Editor's Note: The following is a guest post by Burgess Owens, former NFL star and author ofLiberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps.
“If you can define the self-perception of a race, you can define its future for generations.”- Burgess Owens
The visionary, industrious, Christian and segregated Black community of the early to mid 1960’s understood and embraced the importance of a positive self-perception. It was this same recognition that drove millions of young patriotic Black men throughout our nation’s history to be among the first to volunteer when our nation went to war. It was reflected in their actions on the field of battle—courage, patriotism, faith, tenacity and love for race, God and country.
It has been recorded throughout the annals of American history beginning with our nation’s first martyr—an ex-slave and free Black man Crispus Attucks—in its fight for Independence in 1770. Our history records, among its host of proud war veterans, over 5,000 Black men who fought as patriots during the Revolutionary War.
We read of the courageous march south to battle the Confederate Army by the All-Black, 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Unlike their white counterparts, they understood from the beginning that they would be offered NO quarter if captured alive.
The importance of projecting a positive self-perception was seen with the 332nd Fighting Group nicknamed "Hell Fighters" by their German enemy, who received France’s highest military honor, the Croix de Guerre, during WWII. My dad and uncles were among the 125,000 proud Black American volunteers who, throughout their entire lives, considered their decision to serve during WWII as their greatest honor.
RELATED: Former NFL Great Burgess Owens on How Democrats Breed Black Votes
Our past Black generations understood instinctively that they were fighting the battle of racism on two fronts:
The most obvious was their fight against the Democratic Party’s racist Jim Crow laws, intimidation by its terrorist arm, the KKK, and its demeaning messaging of abortion by Black and White Democratic eugenicists.
The second battle, fighting to maintain and grow its positive self-perception, was not as easily measured. In hindsight, we can see the initial success of their mission. It is portrayed in pictures like the one of educated, disciplined and intelligent young WWII Black Tuskegee Airmen whose tenacity and courage earned the respect of White B-17 Fortress pilots, whose lives they protected and saved.
It was the understanding of the power of perception that allowed the Martin Luther King Jr. generations to stay true to the strategy of non-violence, refusing to retaliate when every emotional instinct would justify them doing so. Its leaders would lead demonstrations and often be jailed wearing white shirts, black ties and jackets—all for the sake of perception.
They fought against negative racist stereotyping with their appearance, their command of the English language, their emotional discipline and their Judeo-Christian love that allowed them to forgive and move forward. They had faith in the American Promise that these actions would soften the hearts of our nation and defeat the hateful and demeaning perception assigned by the southern Democratic Party.
They were correct in their faith in the American people.
What exactly were racist stereotypes that they were fighting during that era? It was the portrayal of an inferior, dependent and monkey-linked race. It was a race projected as sloppy in appearance and dress, uneducated, inarticulate, incapable of critical thinking, easy to “herd” into groupthink, physically, emotional and sexually undisciplined, reckless breeders. But, boy, do they LOVE to sing and dance.
RELATED: Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Four-Part Series
This demeaning stereotype, once defeated by MLK’s generation, has reared is ugly head once again in the setting of BET (Black Entertainment TV), 100% owned and controlled by wealthy and powerful White Liberal/Socialist Democrats. Their three billion dollar purchase in 2001 gave Sumner Redstone and the Viacom Corp unfettered access to the urban Black community. They then proceeded for the next 15 years to fire-hose this community nationally with anti-White, anti-police, anti-American, anti-woman, anti-family liberal FILTH. It has resulted in the fermenting of hatred and distrust for police authority and a disdain for our American culture. As Viacom shines the light of unaddressed Black Misery as a political strategy, it has increased the dependency and loyalty of the Black urban community as a voting block for the Democratic Party. Predictably omitted are the facts that at the root of all Black misery, as far back as 70 years, are Anti-Black Democratic policies.
Within the BET website can be seen the dark and empathy-free heart of the White Socialist Democratic owners of BET, who have successfully re-established the racist stereotypes previously eradicated. The White racist perception of the Black race can be seen in BET’s featured star, a rapper that young urban fatherless boys will soon seek to emulate. It is the tattooed face and neck of a young man called “Young Thug.” With a tribal-like ring through his nose and inarticulate speech patterns, he has a continual presence on BET’s gossip page discussing his reckless breeding habits, accumulation of “baby mommas” and the babies who he refuses to support. His filthy language, filthy mind and disdain for commitment and respect for women is presented to our young Black girls and boys as normal—although the cowardly, wealthy White Wizard, hiding behind the curtain of Blackness, would never tolerate his presence around their family or living in their mixed neighborhood of Democratic elitists.
The 2016 White Liberal Democratic owners of BET have portrayed for 15 years a perception of Black Americans that remarkably mimics the racist Democratic-controlled south of the early to mid-1900’s—sloppy in appearance and dress, uneducated, inarticulate, incapable of critical thinking, easy to “herd” into groupthink, physically, emotional and sexually undisciplined, reckless breeders. But, boy, do they LOVE to sing and dance.
Within the website of Viacom, aka, BET is also seen the true cowardice and bullying of the White racist Wizard as they utilize a strategy proven effective in 1930’s by Margaret Sanger—The Negro Project. With the use of a Black front, they pay like-minded Socialist Black Americans to demean, attack and denigrate other Blacks who are deemed a threat to their plantation-like groupthink. Typically, these are articulate, educated, successful, Christian, patriotic and thoughtful Black Americans offering alternatives.
Ultimately the restoration of the Black community will rely on the delivery of this message by committed Black Conservative Americans. Other Americans can support this effort by helping to shed light on those who have purposely used misery and hopelessness to empower themselves and their party.
It is time we call Viacom CEO Phil Dauman, Sheri Redstone and the all-White Democratic Board of Viacom from behind the curtain of Blackness to explain their organizations decades-old strategy for fermenting the Marxist and racist hate group, Black Lives Matter. Every time a policemen is assassinated and another young Black American radicalized through their BET anti-police, anti-American website, this corporation and its leaders should be held accountable.
Only when the light and eyes of the American people are on these “Corporate Hate Breeders” will we be able to grant a level of safety to our police nationally and stem the divisive nature of the Democratic Party-driven Socialist/Marxist movement within our country.
Featured Image: (L to R) Rapper Young Thug, alternately known as No, My Name is Jeffery or Jeffery (Photo Credit: Black Entertainment Television); Members of the 332nd Fighter Group attending a briefing in Ramitelli, Italy, March, 1945. (Photo Credit: Toni Frissell Collection, Library of Congress)