Glenn announced this morning that on 8/28/2015, the fifth anniversary of “Restoring Honor,” he would be speaking at Guiding Light Church in Birmingham, Alabama. The “Restoring Honor” event was a pivotal moment for Glenn and everyone in attendance. It was on that day that Glenn called for people to turn back to God and unite as one. Now, it’s time to take the next step. Bishop James Lowe of Guiding Light Church joined Glenn on radio to discuss the movement and the role churches will play in the days to come.
GLENN: I have to tell you, we were just talking off the air. I have something -- that because of this illness that I have, it causes vocal cord paralysis from time to time. And I swear to you, I mean, Lord, what are you doing? You want me to say these things, and then this happens.
PAT: Well, now you said them. And so now he's like shut your mouth.
GLENN: Shut your mouth, Beck. All right. Whatever. If I got it wrong, shut it down. I don't want to do it anyway. Just shut it down. Bishop James Lowe is with us.
This is a preacher, a pastor from Birmingham, Alabama. Who is a very brave man. Now, I've only had two conversations with him. One was probably three or four minutes. Last week, we talked, I don't know, 20, 30 minutes. And this guy -- this guy is peel-the-skin-off-your-face brave and speaks the truth. If you don't like it, go find someplace else. Because he'll tell you the truth as he sees it.
Welcome to the program, Bishop Lowe.
JAMES: Good morning, and God bless you.
GLENN: God bless you. How are you, sir?
JAMES: I'm doing well today. I'm listening to your program, and I'm ready. Let's go forward to what we have to do for our people, our country, and our nation.
GLENN: Now, let me ask you something, Bishop, how much trouble personally do you see coming your way just for us getting together?
JAMES: You know, I don't know. But I do know this, that in this life, the Lord never promised us that we would have a peaceful life. He told us we would have trouble. And if I'm going to have trouble, then it has to be trouble for my Lord, something that I do for him that glorifies his name to bring his people together so that they understand that he is God of all gods. And if my master suffered persecution and trouble, then what options do I have? No servant is greater than his master.
GLENN: So we talked a little about things last week. And, you know, we both see the direction of the country. And we see the problems on the horizon. We see the problems in Ferguson and St. Louis. We see the problems with what's going to happen to our churches. I believe if the Supreme Court rules in favor of gay marriage and it becomes then federal law, what happens to churches that is, I don't want to marry homosexuals? Do they have a right to do that anymore? And I see trouble on the horizon. Real trouble on the horizon.
And we talked about how can we bring people together? How do you do that in a peaceful way while still standing for the truth?
JAMES: Well, I think if we recognize the truth and the only truth as God's word, then when we join together, we stand on God's word. We cannot talk about violence when our Lord has not told us that we're to be violent. We have to be able to come together and discuss with one another in peace. That's what Jesus was able to do. He didn't become violent. We do know he did overturn the moneychangers. But he didn't destroy anything. We have to have a fundamental foundation and a backbone to stand up for the foundation of -- of the teachings of Christ. If we don't do that, know we will fall apart. Even churches have that problem. But we must come together and stand for what is correct.
Listen, the homosexuals and what they do, they are people too. They have a right to life, as all human beings do. But there are authorities that we all must submit to. And those authorities are the authorities of the Word of God. We cannot change and redefine the definition of what marriage is. That's beyond man to do that. Marriage was defined by God, and marriage can only be redefined by God, the Creator. And he has not redefined it. The last I checked, it was between a man and a woman.
GLENN: What happens if -- and, you know, we're kind of getting into nuts and bolts here about this one topic.
JAMES: We can go anywhere you want to.
GLENN: No, no, no. I would like to say this. What happens if the Supreme Court says to you and your church, you have to perform gay marriages? What do you do?
JAMES: I stand by my convictions and the Word of God. I told my church in the late '90s that if they voted for a political party that was going to support things that were against God, I could no longer support that party. And if they were going to honor God, they would have to support what God said. And if the time came that my government said that I would have to violate my God, it would be better for me to obey my God than my government.
GLENN: How many people did you lose?
JAMES: I quite got quite a few folk that left. And when I told folks at the same time that you don't need to be defined by what White America has defined you as -- I refuse to be defined as a black person. I refuse to be defined by any person. The only person that has a right to define who I am is the Almighty God. And the ability to define is the ability to control. We have to understand that if I allow -- and don't be offended. But let me just say this. If I allow you people to define who I am, then you control me. And I don't mean that in a derogatory sense. I simply mean that no man has a right to define any other man. Because the ability to define is the ability to control. And only God has a right to define. Only the Creator of a thing has a right to define it. And so I don't want to be referred to as Afro-American. I don't want to be referred to as Black America. I just want to be defined as a child of God. And that's what I am. And if I define myself or people define themselves as children of God, then we understand that we are part of the brotherhood of man. And that God has put us together as one. Every life is valuable. Every life of every man is valuable. But when we start redefining ourselves, then we start dividing ourselves.
GLENN: Why are the churches silent on what's happening with the Christians and the Muslims who aren't Muslim enough and the homosexuals that, you know, won't stop being a homosexual so they're thrown off the roofs of buildings by ISIS, why are our churches so dead inside?
JAMES: I would probably have to say that those churches that do not speak out about those things and injustices being done in any part of the world are churches that are not connected with the spirit of the living God. Jesus was concerned about the poor. He was concerned about the ones that were being mistreated. He was concerned about the hungry. He was concerned about all mankind. God himself was so in love with the world that he gave his only son. We have to be concerned about the plight of the people in India, in Israel, in Arabia, Saudi Arabia, we have to be concerned about the people in Mississippi. Whenever any man suffers an injustice, all men do. We must in churches be connected to the spirit of the living God. And when we're connected to the spirit of the living God, then we have the power to bring about change because we submit to the one who is the life changer.
GLENN: Bishop Lowe, we want to thank you for making your church available to have us speak there in Birmingham, Alabama. And I look forward to shaking your hand and seeing you there on 8/28.
JAMES: Well, I hope I'm not alarming too much of your audience. But I think that it needs to be heard.
GLENN: I don't think you're alarming this audience.
JAMES: No, Glenn, people need to know that as a nation of America, we must stop dividing ourselves between race. We must see ourselves as a nation that was founded on principles that all men were created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We have to stop separating ourselves. Because if we divide, we fall. If we unite, we stand.
GLENN: Well, we're there united on 8/28. And I thank you very much for your invitation. And I thank all --
JAMES: Are you ready for it, Glenn? Can you handle it?
GLENN: What you throwing down? Yes, I can, bishop. And we will see you then. God bless you.
JAMES: Bring it.
GLENN: God bless. Bishop James Lowe from the Guiding Light Church in Birmingham, Alabama, where we will be on 8/28.
PAT: That was a nice little challenge there at the end.
GLENN: I thought he was going to say, what's up, my cracker?
STU: I doubt that was the approach.
GLENN: You don't think --
PAT: No. I didn't think there was any danger of that at any point.
STU: No. Or anyone else in America saying it outside of you, who says it every day for no particular reason.
GLENN: What's up, my cracker?
PAT: Yeah. No.
GLENN: Maybe that's why the vocal cords are gone. Maybe God was like, okay, you said that. But I know you're going to say, what's up, my cracker, and I got to get you to stop saying it.
STU: Yes, we'd like you to abandon the catchphrase.
PAT: It's a sign.
GLENN: It's a sign?
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: Huh. Okay.
We would invite you to join us at and look at the things that we are -- we have set out on today's program. Never again is now. And there are certain things that you can do to get involved. We will be telling you more about them here in the next few days. But it is time that we come together and we stand together for life. All life matters.