Glenn hasn’t been known to get involved in local sheriff elections – especially ones involving two Democrats – but on radio this morning, Glenn spoke to Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke about the backlash he has received because of his pro-gun, pro-Second Amendment beliefs.
“I don't think ever we have ever gotten involved in a county sheriff's race, but there is one that you really need to know about that is happening today. It's happening in Milwaukee,” Glenn said. “This guy you have seen before… He's a Democrat, but he's common sense… He is one of the few that will actually get out and say the truth, especially when it comes to guns. That's why Michael Bloomberg is pouring money into this race.”
Clarke assumed the sheriff’s position in 2002 after being appointed to the vacant role by then-governor Scott McCallum. Clarke has since won three elections. Clarke is up for reelection in November, and he is running as a Democrat. He faces a primary challenger in police lieutenant Chris Moews.
While he has easily run reelection in the past, Clarke currently faces a media blitz from the likes of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Independence USA super PAC, which has dumped $150,000 into TV ads attacking Clarke’s constitutionally-based, pro-gun stance.
To put that figure in perspective, Fox News reports Bloomberg’s $150,000 is more than what Clarke and Moews have spent on their campaigns – combined.
“There's a big push by the left-leaning side of this party to get me out of here,” Clarke told Glenn this morning. “It's for one reason: It's because of my position on the Second Amendment in support of that. I'm a constitutional sheriff. It's my position on encouraging people to play a role in their own safety.”
You may recall the controversial public service announcement Clarke released last year encouraging residents to take a more proactive role in their own safety following budget cuts in the county.
“I tell people, ‘You have a duty to protect yourself and your family.’ I've turned citizens into my partner in beating back crime by playing a more prominent role in it,” Clarke explained. “Glenn, you know, the first line of defense against crime is not the police. It's always been the law-abiding citizens. This is a message I've carried throughout this county.”
It is this message that Clarke believes has the “hard-liners on the left up in arms.” The common sense message of personal safety – that Clarke believes is “resonating” in the community – is what has the left “so driven” to defeat the incumbent sheriff.
Clarke explained he is currently working with a depleted police force because of furloughs mandated by the mayor’s office.
“The mayor here has furloughed Milwaukee police officers – all 1700 – three days each. He has not filled the vacancies that have been created over the last couple of years,” Clarke said. “This is what average law-abiding citizens are up against. And I just got tired having to see them sit by while these government-controlled politicians here tell people, ‘Just call 911 and wait.’”
The Democratic primary in Milwaukee is happening today, and it is an open primary. This means registered Republicans can vote in the election, and former governor Tommy Thompson is actually encouraging Milwaukee Republicans to vote for Clarke on Tuesday.
“In Wisconsin, we have an open primary… I'm happy to have anybody's vote. I don't care what your religious affiliation is. I don't care what your ethnic background is. I don't care what your economic status is,” Clarke concluded. “It's been a patchwork of people who kind of get what I'm talking about and say, ‘Well, that transcends my party affiliation.’ ‘That transcends all this other nonsense that gets in the way.’”
You can learn more about Clarke’s campaign HERE.