Chris Matthews has a habit of making strange comments when it comes to race. During the Obama's first term, he claimed that he "forgot he was black tonight for an hour" after the State of the Union, implying he thought about President Obama's race for the other 23 hours of the day. He's also tried to redefine the very term of racism so that it applied only to whites (seriously, this happened) and made calling Tea Party members racist a trademark of his TV show. Well, it looks like things aren't going to be changing anytime soon.
While discussing the Republican field for 2016, Matthews couldn't help but praise Jeb Bush, but not for the reasons you might think (and there aren't even that many things to praise). It turns out Matthews is really, really impressed...with the fact he married a woman from Mexico.
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Here's how Pat and Stu reacted:
PAT: Well, as we discuss these possible candidates for president, we turn to somebody that I respect a great deal. And that's, of course, Chris Matthews. And we turn to him for who he really likes. It seems like he's made his choice as far as the Republican field is concerned.
CHRIS: He's married a woman from Mexico. His kids are basically Hispanic kids.
PAT: You know who he's talking about yet? Okay. Married to a woman from Mexico. His kids are basically Hispanic kids.
STU: Jeb Bush?
PAT: Yes.
CHRIS: They look Hispanic.
STU: They look Hispanic?
PAT: Nobody is more racist than Chris Matthews.
STU: It's all he thinks about.
PAT: Nobody. It's the only thing on his mind. From the big speech where Obama was making where he forgot he was black for a while. He actually said that. He forgot he was black for an hour. What?
STU: Indicating, by the way, he thinks about him being black the other 23 hours of every day.
PAT: And usually it's 24. Just that one day.
STU: I found an amazing exception in which I was not thinking about being black, let me tell you about it.
PAT: It's awesome. Then you have this.
CHRIS: He's married to a woman from Mexico. His kids are basically Hispanic kids. They look Hispanic. He speaks -- when he speaks about states in the Union, he refers to Latinos with a Spanish accent. He's not -- he's so in your face in terms of his appreciation or assimilation and the Spanish role in our society to the point of -- you know, using the accent. He's like a local anchor person that does that. No politician I know does this except for him.
PAT: Of course, he makes a good point. We've talked about that in the past. Anchormen do that all the time. They get a story about a Central American country and they'll say, 14 people were killed in a car explosion by rebel forces in [foreign language]. They do that all the time.
STU: They do.
PAT: Apparently his point is, so does Jeb Bush. He speaks with a Latino accent when he gets to a Latin word.
STU: My understanding is that in the Constitution you have to be 35 years old, a citizen, and also use a fake Spanish accent when you talk about Spanish places to be president.
PAT: Yes.
JEFFY: He used to do press conferences in Spanish and stuff when he was governor of Florida. 50/50.
PAT: Did he ever say the words [foreign language]? Because --
JEFFY: I can neither confirm or deny that.
PAT: Have you seen his kids, do they look Hispanic?
STU: I hope they look Hispanic because that will make him a great president.