Glenn has made no secret of his skepticism of Mike Huckabee. While presenting himself as a conservative, Huckabee has pushed for Common Core and big progressive government policies. But on radio this morning, a caller asked for Glenn to go in depth on his frustration with the former governor and cable news host. The answer?
"Mike Huckabee is a progressive from the get-go. Anyone that is for the policies that the Obama administration had been for on even just the school lunches is a progressive. Mike is a guy who believes the Constitution is great, but there are things that we have to do," Glenn said.
CALLER: I have a question. I have heard you several times make disparaging comments about Mike Huckabee.
GLENN: Oh, no, no, no, I would never --
CALLER: And he's not my guy. Okay.
GLENN: Hang on a second.
CALLER: Can you be more specific, please?
GLENN: Yes, I would not disparage Mike Huckabee. I'll tell you the truth about Mike Huckabee.
Mike Huckabee is a progressive from the get-go. Anyone that is for the policies that the Obama administration had been for on even just the school lunches is a progressive. Mike is a guy who believes the Constitution is great, but there are things that we have to do.
And I could -- you know, we could -- we could, if I felt it was worth it, spend at least an hour --
STU: Oh, we spent a lot more than that over the years on this.
GLENN: Going through his policies.
PAT: We have explained it.
GLENN: Yeah, we have explained it. I will tell you, however, that Mike Huckabee is not what he appears. Mike Huckabee is one of the most disingenuous men I have ever, ever met. And I have had several encounters with him and I know a lot of people really like him. I am not one of them. I think he's a very disingenuous man. I think he's a political player, and I have less respect for people who invoke the name of God and then are politicians on top of it. He's a politician from the get-go.
STU: My favorite Mike Huckabee policy is the widespread release of dangerous criminals. I think that's something we can really get on board with.
GLENN: And why is that? Why did he do that?
STU: I believe everybody deserves a second chance, including rapists --
GLENN: Because of his Christian faith.
STU: His Christian faith, I guess, inspired that.
PAT: How about the Common Core stand which is a reasoned policy of Mike Huckabee that everybody -- no, he doesn't support that anymore. No. What he supports is changing the name to something else, but keeping the policy into place.
GLENN: No. He is -- he is Jeb Bush hiding behind the cross. He is.
STU: Did you see -- did you see the letter that he wrote about Common Core?
STU: This is -- let me see if I can get it to load.
GLENN: Wasn't he one of the architects? Wasn't in charge of the governor's conference when this all started. He was a big player.
STU: Yeah. Of course, obviously my computer is going into --
GLENN: I will tell you that my dislike for him goes beyond his progressive -- he is a liar to your face. He is a very disingenuous man.
STU: Yeah, I can't speak -- I can only speak to the fact that his policies are a disaster for conservatives.
GLENN: Yeah.
STU: He speaks a game.
GLENN: You were there. You were there.
STU: There's a lot --
GLENN: You were there with me.
STU: I don't think I was.
GLENN: I think you were. On a tarmac in Idaho. Or, in --
STU: I do remember the story, quite clearly.
GLENN: -- in Iowa.
PAT: He says that all the criticisms you might have about Common Core -- it says: It's disturbing to me that there have been criticisms of these standards by other conservatives. I've heard the arguments that these standards threaten local control of what's being taught in Oklahoma classrooms.
Speaking from one conservative to another, let me assure you, this simply is not true. They're not something to be afraid of. Indeed, they are something to embrace.
It goes on and on and says -- I can't find the exact quote that I was reading yesterday. It was, you know, we must make sure that these standards don't go anywhere.
GLENN: I can tell you that he is running interference, I believe, for the Republican party as well. He's running interference for Ted Cruz to try to split the religious vote off of Ted Cruz. I think that's what's happening. Just as much as Mitt Romney is trying to run block and tackle for Jeb Bush. Huckabee is running block and tackle for -- against Ted Cruz. Being good little food shoulders. I can guarantee you he doesn't like Ted Cruz's policy. Guarantee it.
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