Republicans and Democrats both suffer from the disease of progressivism, and honest conservatives like Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) are left fighting for their lives. Gohmert has put together a PAC to support true conservatives who want to take a real stand on the issues that matter to Americans. Gohmert joined Glenn on radio today to explain what is happening behind closed doors in Washington and how he and others are standing up for the best interests of their constituents.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment:
GLENN: The GOP is now coming after Louie Gohmert and spending GOP money. If you've sent a check ever into the GOP, stop sending them money. They have now put a campaign together to campaign against Louie Gohmert. You know, one of those, call Louie Gohmert and tell them we don't want any of his French politics in Texas. Louie, why are they spending this money against you?
GOHMERT: Well, they were aboot to smote me and now they are smoting me. It's because they don't want people rising up and saying, no, I'm going to represent my district. I'm not going to just go along to get along. We're too far along down the wrong direction to just keep sliding down this path. So you got to go along or they're going to come after you and that's what's happening to --
GLENN: How much money -- how much money have they spent trying to get to you shut up? Do you have any idea?
GOHMERT: Well, I'd seen that they spent 400,000 in an additional buy to shed 12 of us. Actually, to slap us around. They're smoting us now. I love the earlier segment. Learned a lot about pronunciation.
GLENN: Right. And God and godless animals like Stu. We like you as sitting congressmen, one we respect on record. Is Stu a godless animal?
GOHMERT: You know, there has been something very interesting coming out of the vote last week. 167 Republicans voted against allowing the amnesty to go forward when we all including our speaker said we will not allow it. We're going to fight tooth and nail. And 167 stood up and said, no, this is not what we promised. And Glenn, it's been said nationally and in the media and especially the -- the left -- or the mainstream media, whatever, but that there is a very, very small group of radical right wingers in the -- in the Republican party that are trying to hijack the party. But if you look at that vote -- now, and I understand that there were a bunch of the 167 that told the speaker, look, I'm really, really sorry, I want to vote with you, but man, I've heard from my district and I cannot -- I voted for you. I'm paying for that. I cannot vote with you on this. And there were some of the 75 that voted with the speaker whose districts are very conservative. You look at that vote and it tells you, wait a minute. Way over two-thirds are representing very conservative -- what I could call mainstream districts and so maybe it's not the right wings that -- right wing there's have hijacked the party. Maybe it's people on the other end of the spectrum that have hijacked a very conservative country and Republican party.
GLENN: No, it's the progressive Republicans and quite honestly, those kinds of -- I think there's a lot of people that get swayed. They are not necessarily progressive. I think the Jeb Bushes. World, I think there's enough to go around, the Lindsey Grahams, the John McCains that are progressive. However, there's also a number of them that get there and they listen to these political consultants. And these political consultants say look, you can't, because you're going to hurt the party in X-number of years and you've got to do this and you've got to do that. And they listen to those boobs that give us a Mitt Romney or a John McCain every single time.
GOHMERT: Yeah. And actually, that was pretty evident the morning of the vote for speaker. I was talking at two different times to people who had said to their constituents if you elect me, I will not vote for Boehner for Speaker and they're wonderful guys and they said, look, I'm really struggling what to do. I'm praying for wisdom on what to do. And I respect that, but that's not -- at midnight I'm sitting at my desk in my office and I'm thinking, I wonder what that sounded like. Oh, god, should I honest and keep my promises or should I a scumbag that breaks my promise to the first vote? I just need a sign. Should I honest or not? I don't know. I mean, how do you pray that prayer?
GLENN: I don't know. You'd have to ask Stu.
GLENN: So --
GOHMERT: You got to believe in God, though, before you pray.
GLENN: Yeah, I know, I know. So Louie, you've started a -- you started a --
GLENN: What is it? Tell me about it.
GOHMERT: Well, it's And that way you don't have to worry if it's Gormert or Gohmert. It's And that's a PAC that helps Conservatives who are willing to stand up for what we promise we would do when we got elected. It's pretty basic. But we need people's help. We've got the establishment after us. They're trying to teach us a lesson and send the message to others, look, you can't stand up to leadership in the Republican party because they will smote you and strike you down. You better get on board. And there are people who see that and say, gee, I'm in a tough district. I can't afford to get the leadership after me. So this just lets people you know, you can get help if you do stand up for what your district wants you to do. There's help. So I can use public help.
GLENN: Here's what I would like to ask.
(overlapping speakers).
GLENN: Here's what I would like to ask the audience to do. You think of GOP Conservatives, that's grand old party conservative. They put the party first. GOH, just remember good old honesty conservative. Okay?
GOHMERT: I love that.
GLENN: Just good old honesty conservative. This is what we need, some people who are honest. Now, this is a PAC that will help the Conservatives that are actually standing and help them fight the GOP. I've said this before. Defund the GOP. Stop writing checks to the GOP. Stop it. The party has so lost its soul, that it really thinks that Jeb Bush and giving the president all the rope to hang us, not him -- all the rope to hang us with amnesty and with -- with ObamaCare and everything else. They think that's a good idea. I'm done playing the game. Don't write another check to the GOP. And if you want to help the guys who are Republican to help them stand and fight, just remember, good old honesty conservative. -- is it org?
GLENN: Dotcom.
GOHMERT: Yep. I couldn't have set it beard. -- said it better. Holy cow, I couldn't have said it that good. But thanks, Glenn. There are Republicans across the country, they're the good guys. And they're just so frustrated that they keep sending people to Washington and they can't believe that they get there and are not doing what they promised. And it's --
GLENN: So what's going to happen with amnesty? Louie?
GOHMERT: Well, it's -- it's unfortunate, but the members -- the Republican members that voted for this are putting all their stock in one United States district judge in the southern district, Andrew Hanen. He was one of the tops in his law class. He's a brilliant guy. Was with one of the best firms in Houston. And I just -- just a terrific guy. You want to read some good reading, read his 123-page opinion. But they're putting all their stock in the Judge Hanen. A law school classmate, by the way. He's doing his job when we failed to do ours. We had the power to stop this and several years ago a Supreme Court justice just said off the cuff, you know, you guys are not going to do your job you know, in keeping the branches in line, don't come running, crying to us. You know, you've got the power to do something. And we should.
GLENN: Um, the -- DHS. That was a home run. Can you tell us what happened at the last minutes with the DHS thing?
GOHMERT: With it passing?
GLENN: Yeah, I mean, no, no, no, wait, no, no. They had it. And then the -- the Republicans decide, yeah, we're not going -- we're not going to actually hold you to that. And then John Boehner comes back and does another one, which makes the Republican -- I think makes the Republicans look bad. What happened at the last minute, Louie?
GOHMERT: Well, we did have it. We were standing --
GLENN: You were winning.
GOHMERT: But, you know, the thing is, this was -- this was all cast back in actually September when the Republican leadership said, you know what, let's just put this off until December 11th. And many of us in September, were going, no, not until December 11th because we may win the Senate. Let's put it off to January. The end of January. And we could -- then we can get it strained it out -- straightened it on it. And some of us were going, no, you do it until December 11th and we know where this is going. So December 11th comes and we said okay, we're going to fund everything from the Department of Homeland Security. And many of us were going, no, you don't take hostage what you care about. You take hostage who the other people don't -- don't want you to take hostage, like the EPA, like the czars, like golf outings. You know, you go after the things that they care about. We're the ones that care more -- most about home blend security. So in other words -- Homeland Security. So in other words, people say we took a hostage that the other side wanted us to shoot. Like the Danny Devito movie where they kidnap his wife Bette Midler and they called and said you have to pay the ransom. No, kill her, go ahead. Let's go ahead and shoot her. I don't care.
GLENN: That's right.
GOHMERT: That's what we did here. We took the wrong hostage. We took the thing we care body and the president called the bluff and we knew going back to September, this is how we -- we were afraid it would play out. But then in November our leaders were saying we're going to fight tooth and nail. We're not going to give in. And as recent as like four days before the Speaker of the House said, we are not gonna let the Senate jam us and got this huge rousing ovation. And then just a matter of a few days later, well, we don't have any choice. We're going to have to let them jam us and take it.
GLENN: Gees.
GOHMERT: Is really is disheartening when you watch that play out.
GLENN: Last question, net neutrality.
GOHMERT: Oh, boy.
GLENN: I know.
GOHMERT: If there was one shining spot in the country freedom, it was in the Internet. And yes, I understand that the people that seem to have made the most money innovating on the Internet were giving to the democrats. I don't care. It's freedom. So obviously the government -- some in the government couldn't stand the thought of an area it didn't control, so it had to come after that.
GLENN: Are you going to be able to yank that back.?
GOHMERT: We have to stop that.
GLENN: You can you yank that back at all?
GOHMERT: Yes, we can, but it will take people standing up to do it, and if you're afraid of standing up, yeah, we're not going to be able to pull that off. But I still believe we can. You know, you and I both still have that hope that springs eternal and we're not gonna give up.
GLENN: Louie, I appreciate talking to you and I just love you and I think you're really truly one of the good guys and you really have a spine. You know, you were a judge and a good one. And you have gone in and done all of the hard work and I just love you and I --
GOHMERT: I love you too, Glenn, and it means so much but someone say I'm a porcupine Christian. That's someone that's got a lot of good points but you don't want to get close to him. But I'm working on it.
GLENN: I'm proud to stand shoulder to shoulder and as close as I can to you as a porcupine because I think you're one of the good guys.
GOHMERT: Thanks so much.