A lot happened over the weekend. Glenn went to Iowa and officially endorsed someone he hopes will be the next President of the United States. Unlike what some headlines would lead you to believe, he did not endorse Bernie Sanders.
"The press is reporting that I like Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump," Glenn said Monday on The Glenn Beck Program. "Would I vote for Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump? No, I wouldn't. I'll vote third party."
He went on to correct the misrepresentations from the media.
"What I did say this weekend is, 'Here's what the election should be: The election should be Bernie Sanders versus Ted Cruz.' Because here's two honest men who are telling you exactly who they are, exactly what they believe and exactly what they'll do," Glenn said.
Unlike Martin O'Malley and Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders isn't trying to hide the fact that he's a complete socialist.
"Let's be really, really clear---the truth matters," Glenn said.
Glenn also shared a moment he had with his family over the weekend, explaining to his children what he thinks will complete America's fundamental transformation.
I sat down at the dinner table last night with my children. My older children and my whole family, we get together on Sundays, and we eat with the children and the grandchildren. And I said, "If we have Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump, kids, I can't tell you what America looks like in four years. But the fundamental transformation is complete."
Because the fundamental transformation of this country that Barack Obama talked about was making---finishing Woodrow Wilson's dream, making this a place where it's just an administrator. Congress doesn't really matter. It's all about the whims of the president of the United States and what he can get done with his phone and his pen. That is what has been happening for the last 100 years, and it's been happening in both parties.
Listen to the segment from radio or read the transcript below for more. Start at 7:34.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
GLENN: I've pledged, as Thomas Jefferson said, on the altar of God, to do all that I can to stand against tyranny. Because I have pledged to many in this audience eyeball to eyeball, my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor. And more importantly, because of my children.
I sat down at the dinner table last night with my children. My older children and my whole family, we get together on Sundays, and we eat with the children and the grandchildren. And I said, "If we have Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump, kids, I can't tell you what America looks like in four years. But the fundamental transformation is complete." Because the fundamental transformation of this country that Barack Obama talked about was making -- finishing Woodrow Wilson's dream, making this a place where it's just an administrator. Congress doesn't really matter. It's all about the whims of the president of the United States and what he can get done with his phone and his pen. That is what has been happening for the last 100 years, and it's been happening in both parties.
I said this weekend -- the press is reporting that I like Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump. No. Would I vote for Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump? No, I wouldn't. I'll vote third party.
Do I think Bernie Sanders will be better for the country than Donald Trump? No, I think they're both a disaster. For completely different reasons. But what I did say this weekend is, here's what the election should be. The election should be Bernie Sanders versus Ted Cruz. Because here's two honest men who are telling you exactly who they are, exactly what they believe, and exactly what they'll do.
Bernie Sanders, unlike O'Malley, unlike Hillary Clinton, who will play around the corner and say, "Oh, well, we're not social -- we're not socialists at all. That socialism. Stop being so racist. Stop being so antiwoman by calling Hillary Clinton a socialist. I'm not socialist. What? I'm hiding all of my papers from college on Saul Alinsky. Saul, who? What?" She's lying to you. And let's be really, really clear, the truth matters.
And as I said in my speech this weekend, here's one truth that is self-evident that needs to be spoken. Hillary Clinton should be in prison, not running for president. She should be in prison.
If you and I did what she has admitted to doing, we would number prison. We are a nation of laws and not men. But, see, that is the final transformation. That is the fundamental transformation that Barack Obama has wanted, that we are a nation of men and not laws, that men make the decision when they're in office. And Donald Trump has said that he will -- he'll still do executive orders; his will just be good. Not constitutional: Good.
I went to Iowa against my own self-interests to endorse Ted Cruz this weekend, to break something that I have sworn that I would never do: Endorse somebody for president. Because I think we're at the end, gang. This is it.
What happens in Iowa in nine days may -- may mean the difference between our country surviving as a constitutional republic or not. Are you for the Constitution of the United States of America? And will you protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic?
Ted Cruz was -- was born for this time. He was raised for this time. He memorized the Constitution when he was 13. He can still quote it back.
And America is angry. And it's only going to get worse if we play into the anger. We never make a good decision when we're angry. The press wants Donald Trump. They want Donald Trump to be the candidate on the Republican side because they're going to unleash hell on him.
Now, whether he wins or loses at that point doesn't matter to me. If he is the candidate, he has destroyed the Republican Party because then you don't stand for principles. You stand only for winning and the same kind of progressive ideas.
If he wins the presidency, you can kiss the Constitution goodbye, just as much as you can with Hillary or Bernie Sanders. Something that I've warned since I was on Fox. I'm consistent. If you are thinking about voting for Ben Carson, who is a really good man -- I like Ben. If you're thinking about Marco Rubio, who is a really good man, I like Marco. If you're thinking about voting for Rand Paul -- I like them. But I have to tell you. They do not have a chance of winning in Iowa. And if Donald Trump puts 13 points ahead of number two, it's over. Donald Trump will be the G.O.P. candidate. I'm convinced of it. Unless he implodes. But we've been saying that for a while.
He got up this weekend and he said -- and I quote: I could shoot people on Fifth Avenue, and I won't lose a vote. The hubris on that is stunning. To think that you could say, "Yes, my people are lemmings. It doesn't matter what I do. I could shoot people, and they won't abandon me." Oh, my gosh. It's stunning and dangerous.
But people want to win. And if he's 15 points, 13 points, 15 points ahead of number two in Iowa, it's over. And so I went to Iowa this weekend to look those people in the eye and say, "Can you give America a chance? Can you give the rest of America a chance to have their vote count?" Because the media -- even if it's close -- I think if -- I think if Cruz won by three points, the media will say, "You know what, he wasn't expecting to win in Iowa anyway and, I mean, that's an evangelical -- for him to do that great, it's almost really a win anyway." And then he'll win by ten points in New Hampshire, and then it's over.
Now, I hope I'm wrong. I don't think I am.
I know I'm not wrong on Ted Cruz. Might be wrong on Donald Trump. Hope I am. But I know I'm not wrong on Ted Cruz.
PAT: You're not wrong on Donald Trump either.
Featured Image: Screen shot from The Glenn Beck Program.