Gallup's released a new list of the most liberal and conservative states, and there were some interesting results. Which conservative state was left out of the top 10?
Here's what Gallup found:
Notice something funny? Texas winds up being only number 18 on the list.
"Here's what's interesting," Glenn said. "Massachusetts. Percentage liberal, 30...Alabama, number two. And 46% say that they are conservative."
Why the large disparity between the conservative states and liberal states when it comes to the percentage of people identifying one way or the other?
"My theory on this is, the way the parties have moved. The Democratic Party has become so liberal, that people that are part of it are embarrassed about being Democrats, so many times will refer to themselves I'm a conservative Democrat. It's a conservative Democrat. The other side of it people look down on liberal Republican. No calls themselves a liberal Republican, even people like John McCain and Lindsey Graham can say that they're conservative. So when you're trying yourself, Democrats a lot of times will try to latch on to conservatism because they're embarrassed about where their party is, even though they're still Democrats," Stu said.
"Even people who are liberal Republicans deny it and say that they're Conservatives. So I think that these measures wind up being misleading. It's why Massachusetts doesn't go to conservative candidates because they're not actually telling the truth. They're saying they're conservative Democrats, which is still very liberal," he said.
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