Senator Ted Cruz performed surprisingly well in the New Hampshire primary, coming in third place with very minimal spending. This was even better than Glenn predicted on Tuesday.
Members of a Fox News "All-Star Panel" voiced their collective surprise at Cruz's over-performance in New Hampshire during Bret Baier's Special Report Thursday. They also expressed confidence in his potential to overtake GOP front-runner Donald Trump in future primaries.
"I think Cruz really comes out of this as the strongest non-Trump candidate," said political commentator Charles Krauthammer.
Referencing Cruz's organization, funding and evangelical support in the region, Krauthammer described South Carolina as Cruz's "territory" --- where evangelicals make up about 60 percent of the electorate.
"I think of all the challengers, who's going to be the one --- the last man standing? Right now, I'd say you'd have to put your money on Cruz," he said.
Columnist Stephen Hayes gave Cruz credit for coming in third place in New Hampshire, spending only $800,000 while Jeb Bush spent $36 million to come in fourth.
"This was not a priority for Ted Cruz," Hayes said. "He comes out of there I think looking pretty good."
For those interested in supporting Ted Cruz, Glenn has encouraged listeners to give to Cruz's super PAC, Keep The Promise.
"I partnered with them to barnstorm Iowa to help Ted win there and I am on the ground today in South Carolina doing the very same thing," Glenn said. "They are a great team and I can tell you they will spend your money wisely to help Ted win! Go help them out today!"
Click here to give to Keep The Promise now.
He also encouraged listeners view "Ted Cruz: Faith in Action" --- a beautiful documentary shot right here in the Mercury Studios, about Cruz's faith and leadership.
"We have a chance to transform this country with a candidate who I really feel is the next George Washington," Glenn said. "Ted Cruz is a leader. He is unafraid of the fight we have to win to turn this country around. He's a man of faith who understands the times he lives in."
Featured Image: Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks to members of the media at Morningstar Fellowship Church February 11, 2016 in Fort Mill, South Carolina. After finishing third in the New Hampshire primary, Cruz continued to seek for the Republican nomination in the Palmetto State. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)