It’s not easy to stand for freedom of speech, especially when you don’t like it.
Next Tuesday, TV providers will add Al Jazeera America to channel line ups across the country in 48 million homes. That’s 48 million families who now have the choice, if they are so inclined and find that Al Jazeera represents their values, of getting their news from an international organization funded by the Middle Eastern country of Qatar.
We believe in more voices, not less. That’s why Glenn, the founder of TheBlaze, has always been a proponent of defending free speech even when it’s been unpopular. When Bill Maher made a joke about 9/11, Glenn defended his right to do so. When an artist painted a photo of Obama as Jesus, Glenn had him onto the program to discuss the First Amendment even though he disagreed with the content. And when a rodeo clown put on an Obama mask last week, Glenn has been one of the few public voices coming to his defense.
We recognize Al Jazeera America’s right to make their programming available to anyone who wants to watch it. We think it’s great to have another voice in the national conversation.
But what about something for those whose values don’t align with Al Jazeera America? What about the people across the country who have spent hundreds of thousands of hours on the phone asking their TV provider to add TheBlaze to their channel lineup?
All we’re asking for is TheBlaze to be a part of the conversation. We want TV providers to give their customers the CHOICE of watching TheBlaze, the same way many of them have given their audience the choice of watching Al Jazeera America on August 20th.
Thanks to your efforts, TheBlaze has partnered with dozens of TV providers across the country, but we have a long way to go. That's why on Tuesday, August 20th, we are asking you to take action and call your TV provider and ask that they add TheBlaze to your channel lineup.
We want you to take action:
· Get Chatty: Call 1-800-996-2529 and tell the representative that you have choices in TV providers, and that you want them to add TheBlaze right away.· Get Social: Post on your TV provider’s Facebook page. Tweet at them using the hashtag #GetTheBlaze
· Get Together: Set up a meeting with fellow TheBlaze fans at your local TVprovider’s service center. Be kind. Bring them coffee and cupcakes. But let it be known that you’d like TheBlaze.
· Get Photographic: Take a picture of yourself with your cable bill, or with your “I Want TheBlaze Because” sign, and post it on social media using #GetTheBlaze
· Get Creative: How else can you get through to the decision makers at your cable company? Be creative, and then let us know about it @GetTheBlaze on Twitter.
This isn’t about shutting Al Jazeera America out of the conversation. We’ve picked August 20th because it represents yet another news network being added on the left side of the political spectrum, while everyone who identifies as libertarian or conservative still only has one network to turn to.
The mainstream media has always been slanted, and next Tuesday we want to make sure YOUR voice is heard over the bias noise from the left.
So mark August 20th on your calendar and make sure all your like-minded friends are ready to make their voice heard.
All the details can be found on