It started in the very first press conference held by Barack Obama: Using fear to push forward his progressive agenda.
In his second inaugural address, the president used lies about the Constitution to divide us, ignoring historical fact and the Founders' relentless efforts to end slavery.
I think we can say the Constitution reflected an enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day, that the Framers had the same blind spot. I don't think the two views are contradictory. To say that there was a remarkable political document that paved the way for where we are now and to say that it also reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.
When Hillary Clinton spoke to the NAACP this week, she perpetuated those lies:
Now, I've been saying this for a while now. I'm going to keep saying it because I think it's important. We white Americans need to do a better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day.
Instilling fear, repeating lies and playing the victim card are tactics regularly used by progressives to further their government agenda. They repeatedly insist America is forever fundamentally flawed because the Founders were white.
RELATED: What the Left and the Right Learned from Last Week’s Shootings
"Well, that's a lie. And that is being used to tear us apart," Glenn said.
The president opened the door for radicals to be taken seriously by saying things like "the police acted stupidly" and ignoring voter intimidation at the ballot box by the Black Panthers.
"You remember that? And the Justice Department said, 'We're not even going to look into it.' Then the ignoring over and over and over again of anti-cop, anti-white rhetoric by this administration," Glenn said.
And the anti-white rhetoric has been explosive.
From the leader of the Nation of Islam, Louise Farrakhan:
So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stop them, and kill them, and let them feel the pain of death...
"The press has spent eight years mocking people in the Tea Party, saying we're violent ... that this is rhetoric that will lead people to violence, but this is ignored? This is ignored? This is not addressed? This poison that is being dumped into the system," Glenn said.
From King Samir Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party:
I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate him.
As I told you, I love white-on-white crime because that is the best crime. And we going to take black power to that, you understand what I mean? I love black people, and I hate the damn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Poppa Billy Bob, and whoever else. Redneck Tom and blueneck Robert, and whoever else you want to name. I hate the white man. I hate the very look of white people. I hate the sound of white people, and I hate the smell of white people.
"Last night, Malik Shabazz [former chairman of the New Black Panther Party] was on with Megyn Kelly, and he was denying that any of those things had been said by the Black Panthers or by him," Glenn said.
The evidence, though, is plentiful.
"Unbelievable. Unbelievable. We've got tons of that, Black Panthers and Nation of Islam," Glenn said.
Glenn's new book Liars: How Progressives Exploit Our Fears For Power and Control explores the background and history behind progressive lies.
"Somebody needs to set the record straight. This is a book that needs to be in your library. We've written a lot of really good books, a lot of good information, but this information must be preserved," Glenn said.
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
Featured Image: A woman holds placard with 'Racist USA' written on it as people rally to support the Black Lives Matter movement on July 17, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. The rallies were organized in support of the Black Lives Matter following a spate of police shootings of African American people in the United States last week. The rallies are also aimed at highlighting Indigenous Australian deaths in custody. (Photo by Scott Barbour/Getty Images)