'Never Again Is Now': Glenn announces relief campaign for Middle East, 'Restoring Honor' anniversary event in Birmingham, and much more

Below are the prepared remarks from Glenn's radio show Monday June 8th, 2015

Get the key information from the announcement of 'Never Again Is Now' HERE

Five years ago this August 28th five hundred thousand americans boarded a plane, train or bus. They came from all over the country and indeed all over the world. They didn’t know what to expect. They just knew something big was going to happen. Those that were not there, do not understand. But those five hundred thousand people felt something that they still feel today. It was the start of something divine and we thirst for more of it.

Since we met, things in our country have gotten worse. I don't even mean politically, I mean we have gone over the cliff of madness, and indifference. Nothing makes sense anymore. Our Pentagon is told the biggest threat to our nation is global warming, we are told that we have ended the war in Afghanistan and Iraq yet our planes are still dropping bombs and our sons and daughters are still losing their lives. Those who seek high office are telling us about a war on women but it has nothing to do with the women and young girls that are raped and sold into slavery every day by people we sold guns to. The gay rights activists sue over flowers and wedding cakes and say nothing about the homosexuals that are thrown of the roofs of buildings in Syria everyday. We as Christians claim our rights are being violated while at the same time children are being crucified for their profession of Jesus Christ and we say nothing.

How many stories, and hours of network time has been lost forever on Bruce Jenner or the Duggars that drown out the voices of those beheaded cry out from the blood soaked sands of Libya?

We have become a people that are frankly absurd. We are a gross parody of the Great Americans that came before us. Our so called Civil rights leaders have become a sick joke who have turned the cries of racism, sexism, rape from cries of help to shouts of blackmail or threats.

We can no longer even teach our children that 2+2=4 because our math no longer contains absolute answers. If you feel good about 5 or 8, those can be correct as well. Our institutions of higher learning have become the modern day slave trade, enslaving our children to debt while insuring that they cannot read, reason or think for themselves.

Our churches have gone silent because they have built huge cathedrals to themselves and the God that they obey is the God of the Bank. They convince themselves that they cannot say things that might be too controversial because they would lose too many “customers” in the pew, they couldn’t service the debt. We have replaced revealed truth with light shows and rock bands.

The hatreds of old have reappeared, hatred of the jew, the banker, or the rich. We say we must be tolerant but we persecute, silence and destroy anyone who dares speak an opinion other than the newly accepted political “truth”. The murder rate in city after city has sky rocketed by 20 and 25% in the last 6 months while the citizens cry out for justice as they commit an injustice by burning their own city down. Only to have the city leaders thank the Bloods, Crips and Nation of Islam for partnering with them to keep the peace. The good cops will no longer risk their lives to keep the peace because we have condemned all police and labeled them killers. They are ALL guilty until proven innocent and even when they are declared innocent no one seems to care or to report.

In 2001 an enemy attacked us. He was unlike anything we had seen. He was vicious and had a set of principles that were too insane to rationally accept. Those days seem reasonable now. Currently our enemy marches people in orange jumpsuits and beheads them while quoting scriptures from the Koran or locks them in cages and sets them on fire. They crucify, behead and literally rip open the chests of our fallen on the battle field and eat the raw organs and our leaders call for more war or tell us the cannibals are a JV squad.

I will no longer pretend that nothing is wrong and act as though things are normal and that this is progress. This is not progress, this is madness. When America, the last bastion of Freedom, the best hope for all of mankind, becomes a place where her citizens turn their eyes from Crucifixions of children we are no longer a country or people I recognize.

We are a nation in which our citizenship is more of an indictment than an honor.

If we are to stand in the gap when real trouble comes to our shores, when our cities have been set on fire by our fellow countrymen, when ISIS comes to our malls and schools, we must begin to prepare now. Real war unlike we have seen since the 1940s is coming, like it or not. But a bigger battle is already in play. A battle for the soul of America. In this battle, we must soften our hearts. Rid ourselves of anger and hatred of each other that has been ginned up by the enemy within. We must also begin to organize ourselves in ways that the real civil rights giants have done in the past because this, in time, may just well be the last stand for the republic and we must not allow false hatreds to tear us apart.

There are no solutions on our streets in Ferguson or Baltimore because there is no unity of Principles. Where are those who stand for real justice without looting? Who are seeking the truth no matter if it means the cops are innocent or guilty? Who is preaching that God is the only one that can provide real peace and eternal justice? They are there, but there are not enough of them, and most of the ones that do preach this are not being seen.

I am happy to live in these days because we are now FORCED to grapple with the problems that have faced others throughout history, and our very survival demands that we solve them – now.

We must stick together and unify. Not around a common cause or a common outcome but instead unchanging universal principles, regardless of the outcome.

Whenever Pharaoh wanted to prolong the period of slavery in Egypt, he kept the slaves fighting among themselves. But whenever the slaves get together, it causes trouble in Pharaoh's court, and he cannot hold the slaves in slavery. We must disregard the things that are being taught by the Pharaohs all around us.

These Pharaohs are working on all sides and in almost every camp and they have successfully redefined hate. It is being packaged and sold as diversity, political correctness and progress. It is Godless and it seeks a victory over reconciliation and in the end will only produce generations of war, despair and hopelessness.

The silencing and destruction of others because of their viewpoint in the name of progress has become the new norm and revenge and vengeance is the new law of the streets.

We must stand united and declare: Just because one might disagree does not mean that we hate one another. We as Christians are commanded to Love one another and to abide by His higher laws. If we abandon these two principles our faith is dead. But as Christians we cannot pick and choose which laws we obey.

We ourselves have become unrighteous, covetous, full of envy, deceit and proud. We are boastful covenant breakers. By professing ourselves wise we have become fools. Our practice of our faith in word only too many times gives people the opportunity, rightly in many cases, to confuse with disagreement with Judgment and hatred.

Let each of us be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of God. Love works no ill to his neighbor. Love is the fulfilling of the law. It is high time we awake from our sleep for trouble is nearer than we believe. We must again find away to live with one another in peace and understanding.

Rev Dr Martin Luther King had the right idea. He saw a vision built on God’s truth, with Unity and love as key principles, and the concept of boycott and non-violent were his tactics, driven by principles, and based on truth. This non-violent resistance also worked with Gandhi, but Gandhi, a Hindu, said he learned it from Jesus - the revolutionary. Gandhi even chided the modern followers of Jesus for not following Jesus’ example, telling them, “You Christians have in your keeping a document with enough dynamite in it to blow the whole of civilization to bits; to turn society upside down; to bring peace to this war torn world. But you read it as if it were just good literature, and nothing else.”

He was right. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will start a revolution. It has before and it will again – if its teachings are applied and lived out in each of us.

This is not about politics. Politics has failed us because we have failed to stand for justice and righteousness. We have failed to stand for first principles and too many hearts have grown cold. This is about who we are and our culture. We must jump start the American heart. We must prepare to be stronger and more disciplined than we ever thought possible. We must dedicate ourselves to the principles of America and the principles of God.

In talking about the Gospel based non-violent resistance, Martin Luther King, said:

"As we begin to struggle with this evil we must always be sure that we struggle with Christian methods and Christian weapons. As we press on for Justice, we must be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the weapon of love. Let no man pull you so low as to hate him. Always avoid violence. If we succumb to the temptation of using violence in this struggle, unborn generations will be the recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness and our chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos."

It is not the 1960s anymore. The dark days full of hate and rage have come and gone. We are no longer those people or those so-called and self-appointed civil rights community organizers who wish to drag us back; we dismiss them.

Those who seek retribution over reconciliation, those who blackmail or incite --- We do not need you anymore. There is a new generation of men and women, young and old, Christian, Jew, agnostic, liberal and conservative, black and white, straight and not, that have a better idea.

We do not need catchy slogans nor political parties, we believe less in the power of the check book and more in the power of the back bone.

To heal our country, we must stand in line with the everlasting truth of the Almighty, accept His will and His grace and then put our faith into action. We then that are strong ought to bear the troubles and infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves.

Currently the weakest among us are those of all faiths and walks of life being killed by ISIS in Syria, Lybia, Iraq and all across the middle east but also by those in Iran, Afghanistan, and even those in Saudi Arabia.

After the second world war we as a people promised "Never Again".

May I suggest that Never again is NOW.

A genocide is going on now and we all know it. The pictures are on the web, yet we turn our eyes. We must be brave enough to look, and Christian enough to act. God specifically tells us: “When you happen on someone who’s in trouble or needs help . . . don’t look the other way pretending you don’t see him – don’t keep a tight grip on your purse. No. Look at him; open your purse; lend whatever and as much as he needs. . . . Give freely and spontaneously. Don’t have a stingy heart. The way you handle matters like this triggers God’s blessing in everything you do – all your work and ventures. . . .”

First they came for the Coptic Christians but I didn't speak out because I wasn't Coptic.

Then they came for the Homosexual and stoned them to death, but I didn't speak out because I wasn't homosexual.

Then they sold the Kurdish women and children in to slavery but I wasn't a 9 year old kurd so I didn't say anything.

Then they came for the muslim who wasn't muslim enough and the Christian that wouldn't convert but I didn't say anything because I didn't think it involved me and I didn't think I could do anything anyway.

Eventually they will come for you, and there will be no one left to speak out for you.

Not to speak is to speak, not to stand is to stand. God will not hold us blameless.

Evil exists. But so does God. As the sky grows darker, it is only then that we can see the stars that begin to shine. We must be those pinholes of light and as others begin to join us, the sky will grow bright and it will be those very stars that are in fixed positions of stability that will guide all those lost in the darkness to safety.

The world may tell you that it is foolish to stand for things that are right and just, that you are too weak but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise: and He has chosen the weak to confound those things that are mighty.

Let us develop a dangerous unselfishness.

Let us be the new righteous among the nations, those who declare themselves free of all men, yet make themselves servants unto all, that they might gain the more. Let us be the next Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Fredrick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, Hilda Solis, Nelson Mandela, Oskar Schindler. All giants that had nothing more than you. Just a willingness to stand against injustice and bend the arc of History.

We are those that have been called for this time. This could have happened in any other generation, but it didn’t; it happened in ours. It happened now, and We can be the civil rights leaders of this generation.

It will take dedication, hard work, and perseverance on our part – it will require actually living by the teachings of faith that so many of us so casually profess. But we will not give up and we will not give in to hopelessness or hate.

The Christian who speaks out for the homosexual being stoned in Iran, the homosexual who stands for the Christian Baker in Oregon, The Jew that sees the dark echoes of the past and wakes his people to the plight of the Coptic Christians and the Christian who stands in defense of the Jew in France or on an American college campus. These will be the people that begin to change the world.

We will not go over the cliff with the rest of humanity. But where there is true hatred, murder, corruption, power and evil, it will not be tossed aside easily. We fight not against flesh and bone, but principalities. Nevertheless, we will stand against them.

Whenever you take a stand for truth and justice, you are liable to scorn. Often you will be called an impractical idealist or a dangerous radical. It might even mean physical death. But if physical death is the price that some must pay to free their children from a permanent life of spiritual death, than nothing could be more Christian. We should not worry about persecution. We should expect it because we know that is what happens when any individual stands for a great principle, for a great principle – a great truth – is often unpopular.

We will be troubled at every side but not distressed, we will be perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed.

I will not silently sit by as others redefine bravery as Caitlyn Jenner while a Father in Erbil watches his children slaughtered in front of him because his children would not deny Christ.

I will not pretend that free on demand abortions constitute a war on women while women are murdered in cold blood by there own families in so called honor killings here in our own country.

There are many things to fix in America and racism, sexism and injustice does exist here, but we must recognize how grotesque we have become in our cry of ‘injustice’.

We are a country who has lost not only its way, but history will show we have lost our mind. When finger guns constitute a class three look a like weapon in schools, while children are being slaughtered in schools by isis, when teachers can take their students to porn stores for a field trip and parents are told that they need to embrace this, when people claim there are 82 genders when God created two and some now are arguing for TransAblism - the person who feels they were born handicapped but were born in a fully able body and so they want the medical system to remove a limb, our society has gone over the edge of no return.

I am announcing today that I am a community organizer of sorts and I would like you to join me.

We are going to start with the clearest injustice on the planet today. One that will bring us together and something we can all unite on. This is something that our houses of worship should be leading on, but far too many are silent. It is time we turn the tables over and chase the money changers out of the churches and hold the arms up of those brave enough to say the things that need to be said.

Five years ago on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial we introduced you to the Black Robe Regiment. There were just over three hundred that joined us that day. Spiritual leaders from all denominations. Today we have in our data banks over 70 thousand pastors, priests and rabbis. I am told that if this were Germany 1939 over ten thousand of these holy men would have walked to the gas chambers themselves as they would not have complied. But the real secret is, Bonhoeffer had less then 10 pastors with him, had he had 10,000 maybe the Holocaust would not have happened at all.

I am not a preacher, but I am going to be starting a tour of churches this summer. We are going to begin to shake ourselves awake and we will begin with the pulpits. God is not dead, but many of his pulpits are. I will be speaking at churches where the pastors can be trusted to say the difficult things. Places were pastors know what time it is and will sleep no more. NEVER AGAIN IS NOW. .

Our faith requires us to put our Christian belief into action.

Together we will wake the most powerful force on earth --- the people of God, together we can be an army of good.

I am beginning where Martin Luther King began --- in Birmingham, Alabama. Guiding Light Church in Birmingham, Alabama is just down the street from the building where MLK began his historic stand against Bull Connor. Bishop James Lowe is a brave and outspoken man. We may not agree on everything, but He and his congregation are unafraid and have welcomed us for the anniversary of Restoring Honor and Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' speech. Friday August 28th.

There are no tickets to buy and space will be limited. I will speak at as many churches that we can afford. If it is three churches or 300 in the end, I do not know but it is time the flocks demand from the shepherds a return to first principles. We must not lose our uniqueness as different denominations, I am not suggesting we mix our theology, I am however suggesting that the hour grows late and God is the only answer. If we turn our faces back toward Him, He will heal our land. But we must humble ourselves, do the uncomfortable things and come together. The body is made up of many parts and all of those parts are needed now.

What could bring us all together? We needed to find the most glaring injustice on earth. Something that black, white, straight or gay, Glenn Beck or even Bill Maher could agree on:

ALL LIFE MATTERS. The genocide perpetrated by the psychotic killers named ISIS must stop. So the first thing we are doing is raising money to help those innocents in the middle east. I hope to be traveling to the middle east in the next two or three months with a plane load of aid and my cameras to bring home the story of the children who are standing up against the evil of isis.

I may ask you to join me as we bring aid and comfort to those most in need. I would ask for your donation to help us in this goal of raising $2 million dollars in relief. We will also ask some of your churches around the country to take this money and actually fill the boxes and the planes. We will be asking your children to write letters to children in refugee camps so they know that America has not forgotten them. Please go to mercuryone.org right now and donate and join our cause.

There is much more to this campaign as it will be an on going movement and we will begin discussing it on tonights TV show on TheBlaze TV. We are going to begin to gather like minded people and train for non violent resistance and civil disobedience. We must understand that we are now David and Goliath has all the power.

I am asking you to be a man or woman of merit. Of honor, courage, love and discipline. It is an honor to have been born at this time. It is by the grace of God that he has allowed such a flawed man as me to have this platform and get to know you everyday.

I don't know how this all works, nor do I know where it all ends, but I do know it is a journey I must take and if we refuse to ask if God is on our side, but instead ask if we are on His side, Americans will again change the world with Malice toward none and charity for all.

Inside President Trump's EXCLUSIVE inauguration balls

Joe Raedle / Staff | Getty Images

Inauguration Monday was a busy day for President Trump, and it didn't stop after his inauguration address either. President Trump partied across D.C. long into the night.

Exclusive balls are a D.C. tradition on inauguration night, hosting many of the nation's most influential people. President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump appeared at three of the most prestigious balls: the Commander-in-Chief Ball, the Liberty Ball, and the Starlight Ball.

These parties had star-studded guest lists that included celebrities, musicians, politicians, and many more. Here is a peek into the exclusive inaugural balls:

Commander-in-Chief Ball

The Washington Post / Contributor | Getty Images

Trump's first stop was at the Commander-in-Chief Ball, an event dedicated to the armed forces that defend our nation. The event included a dance where Vice President J.D. Vance and his wife Usha Vance joined the President and First Lady on stage and a performance from the country music band Rascal Flatts and country singer Parker McCollum. President Trump also spoke to U.S. service members stationed in South Korea on a video call and cut a cake shaped like Air Force One with a sword.

Several people of note were in attendance, including Trump's pick for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, and actor Jon Voight. Musician and avid Trump supporter Kid Rock was also in attendance along with country music star Billy Ray Cyrus.

Liberty Ball

The Washington Post / Contributor | Getty Images

Trump's second stop of the night was at the Liberty Ball, an event thrown for all of Trump's loyal supporters. The event had a magnificent lineup of musicians, including country singer Jason Aldean and rapper Nelly. There was even a live performance of Trump's iconic campaign song, "YMCA" by Village People.

Also in attendance were President Trump's daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband Jared Kushner, who appeared on stage with her father.

Starlight Ball

JIM WATSON / Contributor | Getty Images

Wrapping up his night of celebration, President Trump visited the Starlight Ball, which was full of major donors to his campaign.

Shortly after arriving, the presidential couple and the vice presidential couple shared a dance in front of a mock White House. Later the stage featured singer Gavin DeGraw for a memorable performance. Notably, renowned podcaster and comedian Theo Von was spotted entering the event. Von is known for hosting President Trump on his podcast for an in-depth interview during his campaign, which many credit boosting Trump's popularity with the younger generation.

Top five executive orders Trump plans to sign

MORRY GASH / Contributor | Getty Images

Donald J. Trump has officially been sworn back into office, and the restoration of America begins today!

Over the weekend, President Trump gave a sneak peek into the tidal wave of executive orders he has promised to sign on day one. Judging by the nature of these orders, it appears that Trump will hit the ground running, making massive strides toward his campaign promises mere hours after being sworn in. While the scope of the 200-plus orders is wide-reaching, there is a special focus on the southern border, the energy crisis, and purging DEI policies from the federal government.

Below we have compiled a list of the top FIVE executive orders that will be on Trump's desk today:

Declare a national emergency at the border

John Moore / Staff | Getty Images

The situation on the U.S.-Mexico border has been in a state of free fall for the past four years as millions of undocumented, illegal immigrants have flooded into our nation. By declaring this crisis a national emergency, Trump will bring the needed attention to the border, as well as free his hands to act decisively.

Designate cartels as terrorist organizations

NICHOLAS ROBERTS / Stringer | Getty Images

Drug cartels are responsible for many of the most heinous crimes committed across the border. These cartels are well-organized and run illicit operations including drug and weapon smuggling and human and sex trafficking. Over the past four years, the cartels have begun to establish themselves deeper and deeper in America, as in the case of an apartment complex reportedly being taken over by a Venezuelan cartel in Aurora, Colorado. By labeling these cartels as terrorist organizations, we can begin handling them with the necessary force required to relinquish their hold on American soil.

Resume construction on the border wall

PATRICK T. FALLON / Contributor | Getty Images

Shortly after taking office, President Biden halted the construction of the border wall, a project that was a staple of Trump's 2016 campaign. Over the past four years, no progress has been made on the mammoth structure designed to help secure our border—but that ends today.

Declare a national energy emergency

David McNew / Staff | Getty Images

During Trump's first term in the Oval Office, America was energy independent, a status quickly lost under Biden. By declaring an energy emergency, Trump plans to cut through miles of red tape and help America tap its bountiful natural energy sources, such as oil and gas. Under Trump, Keystone XL can resume, and new sources of oil and gas can be tapped for the first time, ending our reliance on foreign energy.

Force the federal government to recognize biological sex

Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

Flying in the face of the woke ideology that has been permeating the American government for years, Trump will sign an executive order that establishes a government-wide acknowledgment of the gender binary—that is, that there are only two genders, male and female. This will require all government identifications, such as passports and personnel records, to reflect biological reality and end the forced use of "preferred pronouns." It will also end taxpayer-funded transition procedures for members of the military and prisoners.

15 MLK quotes the far-left does NOT want you to read

Hulton Archive / Stringer, Michael Ochs Archives / Stringer | Getty Images

While members of the far-left often herald Martin Luther King Jr. as an emblem of their movement, it is ironic that many of MLK's core values and teachings are at odds with their values. On this day when we honor Martin Luther King Jr., one of America's most articulate and transformational leaders, it is important that we remember his teachings as they truly were, and not what the modern-left would like them to be. Here are 15 of MLK's most impactful quotes the far-left would like you to forget.

MLK was a firm believer in non-violent demonstration, unlike ANTIFA and many of the modern-left movements today. He also taught the motivation behind these non-violent movements should be love, not hate.

1. I have earnestly worked and preached against violent tension, but there is a type of constructive nonviolent tension that is necessary for growth. Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal, we must see the need of having nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men to rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. So, the purpose of direct action is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation.—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963
2. After contemplation, I conclude that this award which I receive on behalf of that movement is a profound recognition that nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral question of our time – the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to violence and oppression. Civilization and violence are antithetical concepts.—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964
3. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence.—"I Have a Dream" speech, 1963
4. Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace, and thereby transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964
5. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964
6. I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and nonviolent redemptive good will proclaim the rule of the land. “And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid.”—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964

MLK believed just laws are derived from God's law alone. He defined unjust laws as those that do not treat all men equally in dignity, as God's law requires. Civil disobedience is only justified when it involves breaking an unjust law in pursuit of moral law, he taught.

7. How does one determine when a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law, or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law.—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963
8. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust. All segregation statutes are unjust because segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality. It gives the segregator a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority. To use the words of Martin Buber, the great Jewish philosopher, segregation substitutes an "I - it" relationship for the "I - thou" relationship and ends up relegating persons to the status of things.—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963
9. We can never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was "illegal." It was "illegal" to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler's Germany. But I am sure that if I had lived in Germany during that time, I would have aided and comforted my Jewish brothers even though it was illegal. If I lived in a Communist country today where certain principles dear to the Christian faith are suppressed, I believe I would openly advocate disobeying these anti-religious laws—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963

MLK did NOT hate America. On the contrary, he loved America's founding principles and fought for the equal application rights of principles and America's Judeo-Christian heritage. He was hopeful rather than hateful of the future of America and mankind.

10. So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."I Have a Dream" speech, 1963
11. One day the South will know that when these disinherited children of God sat down at lunch counters they were in reality standing up for the best in the American dream and the most sacred values in our Judeo-Christian heritage.—Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963
12. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men — yes, Black men as well as white men — would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.—"I Have a Dream" speech, 1963
13. I accept this award today with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind. I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history. I refuse to accept the idea that the “isness” of man’s present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal “oughtness” that forever confronts him.—Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964

Unlike Critical Race Theory and modern leftist movement, MLK fought against applying special privileges to a particular race. Instead, MLK dreamed of both black and white people living together in love and brotherhood as equals.

14. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.—"I Have a Dream" speech, 1963
15. When this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, Black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.—"I Have a Dream" speech, 1963

Join Glenn and Stu this Monday, January 20th, starting at 11 a.m. Eastern, for an unforgettable livestream of Donald Trump’s second inauguration. Broadcasting live from the heart of the nation’s capital, Glenn will bring you unparalleled coverage during the last hour of his radio program of this historic moment as the United States ushers in what Glenn describes as a "golden era" under Trump’s leadership. After his radio program, join Glenn for BlazeTV's live stream of the inauguration with special guests, live commentary, and the energy of being right on-site at this historic event for coverage you don’t want to miss.

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