As a conservative Christian, Patrick Walsh went through missionary aviation school before he felt guided to start an air sign business. Inspired by the Never Again Is Now movement Glenn started talking about earlier this year, Walsh realized his business gave him the unique opportunity to support the cause in a very special way. And it would involve his 150-foot blimp.
"We had a guy call us a couple of weeks ago and say, 'I want to come. But me coming is a little different.' And we said, 'okay.' And he said, 'I want to bring my blimp,'" Glenn said.
Walsh explained the hot air blimp will be a massive display in the sky above the march in Birmingham from 9:00 to 11:00 am on Saturday, providing aerial coverage live streamed via Meerkat.
"Can I ask why you're doing this, Patrick?" Glenn said.
Walsh said he's always looking for ways to use the skills and resources God has blessed him with to amplify His message.
"When Christians are being persecuted in the Middle East, and here in the United States lives are being threatened, you know, we can't have unity without recognizing and dealing with these hard issues. All lives matter. We have to bring attention to each of these situations," Walsh said.
Listen to the exchange or read the full transcript below.
Below is a rush transcript for this segment, it might contain errors.
GLENN: Birmingham is just about sold out for the -- the event on Saturday. We'd love for you to attend. Grab your tickets now at Or And it's going to be quite an amazing -- just a really amazing weekend of unity of people coming together from all walks of life that all know that they have something to contribute. They can do something. And a lot of people kind of dismiss what they have. We had a guy call us -- call Mercury a couple of weeks ago and say, I want to come. But me coming is a little -- is a little different. And we said, okay. And he said, I want to bring my blimp.
And it's funny because that's what my wife says when she wants to go places. And his name is Patrick Walsh. And he's with us on the phone now. Patrick, how are you? Patrick, are you there?
PATRICK: Real pleasure to be part of this in even a small way.
GLENN: So where are you from, Patrick?
PATRICK: I'm out of North Central Florida, the Gainesville area. But our company covers the whole United Sates and many international locations as well.
But, you know, when I heard about the message, I heard about this event, you know, personally I like to align myself with messages and missions I truly agree with, and I couldn't imagine a better one at this time. And a better event and movement to be a part of. And, you know, if there's anything I can do to amplify this message, of course, I would love to be part of that.
GLENN: Okay. I will tell you that you're a really humble guy. And I hate to have you go and not at least receive some attention on what you do for a living. So I'm going to mention your -- your company. You have a 150-foot blimp?
PATRICK: Yeah. So we operate a bunch of different aerial type of products. But this is a brand-new thing that we've just introduced to the US market. And we have two of these so far, but one of them that we'll be using for this event next Saturday. It's a 150-foot eco blimp. So it's an environmentally friendly blimp. It utilizes a thermal hot air system, compared to your traditional, you know, helium.
But it's going to be a super cool, you know, massive display in the sky above the march. We'll be flying it from 9:00 to 11:00 on Saturday. Not only will have this big message on each side of the blimp. It will be providing aerial coverage that will be live streamed down to the Meerkat team. Just a fun -- and a way just to amplify and bring the message. A lot of people refer it even as a social media super charger. You know, we'll have this big massive hashtag on the side of it with your message.
GLENN: So you -- you're going to be flying 500 feet above us. Isn't that really low?
PATRICK: It is. So between 500 to 1,000 feet. But there's a lot of logistics associated with this. We had to get a specific block of airspace cleared from the FAA and the control tower and ATC (phonetic), up in that area. And that's where they cleared us for, which is great. You know, from an audience perspective, we'll be able to provide some great footage. It will look massive. It will be right above everybody.
GLENN: That's great. So you are -- this is the great thing. I don't know if we've even announced this yet. Did I talk about Meerkat on the air yet? We've gotten with the people of Meerkat and they've agreed to put us right at the front page of Meerkat I think it's on Saturday. And there will be four live streams. There will be one with me all the time. There will be another one with the crowd. There will be another one someplace else. And then one up in the blimp. And then you can pick. It's like a control room switcher. You can pick which feed you want to watch and go back and forth between them. So you'll actually be up in the blimp, and you'll be controlling the Meerkat feed?
PATRICK: Yeah. I'll probably -- although I fly the blimp occasionally, one of our pilots will be up there. So I'll be able to be down on the ground and see it in action as well. But, yeah, one of our pilots will be controlling the video feed through a GoPro linked directly through the Live Stream to the Meerkat. So you'll get the aerial coverage and, occasionally, a shot of the cockpit or the blimp team as well.
GLENN: Can I ask why you're doing this, Patrick?
PATRICK: Yeah. So when I look at causes, you know, early on in my life, I actually -- I've always had a life for aviation and went through all my flight school to pursue that dream. But early on, I wanted to pursue a career in missions. I'm a conservative Christian. Definitely very dedicated or try to be to the Lord. And went through aviation school. Was inspired by people like Nate Saint. His son, Steve Saint -- you know, his father was the missionary martyr down in South America. He was one of my mentors growing up.
So true to life, I've tried to not only live it out, but also do things to make a difference. You know, now as I went through missionary aviation school and God intervened and guided me to this air sign business, I've looked for ways in the United States and internationally that we can use the skills and resources that we have or the company that God has blessed me with, to amplify his message. You know, I align myself with missions and great causes. I look at this, all lives matter. Never again is now. It's a message that we need and it needs to be amplified. I think the hashtags they'll be using for the blimp are the unity blimp. Or just #Unityblimp. And that's perfect because when Israel is being threatened, when Christians are being persecuted in the Middle East, and here in the United States, lives are being threatened, you know, we can't have unity without recognizing and dealing with these hard issues. All lives matter. We have to bring attention to each of these situations. That's why I love you and the messages that you put out. You know, I'm a dad. I have seven kids. I want to be a good example for them and train them to grow up in a way that will use their life for a great purpose as well.
GLENN: Patrick, I appreciate it. Thank you so much. I hope to shake your hand and meet you on Saturday.
PATRICK: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for allowing us to be part of this.
GLENN: You bet.