Amnesty International: Iran World's Leading Executioner of Children
The so-called "civilized world" is literally bending over backwards to accommodate Iran. Meanwhile, a new Amnesty International report released Monday reveals that the Islamic Republic is the world's leading executioner of children. In a new report, Amnesty International said that it had documented the execution of at least 73 juveniles in Iran from 2005 to 2015 and that 160 juvenile offenders are languishing on the country’s death row. MORE
Baltimore Pays Teens to Shovel Snow for Elderly and Disabled
Armed with a shovel and a smartphone app, hundreds of young people fanned out across Baltimore, Maryland in the wake of last weekend’s winter storm, to shovel sidewalks for the elderly and disabled. About 345 teens are benefitting from the City Youth Snow Program, clearing snow for roughly 1,000 people. MORE
Michelle O: Barack 'Was a Bum' in School
First lady Michelle Obama took her husband to task during remarks to the Real Daytime talk show, saying Barack may be president now, but in his younger years – in his time spent in school and college – he was little more than a "bum" and buffoon. MORE
Compassionate Handyman Fixed a Military Wife's Furnace Free of Charge
Bridget Stevens didn't know who to turn to after her furnace broke down in the dead of winter. She returned home to find her Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, house had become unsettlingly cold after the heating malfunctioned. Stevens' husband was away on deployment with the National Guard and the mother-of-two was left to call for a professional. Luckily, the repairman who showed up at her doorstep was more than just handy, he was compassionate. MORE
Cybersecurity Investing In Israel By The Numbers
With the cybersecurity market growing to a gigantic size, it is well established that Israel is a hotbed of innovation and startups in the space. The end of then year is a good time for summaries and wrapping things up, so I took a look at statistics as gleaned from the database of IVC to put some quantitative observations behind this major wave. MORE
The Rules Don’t Apply to Trump Until They Do
Almost everyone who is anyone is saying that Donald Trump not appearing at the Fox News debate in Des Moines, IA will have no impact on Donald Trump and might help him. I understand the issue and view. After all, every time Trump has defied conventional wisdom it has helped him. I think people thinking that get this one wrong though. MORE