Christians beheaded in Libya. A Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage. Jewish graves vandalized in France. Everywhere you turn, the news seems to get worse and worse. Sadly, events in Europe and the Middle East echo the build up to World War 2. In a powerful monologue last night, Glenn warned listeners it is past time to wake up. He warned last year "and so it begins", and now it is here. Real danger lies beyond the horizon - what kind of person will you be when everything comes to a head?
Below is a transcript of this segment
The news is disturbing today. On the heels of a Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage and buried in rubble, 21 Coptic Christians were marched along a beach and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
Over the weekend, also, a 22-year-old Islamic extremist named Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein has committed two deadly terrorist attacks in Denmark, one at a free speech event, ironically, held by the cartoonist who depicted Muhammad’s head on the body of a dog, and the second attack, later that day, he opened fire on a synagogue, killing one. A German city canceled a parade over Islamic terrorist threat, and in France, Jewish graves were vandalized with Nazi graffiti.
This reminds me an awful lot of when I was over in Poland. I have seen this movie before, and this is what I really want to impress on you today. Can you take the full screen please of me over in Poland? This is a picture of me over in Poland at a Jewish cemetery. The reason why I took this, this is one of the only Jewish cemeteries in Poland that remained standing because of that iron fence.
They were going in to destroy the tombstones, the Nazis were, and lightning struck that fence and threw the Nazis into the graveyard. They said that that one happen to be protected, and so they never came back. However, I want to show you the next picture. This is what they did to all of the other cemeteries. This is a wall built out of broken tombstones. In Poland and all throughout Europe, they destroyed the cemeteries and broke all the tombstones. They made roads. They made sidewalks. They made the lion cages, believe it or not, in Poland at the Polish zoo. At the…I think it’s the Warsaw zoo, they made the lion cages out of these.
Just to show you a close-up, there is the blessing and the hands of a blessing on the top of a tombstone that had been broken. We’ve seen this movie before. We have predicted this movie to happen. We are witnessing the rising of evil. Now, let me take you back to the chalkboard that we gave you at FOX—radicals, Islamists, Communists, Socialists work together against Israel, work together against capitalism, work together to overthrow stability. Part two, they’ll cascade, sweep the Middle East, begin to destabilize Europe and the rest of the world. This is all happening.
These are all the things. The caliphate, we predicted. We talked to you, what, a year and a half ago about the Coptic Christians. That’s who was killed on the beaches, and I’m sorry, but they were on the sands of Tripoli. Is that a message to us? The scariest part of everything that is happening around the world is not the evil itself, it is that by large and by most indications, the world is in flat-out denial.
In Denmark, the authorities there said the shooter had gang affiliations. Wait, he’s shooting at the cartoonist guy who depicted Muhammad’s head on a dog, and then he went to a synagogue, and that’s gang-related? Recently, our own president described a clearly anti-Semitic shooting at a kosher deli as random violence of “folks,” yes, just like Fort Hood was workplace violence.
The administration’s latest statement today on the 21 beheadings failed to mention two critical points: One, they were Christians that were beheaded, and the guys who did it were Islamic. The unwillingness to recognize evil will be our undoing.
I have to tell you, this monologue today is a wake-up call for you. I told you last year and so it begins. It is here. I want you to understand, I am not charting a course for you because all of the good ideas, the way we could have solved this, are all gone. I believe we are now in the early stages of World War III, and it’s going to get much, much worse. You need to prepare yourself.
Instead of calling evil by its name and standing against it, we dismiss it, and we must stop. It is totally understandable. I want to give you a theory that I thought of while I was watching The Walking Dead. I don’t know if you’ve watched The Walking Dead at all, but I’m watching this, and I can’t figure out why, other than it’s a really good show, I can’t figure out first why this is 22 million people a week watching it. So, put that into perspective. Nobody’s ever done that on cable television. Since the time that there were three network, you just don’t have ratings like this. So, this is hugely rated. Why is that? Is it our love for zombies?
I want you to think about this with me. I don’t know if this is true. This is my theory. I think we all know that the world is about to come undone. Have you seen Newsweek magazine? They’re talking about when life completely changes, will you be prepared? They’re actually encouraging people to prep now.
So, we all know, there’s something in us that tells us the world is out of control, but I don’t want to watch that. I don’t even want to watch the news most nights. So, why are we watching The Walking Dead? We’re watching The Walking Dead because we know the zombies aren’t real, and so it allows us to connect with what we’re really feeling but allows us to being a safe zone because we know zombies aren’t real.
Zombies are ISIS. Zombies are our economic peril. The rest of the show is what we say is coming, and I want you to know, just like the zombies, evil doesn’t negotiate. Evil doesn’t show mercy. It cannot be persuaded. It cannot be loved. It cannot be moved by logic. It will not quit until you kill it. To think anything otherwise is foolish.
I am not talking to you tonight about a war like the Korean War or the Vietnam War or the first Gulf War or the Afghanistan war or the Iraq war. I’m talking to you about a war where it is either live or die, World War II. That’s what we’re headed towards, and we can keep wishing it away, childishly holding out hope that soaring speeches or some kind of technology or something’s going to beat this back, but it won’t—as if the animals that do this give a flying crap what we say about them.
When I saw the beheadings and everything this weekend, I couldn’t help but think about the Jews that were fenced in like animals behind barbed wire. This is from an HBO documentary, Night Must Fall. I saw it a couple of weeks ago. It’s the only thing I’ve ever watched that give me nightmares. We’re headed there again, guys. This is just the beginning, as you will see in a minute.
I got a ton of pushback from this audience for linking to the Jordanian pilot video on our site. People were very, very mad that their happy Facebook feeds filled with puppy dog videos and Valentine’s Day pics were interrupted with a heavy dose of reality, but here’s the thing, when we suppress the full truth of the evil rising, it cripples the resolve needed to stomp the evil out. It is important for a group of people to actually look it in the eye. Who do you want to be, part of the problem or a part of the solution?
I want to show you just a little piece of this video, and it is disturbing, but after you see it, you will be left asking, “Where are the voices crying out for those who cannot cry out for themselves? Where are the voices demanding urgent and ruthless action against this evil? Where are the leaders willing to lay it all on the line for righteousness? Where is our courage?”
I warn you, it is violent, but I will also warn you continuing to collectively avert our eyes will be our undoing. To fight something, you must first know why you fight, what you’re fighting for, and who you’re fighting against. We don’t know why we’re fighting. We refuse to say who we’re fighting against. What are we fighting for? We barely believe in us anymore.
This is a highly sophisticated enemy. Watch the video. I just want you to watch a couple of things. I want you to notice, look at the slow-motion. Look at the camera angles. This is well-orchestrated—Good God Almighty…Good God Almighty. This was done and orchestrated. They blocked this out. They blocked their shots out.
This is an important part. He is dead, but this is an important part because we’ve seen this movie before. God help us all. The choice of burning to death perplexed a lot of people. They put him out with rubble. They put him out with rubble, and they burn him to death. Why? Because Islam teaches an eye for an eye.
Who was this man? Who was he? He was a pilot who likely dropped bombs on targets. Bombs explode and set things on fire. Bombs reduce buildings to rubble and fall on people—an eye for an eye. That’s what they did. Don’t tell me it had nothing to do with Islam. It has everything to do with Islam, and it’s barbaric.
If you really want to know how evil these people are, think about this, when the Allied forces first came upon the Nazi concentration camps, they were shocked at what they saw. What did they see? They saw burning bodies. They saw the bodies that had been burned and then covered with dump trucks with rubble. Does it looks familiar at all?
Wait a minute, why did the Nazis burn the bodies? We know that they were following Islam. Why did the Nazis burn the bodies? When we first heard of these atrocities, we were in a state of disbelief, and in fact, much of the world says it’s too horrible to believe, it was made up; it never happened, right? Right? It’s just a plot of the Jews. It never happened.
The Germans did not want to show you the scenes. They didn’t want you to ever see them. I want you to show you a scene from Night Must Fall on HBO. Play this, please.
Those are bags of hair. How many haircuts had to be given? How many haircuts had to be given to fill that warehouse with hair? The people who walked in the concentration camp, they went, and they got the people who were living down the road from this. Night Must Fall shows these guys coming in, and they have a spring in their step. They have no idea what they’re entering into. They lived right there, and most of them had no idea.
The Germans, when they left, they tried to burn and bury all the evidence. They trapped people in buildings and set them on fire, which indicates that while they were obviously committed to their plan of death and extermination, they understood that the world would not accept it. Those are the Nazis. Now, let me tell you who we’re fighting today, ISIS. ISIS on the other hand are not hiding. In fact, they are going out of their way to create a dazzling presentation of their evil for the entire world to see. It is not only evil and radicalized, it is psychotic and eerily similar to the Nazis.
After the pilot was burned alive, they bulldozed his body and buried him in the rubble. This too looks eerily similar to what the Germans did. So, now we know who the bad guys are. Who are the good guys? Over the weekend, I read a lot of Churchill, a man with a lot of flaws. He had a cold upbringing. He became a politician, held various offices over the years, but during the 1930s to the buildup of World War II, Churchill wasn’t holding any office.
In the 30s, it’s referred to as his wilderness years because he was chased out by both parties into the wilderness. But as early as 1930, Churchill was concerned about Hitler, and he urged Britain to boost its defense. Why didn’t they have a defense? How did the most powerful Navy ever on the face of the planet not have a Navy by 1930? Easy, Woodrow Wilson told them to destroy it in the name of peace.
So, by 1938, Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact and declared peace in our time. This is Neville Chamberlain’s actual letter in response. This is his actual letter. It says your Fuhrer wants peace just like we do. Churchill’s response came in remarks to the House of Commons. He said, “You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.”
1939, war came indeed when Hitler invaded Poland, and in the coming weeks and months, Hitler would invade Denmark and then Norway, and the Nazis invaded France and then Belgium and Luxembourg and the Netherlands. It appeared the Germans were going to march all over the entire world, and Churchill then gives one of his most famous speeches.
He says this: “I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will say it is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.”
Where was America? Where was America? America was neutral. America didn’t want to get involved. America didn’t want to call it evil. We were unwilling to call it by its name. Germany had bombed Paris, and Churchill alone, alone, not fully believing that he could actually win, he was told he needed 62 squadrons to be able to even stay on par with the Luftwaffe. They had 32.
Churchill gets in front of a microphone, and he says this: “I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny if necessary for years, if necessary alone.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
This is the kind of war I am warning you about, not the one where everybody goes off to war, and we don’t hear anything or see anything. This is the kind of war. When he said “and if necessary, we will fight alone,” he was saying that to America. He finished this speech with and if we lose, and we are all starving, which I don’t for a moment believe we will, but this island or a large part of it is subjugated and starving, then our empire beyond the seas armed and guarded by the British fleet, the guys on the boats, they will carry on the struggle until, really important, in God’s good time the New World with all of its power and might steps forth and rescues and liberates the Old World.
They were counting on us, America, as the world and God will count on us again. We are witnessing a repeat of history. There is no mistaking what side evil is on and what evil is demanding. They’re producing it in highly-edited videos for the entire world to see this time. There is no hiding. There is no excuse now for us to say, “Well, gosh, we didn’t know. They were setting children on fire? They were beheading people on the beaches just because they were Christian?”
All the things we have warned about from the dangers of the Arab Spring and to the caliphate to the Muslim Brotherhood taking control in Egypt, radical Islam spreading into Europe, the old hatreds of the Nazis rising again in Europe, evil is here. It’s here. It has not come like a thief in the night, but it has come in the light of the day with the ocean lapping at their heels.
Will we make the same mistake that Chamberlain made? Will we follow in the steps of appeasement? I want you to hear me carefully. I am not suggesting a policy. I am not suggesting a plan. I am forecasting a future, one where we will either be destroyed or become slaves of a totalitarian world that is ruled by the insane, or one day soon we will finally wage war by sea, land, and air, and we will fight in the fields, and we will fight in the streets with all our might that God can give us, and we will wage a war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark lamentable catalogue of human crime. Which future is up to you.