There's a really nasty ad out there now promoting feminism by having young girls curse in between messages supporting gender equality. Filled with "f bombs" and other vulgarity, it wants to shock people awake to the serious dangers facing women, but does it work? Glenn thought it did much more harm than good, and addressed the video on radio this morning.
Watch the video below (WARNING: Offensive language)
"It is this really nasty ad that is being made by the left about equal rights for women, and equal pay and equal treatment and everything else. There's not a soul that I know of that is not for those things," Glenn said.
"They have taken [out of context studies] and wrapped this into a commercial of 6-year-olds, using the most foul language and they get to the end of this and they're like hey, society, maybe you should get over it, if you think it's more outrageous these kids are using the F word than what they are talking about," Glenn said.
"They have destroyed these little girls. They have put their feet on a path that they will never change from," he added.
Why would this ad come out now? And perhaps a better question - why the left's sudden focus on income inequality and gender? It all comes down to one thing: Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential Campaign. Americans will soon be bombarded with messages that if you don't support Hillary, you don't support women. And in two years, you'll be given the incredible opportunity to make history again, this time by electing a white woman rather than a black man.
"Here's what it is: It's time for another historic moment in America. It is time that America shows that they are not a sexist nation. It is time to make history. It is time to have the first woman president, and if you are not voting for her, you just hate women," Glenn said.
Unfortunately, Americans will not be allowed to talk about any of the facts surrounding Hillary and her political career.
"You want to talk about a woman who won't stand up for herself, a woman who is repeatedly insulted and treated like trash, while her husband is out philandering and hook up with any hot woman, anything that moves in a skirt. You want to talk about something humiliating to women, it's the way she allows herself to be treated."
"Let's talk about her political career. You had damn well better not do that. For the last eight years, she's been in bed with this. The people in the Democratic party will not say if they voted for the president. They want nothing to do with the president. So what's going to happen? You have to make it about something else."
"You can't make it about how great her relationship is with Russia that she reset, the great progress we made in the Middle East. How about Benghazi?"
"You can't make it about anything. You have to make it about a War on Women, and history. They are going to try to do it again. So when you see this and you -- what they are trying to do is they are trying to make you upset at these things, and they immediately say see, if you don't like it, maybe you are the -- that's how it ends. If you think it's a problem that they are saying these things, not what we are say saying is the problem, maybe you are part of the problem. It's the same tactic. You are part of the problem."