While speaking at the Coast Guard Academy commencement ceremony, President Obama finally called out a threat to America and the world. No no, it wasn’t the Islamic State. Or Russia, or China, or Al-Qaeda. He decided to call out the problem of climate change. Is there any doubt this administration is completely detached from reality?
Below is a transcript of this segment:
Let's talk about what Obama has in store for us. Just for a moment. He's the commander-in-chief. A lot going on in the world. We have enemies. We have threats. We have problems. That's an understatement. We have big problems.
But we have a commander-in-chief who understands that there are problems. He will make sure that he tackles the issues that are really important. And he thinks about things. And he's going to tell us what the scariest thing for us is to avoid. You know what it is? Climate change, my friends. Number one national security threat facing the United States according to President Obama. Play what he had to say at the Coast Guard Academy
OBAMA: This is not just a problem for countries on the coast or for certain regions of the world. Climate change will impact every country on the planet. No nation is immune. I'm here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security. An immediate risk to our national security. And make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country. And so we need to act. And we need to act now.
BUCK: That's insane. I don't know how better to put it than that. That's completely disconnected from reality. First of all, even the climate change screaming, wailing banshees out there. Even the ones who are just freaking about this all the time. Oh, climate change. We're all going to die. Have you seen a run on rubber boats, or what do they call it? A rubber dingy. A thing from a boat. Have you seen that recently? Is everyone buying up canoes in preparation for the melting glaciers? This is ridiculous. Right?
At best, they say, well, in 100 years, the sea level will rise six inches or something, and there will be a one-degree Celsius rise -- or .1-degree rise in global temperature or something like that. But it's in 50 years, 100 years. You know, it's a projection so far out, that it's impossible to disprove. Right?
You're like, I don't know what will happen in 100 years. They think they know. They can't predict the weather accurately a couple days in advance. But they can tell you what climate is going to be in 100 years. Sure. Sure, they can. Even more amazing than that. The president, despite all the stuff that's going on, despite China building islands in the middle of the South China Sea, that it can use as military and naval bases, despite Russia engaging in very bellicose and aggressive behavior against its neighbors, despite the growth of the Islamic State, the continued existence of al-Qaeda and the various other jihadist entities around the world sworn to destroy us and Israel and civilization with it, despite all of that, climate change.
Woo, scary. Spooky climate change. I don't know what to say to these people anymore. You see, they think that I'm crazy because I don't stay up at night worrying about this because I think they're a bunch of -- the scientists they rely on are largely a bunch of frauds. Many of them aren't even scientists. They just play one on TV. They're activists. I read a few science books and I know science stuff. E equals MC squared. Boom, #science. It doesn't really work that way. That's not how it goes. Scientists. Real scientists, well, first of all, they would never say stuff like the science is settled, or the consensus means that there can be no dissent or dispute because science is of course premised upon the continuous testing and retesting of hypotheses and results that can be replicated once you have the data.
Hmm. But they don't do that. They can't do that. So we have President Obama saying, everybody, you're going to be really scared. Your house will be on the water. I know you might like swimming. But this water will be very dirty. It's a big threat. Because you'll have to swim all over the place. It's tiring. Maybe you just ate lunch. You're going to get a cramp. So you don't want climate change. It's the biggest national security threat we face.
Is it really? That's the best that he -- that's the biggest one. This is the one that keeps the commander-in-chief up at night. This is the one that terrifies him. Climate change. I don't know what to say. They don't want to discuss it. They want to call people deniers. And they want to say the science is settled, when this is crazy. No one even holds these positions publicly. But, again, climate change is a religious belief for people who think they're too smart for religion.