, the event just beyond this sign may contain triggering and/or sensitive material. Sexual violence, sexual assault, and abuse are some of the topics mentioned within this event. If you feel triggered, please know there are resources to support you.
And then it --
PAT: Good golly.
GLENN: It was the student counseling services.
PAT: Oh.
GLENN: A crisis counselor and a public safety director. The student advocacy and prevention center. The Title Nine coordinator and the national sexual assault hotline.
PAT: So the women's sports --
JEFFY: Yeah, it's all under -- they put everything under that --
PAT: I know. Isn't that weird?
GLENN: Oh, no, what a surprise. The government, you open one little crack, and they walk in and they put everything underneath it.
JEFFY: Amazing.
PAT: Who would have seen that coming?
GLENN: Oh, everyone. Yeah, everybody.
PAT: Other than everybody.
GLENN: We begin there, right now.
GLENN: I want to talk to the millennials. I want to talk to the kids. I want to talk to anybody who might be drinking -- might be in an alcoholic situation right now. I want you to know, if you're in an alcoholic situation right now, you're in the throes of it, keep going, brother. Just keep going. You've got those good blackouts that are helping you get through the day. I understand it.
Now, if you haven't gotten there yet, you might want to consider holding back because you might need those blackouts at some point.
And for those who haven't started drinking and are young, wait. I made the mistake of becoming an alcoholic with deep blackouts. And I didn't need them. It was when the world was still pretty good.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: And I didn't need them. And what I would have given last night for a blackout. And to be able to wake up this morning and have zero recollection of the debate last night, I'd give my right arm.
PAT: What Glenn Beck just said was political satire and shouldn't be construed as actual advice. Please don't sue us, anyone who may be going through alcoholism right now.
GLENN: No, that's actual advice.
PAT: Please, what Glenn Beck just said is an actual lie.
GLENN: Holy cow.
JEFFY: That's our disclaimer now.
GLENN: Holy cow. Well, it's a trigger warning.
PAT: Yeah.
Featured Image: Glenn Beck on The Glenn Beck Program, September 27, 2016.