As GOP candidates jockey for position in Iowa and New Hampshire, campaign ads are beginning to flood the commercial breaks on TV.
Donald Trump released his first ad full of quintessential Trump phrases and outlandish promises.
By comparison, Senator Ted Cruz's ad introduces himself with a direct appeal to conservative principles, rather than making promises he knows he won't keep.
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On his radio program Monday, Glenn brought up yet another ad by a less-popular candidate, Senator Rick Santorum, who strangely decided to create an attack ad against Cruz.
"This is really bad," Glenn said.
Listen to the segment or read the transcript below.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
GLENN: Do we have the audio of this new Rick Santorum ad?
PAT: Yeah, I think so.
GLENN: This is really bad.
PAT: It's insulting.
TED: I like Green Eggs and Ham.
VOICE: Ted Cruz is wonderful, reading children's fairytales on the Senate floor.
PAT: Come on.
TED: Sam I am.
STU: Come on.
VOICE: Rick Santorum spent his time in the Senate a little differently. Eight years on the Senate Armed Services Committee, helping to modernize today's Army to better be prepared for today's threats.
PAT: Shut up.
VOICE: Santorum also wrote and passed tough laws, putting harsh sanctions on Iran. And for more than a decade, Rick Santorum has been a leader, taking on radical Islam.
RICK: Not all Muslims are jihadists, and no one would say that. But the reality is, all jihadists are Muslims.
VOICE: You want someone to read one hell of a bedtime story, Ted Cruz is your guy. If you want to protect America and defeat ISIS, Rick Santorum is your president. Because --
PAT: Come on. That's embarrassing.
GLENN: It is.
PAT: That's beneath Rick Santorum.
STU: Really weak.
GLENN: You would think that Rick would learn the lesson about what happened with Donald Trump. Once you take on -- real conservatives, real conservatives know who -- know who Ted Cruz is.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: By the way, he's going to be on the show tomorrow. We know who he is. So you may not want to vote for him, you may not like him. But you know he's conservative. You know he's the real deal. And you know why he was reading Green Eggs and Ham.
STU: Right.
PAT: That was part of a 21-hour filibuster in the Senate, and as a good night thing to his kids, he read them Green Eggs and Ham. Jeez, come on.
GLENN: Right. It's not like Harry Reid when he talks about --
PAT: Come on. His pomegranate trees back in Nevada.
GLENN: Right.
STU: The complaint about Ted Cruz by many people is that he's too serious.
STU: He doesn't have enough fun.
PAT: Yes.
STU: He doesn't have that side that's, you know, a little bit lighter.
PAT: There is a candidate, if you want to take somebody on, who is not a serious candidate in this race, but it ain't Ted Cruz. And he obviously doesn't want to take on that person.
GLENN: Well, I don't think he wants to take on that person because he's not going to get those person's voters.
STU: He's not --
PAT: He's not going to get Cruz's either.
STU: 0 percent. Not going to get anybody's vote on -- and this proves it.
PAT: That's sad.
STU: We sit here and we wonder why Rick Santorum, who has, by the way, won Iowa in the most recent election there.
GLENN: And we like Rick.
STU: I like him too. But this is weak.
PAT: Really weak.
STU: This is weak, man. I have no problem with him contrasting viewpoints -- he came on our show and said he thought he was more conservative on immigration than Ted Cruz. And, you know, you can pick that apart.
PAT: Make it real though. Yeah. Make that point then. Make that point.
STU: I didn't think that case was particularly strong, but that's a totally fair thing for him to come on and try to -- to act as if Ted Cruz isn't serious because he read a book --
PAT: The only thing he's done is read Green Eggs and Ham in the Senate? Come on.
STU: That's a small part of a long filibuster. Not to mention, it has nothing to do with the rest of his career. The other thing they highlight in the ad is a picture of him reading to his kids from this campaign, which is a --
GLENN: Saturday Night Live.
STU: -- it was a parody ad that they aired during Saturday Night Live. It's just -- it's beneath Rick Santorum. I would expect it from Mike Huckabee. I would expect it from Hillary Clinton. From trash candidates. I don't expect that from Rick Santorum. That's really -- that's poor.
PAT: Yeah, it is.
Featured Image: Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump (L) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) participate in the CNN republican presidential debate at The Venetian Las Vegas on December 15, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thirteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the fifth set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)