Liberal elites have a stranglehold on the coasts of America, but there's more to the country than just east and west --- a lot more. It's a vast space of land in between known as "flyover country." And the majority of those who live there couldn't have a more different mentality from their coastal brethren.
Dana Loesch, host of The Dana Show on TheBlaze TV, joined Glenn's radio program on Tuesday to talk about her new book Flyover Nation: You Can't Govern a Country You've Never Been To --- and recap what has been an election season for the ages.
"People don't have any idea on the coasts of who we really are," Glenn said.
Dana agreed wholeheartedly.
"No, and everything that we're dealing with right now and everything that we're talking about in terms of where conservatism is going --- and those people that are leading the way and those people that are making it up --- so many of those people are in flyover country," Loesch said. "When you look at Middle America, with the exception of Nebraska, you had Cruz and Rubio that took from the Canadian border all the way down to the Mexican border. There was this firewall in the Midwest of flyover states. I found that really incredibly interesting."
Another election moment Dana found interesting? Ted Cruz being skewered over the "New York values" comment. While people in flyover country perfectly understood his meaning, New Yorkers went nuts. She found the double standard incredibly irksome.
"We have been made fun of for as long as I can remember. And then one thing is said about New Yorkers, and they lose their ever-loving minds. I was offended that they were offended. Does that make sense? I thought, you have no right to be offended because we've been made fun of our whole entire lives. No, you don't get to be offended. We take first in that," Loesch said.
New Yorkers and other coastal-dwelling folks may mock flyover country values now, but Dana knows they'll flock to it when the rubber meets the road.
"I tell you what, when everything hits the fan and we have a zombie apocalypse that breaks out, people are going to be looking for hillbillies and rednecks. They're going to be running to those people," Loesch said.
In Dana's new book, she shares her alarm over America fracturing into two countries --- not North and South, but Coastal and Flyover. Worse, the people in charge don’t understand the first thing about how most of the country thinks and lives. For example, Coastals think every problem --- from hurt feelings to the cost of birth control --- requires government intervention and huge federal spending. Flyovers know that money isn’t magic fairy dust, and many problems can be solved only by individual character and hard work.
Flyover Nation: You Can't Govern a Country You've Never Been To is available now for pre-order and in bookstores everywhere on June 21.
Featured Image: Dana Loesch