On Friday, Chris Matthew’s unleashed an unusual attack against conservatives – namely, Glenn and Mark Levin – likening their actions to that of North Korea’s violent dictator Kim Jong Un. While Glenn planned to ignore the story, Pat insisted they plays Matthew’s bizarre logic on radio this morning.
“Pat is quite concerned about something that was said a few days ago,” Glenn explained. “And will not remove it from my list of things to do… Every day for the last couple of days, he's been saying this to me. And we just got into the last break and he's like, ‘I will not rest until this is taken care of.’”
“That's right,” Pat explained, “because, Glenn, over four people saw this… This is Chris Matthews on you and Mark Levin being crazy. Well, listen to what he says and then you tell me.”
Matthews argues that Mark and Glenn’s criticism of Speaker John Boehner’s leadership is somehow akin to Kim John Un’s execution of his uncle. Furthermore, Matthews proves his obvious ignorance in regards to the history of the progressive movement in the country.
“Okay. The right-wing is acting as crazy as the guy who just murdered his uncle,” Pat asked. “Calling someone weak is as crazy as Kim Jong Un killing his uncle?”
“First of all, get this. The progressive party was started by a Republican,” Glenn said. “See, the Republican and the Democrat progressives don't get along, but they're both progressives. They don't get along. He has no concept.”
In order to truly live up to the comparison Matthew’s made between Glenn and the North Korean dictator, Glenn figured he probably had to go out and find someone’s uncle to kill.
“I'm going to start killing people's uncles. Cat's out of the bag. I am coming for your uncle, and I am going to kill him today,” Glenn joked. “I like my uncle. I'm going to kill your uncle. I don't know your uncle all that well.”
Unfortunately, Pat doesn’t have any living uncles, which led Glenn to reconsider. Given that it’s the Christmas season and all, Glenn decided it would be best to spare everyone their uncles and kill Jeffy instead.
“I have to kill you at 3 o’clock today, Jeffy. Okay? It's crazy,” Glenn quipped. “That's how crazy I am… and efficient. I'm efficient, crazy, but not a progressive.”
Ultimately, Glenn explained the problem with progressives like Matthews and Speaker Boehner is that they do not understand nor care to understand the needs of the voter.
“The only thing that intrigues me on this is Chris Matthews… is so wrapped up in the idea that power listens to a handful of people that it is a crazy thought to think ‘we’ relates to ‘we the people,’” Glenn said. “But in the progressive world of Chris Matthews and in the progressive world of people like John Boehner, the voter doesn't matter. The voter is somebody that you pull the wool over their eyes. You just use them to get elected. And then you and your cronies get together, and you decide what's best for the people.”
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