Last night, Glenn laid out the connections between ISIS and Russia. Both are placing the world on a path towards World War 3, and it may not be long until they come together to set the world on fire. Glenn brought out the chalkboard to show what has happened so far, and laid out three things yet to come that should serve as warning signs of trouble on the horizon: a call to arms, global depression, and disenfranchised youth.
Below is a transcript of this segment. To watch the full thing and see Glenn lay out the theory on the chalkboard, sign up for TheBlaze TV and watch the episode HERE
Tonight, I want to lay out some things for you. I want to lay out the globe on a warpath. I feel like we should do this and kind of beat this over our heads here for a while until you really understand it and until we can all kind of parrot it back and share it with our friends, because this is the next step. We had the caliphate established, and this is the next step in some really disturbing things, because we are, I believe, on the verge of World War III, or actually we may actually have already been in the beginning of it, but we don’t notice it yet.
There are two primary movements that are steering us down this path, and I’ll dive into those here in just a minute, but we’re missing the boat all over the world. There are some really disturbing things that will come down the path that you need to know about in advance, because we can’t miss things like we missed in December 2010.
This was the beginning of it, and I talked about it when I was at FOX. A municipal inspector in Tunisia making the usual rounds and assessing the usual fines for noncompliance, she attempted to shut down a 26-year-old fruit cart vendor. She had no idea the chain reaction she was about to cause.
The vendor began to resist. The inspector slapped him in the face, humiliated him, and apparently at wits’ end, he doused himself with paint thinner and set himself on fire. The witnesses nearby watched in horror, and they had no idea, no clue. When I said this at the beginning that this would be the moment that would set the Middle East on fire, everybody said that was nuts. It was the beginning of a revolution.
When he died on January 4, the protests grew even larger. By January 14, Tunisia’s president had been ousted. I want to just stop here for just a second, and I want you to listen to me. I want you to notice that it was people who were pushed to wits’ end by a big government, that it was a seemingly stupid altercation. It was somebody saying I can’t take it anymore and doing something violent, in this case to themselves. The world looked on. The person died, and within months the Arab Spring was setting the entire Middle East on fire.
Now, Islamic radicals like ISIS are on the march, trying to usher in the caliphate which they have established. The president has said ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, but that also couldn’t be more wrong. If you plot ISIS and their moves, you will see that they neatly line up with end times Islamic prophecy, and this is where we have to start. These are radical Islamists, and they believe that there are only 12 legitimate leaders of the caliphate, caliphs. We’re on leader number eight.
So, the first thing I want to tell you about on the road to World War III that you really need to understand is we are dealing with the caliphate, with 12 imams. We’ve talked about this so many times before. These are indeed end times people. They believe the armies of Rome, and that’s important to remember that. Let me write that up. The armies of Rome are going to fight the army of Islam in Syria, and that their final war will be in Jerusalem. Does any of that sound familiar to you?
After ISIS beheaded Christians in Libya, they predicted the victory against Rome. I want you to watch this.
Okay, why Rome? Why Rome? Because this is a holy war. Whether you like it or not, whether we want to admit it, it is a holy war. Rome, they’re going back to the Crusades, but they also may be going back to the future. They’ve made this claim repeatedly. They have said, “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted.”
That quote actually comes from a magazine, an important word to know, Dabiq. I think that’s how you pronounce it. This is really important. It doesn’t seem important. It’s just a little farming town in Syria. ISIS recently had a victory in this little farming town. It’s seemingly strategically irrelevant, so why bother? Because this is the place where a big battle happens, the future battle between Islam and Rome is supposed to take place.
Let me show you what it says in their magazine. “As for the name of the magazine, it is taken from the area name Dabiq in the northern countryside of Halab (Aleppo) in Sham. This place was mentioned in the hadith describing some of the events of the Malahim (what is sometimes referred to as Armageddon in English). One of the greatest battles between the Muslims and the crusaders will take place near Dabiq.” This is Armageddon.
Now, that’s who they think they are. With every move they make, they are trying to bring about the end of the world according to the Islamic faith. So, whether you like it, the president likes it, or I like it, it doesn’t matter. It has everything to do with Islam the way these people understand this. Whenever you want to say about their version of Islam, it is Islam to them, and these Islamic jihadists are using now new technology to call every idle and disenfranchised youth who are looking for anything to believe in to join them.
Remember the disenfranchised youth, because it’s going to play a very important role in the future. It’s working. The amount of foreign fighters now flocking to ISIS is baffling experts everywhere. It shouldn’t be. Two teenage brothers were just caught trying to leave Australia to go fight with ISIS. The government knows of at least 90 citizens now who are currently fighting for ISIS, and it’s going to continue to spread, but ISIS is only half of the battle. If you’re going on the road to World War III, radical Islam is part one. Hard Fascism is the other side.
If you remember right, in World War II, we had the Fascists and the Communists. That’s really what this is. They’re both Fascists, if you will, but these two will eventually, I believe, oppose one another. I hope so. If they don’t, we’re really screwed. The rise of Fascism and totalitarianism is happening now all across Europe, and let me take you to Europe.
First we go to the Nazis in Greece, the Golden Dawn party. They’re winning elections. Italy, also now has a huge right North League party. It’s polling at about 14%. In France, you have the Le Pen party, the National Front, and the Prime Minister of France just said that Le Pen is on the way to become president. Denmark, the Danish People’s Party, and they doubled their seats in the European Parliament and have a 27% popularity in their home nation.
PEGIDA and Golden Dawn have both launched branches also in Spain, so there’s competing Nazis in Spain. Spain suffered a huge terrorist attack, if you remember, in 2004, killed 191 people, and resentment against the immigrant population continues to escalate. PEGIDA also continues to grow in Germany, and immigrant populations play a role there. Vienna is where VICE recently spoke to one of the protesters. Listen to this from Vienna.
M: We Serbs have witnessed the Islamization. I won’t allow my brothers—and I consider Austrians, Germans, Russians, French, and English, all whites, I consider as my brothers. I don’t want them to experience the same thing [Islamization]. Because of that, I will fight for this country. And for the whole of Europe, until the last drop of my blood.”
Got it? Sounds good. They’re getting support from all over the world, but the real key that you need to know is the hard Fascists that are supporting these guys in these countries that come from Russia. The head of the problem in Europe…I mean in the Middle East is ISIS and Iran, and the head of the Fascists, I believe, is in Russia. Meanwhile Le Pen and other far right European leaders are lining up against these guys and their efforts to rebuild, and this is really important that you know this, hard Fascism. Russia is trying to rebuild the third Roman Empire. Roman is the key.
This is all based on Russia’s history of the Orthodox Church, whose center is in Crimea, and they’re using that to stir nationalism. There are two primary movements driving things into the dangerous direction. There is hard Fascism and radical Islam, but unfortunately there is also the rise of soft Fascism.
Soft Fascism is what we see now with bank bailouts, where the only time that I’ve ever heard anybody forced to take a loan at a bank is when the treasury did it to the banks and said you have to take the bank bailouts. The NSA, the IRS, and this is also in Great Britain and the West, and it’s all based on security. It’s gaining a foothold because they’re saying we have security concerns, we have safety concerns.
The police commissioner in Great Britain is recommending that everyone put a camera in their home so you can stop crime. The NSA, the DHS, has abused the Fourth Amendment, and now we’re playing the national security trump card in the face of scrutiny, so you can’t actually get down to anything because DHS is saying it’s all about national security.
Now, this is real. The caliphate is real. They are end times. They’re in a holy war. They want to fight the armies of Rome. That has not come together yet. They are here in the place where they say Armageddon will be…will happen. I told you when I was at FOX about this. Everyone said it was madness. I remember being roundly scorned for saying that Nazi-ism and Fascism would rise again. This has happened now in Greece, Italy, France, Denmark, Spain, Germany, and Vienna.
Russia is putting the third Roman Empire together, and we now have soft Fascism. I told you soft Fascism would rise. Here it is. These things have not happened yet, but they’re about to. I’ll give you this. I don’t know which direction, and I don’t know the time and order. I have no idea when this will happen and which order they come, but these are the things you must be wary of.
Call to arms, that is anyone who is saying we’ve got to get our army together, and we’ve got to go fight these guys or these guys. We don’t. It will suck the entire globe into a game-changing series of cataclysmic events. This is coming, and if we call to arms before the world becomes educated and admits the truth of who these guys are and who these guys are, we lose.
Yes, it is about Islam, the way they understand it. Yes, it is about hate and bigotry, the way they understand it. It is about big government, strongmen, Fascism, totalitarianism. You’ll notice there is no freedom on this road. Nobody is talking about real freedom. The best is soft Fascism. It’s not random evil, and I warn you not to advocate a rush to arms before the full globe understands what it really is doing and what it’s up against.
I’m going to give you two other things, and again, I don’t know the time and the order. Call to arms, global depression, and disenfranchised youth. I think they are going to happen one, two, three. These two will come quickly. I think we could see a call to arms by the summer, because this is going to get out of control. This is already getting out of control. I don’t know, I’m always horrible on time.
A global depression, I think it happens after the election. We are talking massive unemployment globally. That will set the youth on fire. They will be all for soft Fascism, and the road to hell is paved.
Now, that’s the theory that we want to lay out to you and try to reinforce every day, because I think you need to know. I don’t know anybody on television who is telling you this stuff, and they’re going to mock and whatever. If anybody happens to see it, they will mock, and that’s fine. That’s fine. I’m telling you it’s going to look not like this. I think it’s going to look a lot like this, but you do your own homework. You watch for the signs. We’ll watch them here.