Glenn talked on radio today about how the truth is becoming an endangered species and trying to speak it today could get you smeared or possibly worse. From Benghazi to Petraeus, this administration has been selling lies and up until now too many people have bought it. Here’s the case you need to make to your friends.
"I don't know if you've noticed but it's been nine or ten days since the election and we've been almost entirely Obama‑free and I can't take him anymore. I'm redesigning everything I do just to stop talking about him because I can't talk about him anymore. At least as far as talking about his policies or playing sound bites from him, today we momentarily break our self‑imposed moratorium on Baracknophobia or Obamanations. See, it's like Romnesia? Get it? Remember the fun? That was so much fun."
"We have to help you make a case with your Obamanoid friends," he said. "The case is how can you possibly believe anything that these people are saying? How can you possibly buy into this?"
"I told you yesterday that I have a friend who wrote for General Hospital, was the one responsible for love in the afternoon. She was there. It was, she was the head writer for all ABC soaps. She wrote the soap Bible for Love in the Afternoon. And remember that's when Luke and Laura got married. I remember they were also trying to freeze the world. We went over the Benghazi story, and this is literally true. She said, ABC would have never bought that. She said that story's impossible. They would have never bought this story. It's too implausible. And I reminded her, "You're the one who wrote them trying to freeze the world." She said, "Yes, but it made sense on paper."
"So in our continuing effort to arm you, because you are the verb, to arm you with an argument on how can you possibly believe the stuff they're selling, look at this Benghazi and Petraeus mess, how after all that has happened with this can anybody believe a word that they are saying. First, first they told us that Benghazi was all about a pathetic laughable YouTube video."
That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks is a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. - Barack Obama
"This was not just the day of or the next day and just not a casual mention. As he said there, for the last two weeks. For two weeks he was blaming the schlocky YouTube fiasco for what happened in Benghazi. And Jay Carney solidified the administration's position."
This is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to United States policy. Not to obviously the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video. - Jay Carney
Later, when President Obama went on The View, he said they were still conducting an investigation.
Glenn said, "Still doing an investigation. Isn't that incredible? So it went from absolutely a YouTube video not to our policies to we're doing ‑‑ we're still doing an investigation, even though reports were out, even though the fact that we have cameras all around the world. All around the world we can see anybody do anything. We had two drones over Benghazi, yet have you seen a picture of it yet? Sending realtime video back to the White House to watch the attack live. Have you seen a single video of it yet? Have you seen one, America? Have you seen one? We had cameras there. There were cameras on that, on that embassy, on that safe house. You know there were cameras there. Nobody had a cellphone. Nobody could send a picture back. We had two drones overhead sending realtime pictures and yet, and yet they still have to investigate. You haven't seen a picture, either."
"Then they finally decided that since YouTube protestors probably didn't show up at CIA safe houses with RPGs, machine guns and with an organized premeditated attack plan, they couldn't even get their lap dogs and the mainstream media to believe that fairytale. So now not only is it terror but it is self‑evident terror."
It is I think self‑evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Our embassy was attacked violently and the result was four deaths of American officials. - Jay Carney
"So it was self‑evident terror. And not only is it self‑evident that it was terrorism but apparently they never said anything else," Glenn said.
The president of the United States referred to it as an act of terror immediately after it occurred. - Jay Carney
"Now after lie after lie after lie, more lies are put on top of it. More lies. But... but they didn't know. They had no idea this was going to turn into this. This was just a spon‑ ‑‑ another spontaneous event. Petraeus happened on the day of the election, not a day before, not a week before. They knew nothing about it. The sex scandal with General Petraeus, man, it couldn't have come at a worse time! Now the media's got to talk about a sex scandal and so we do not talk about what did the president know and when did he know it about Benghazi. Now we're having to ask the question, what did the president know and when did he know it about the sex scandal at Benghazi. The FBI knew about Petraeus, the affair, before he became CIA director. So they knew this while they vetted him for the job. This means that somebody didn't tell the president of the United States that he was putting into the most sensitive position of all time a guy who could be blackmailed, was having an affair. That is the most irresponsible thing I've ever heard. If the president didn't know, somebody should lose their job. They obviously knew. The president obviously knew. He had to know to make the decision to hire him. And yet your neighbors don't give a flying crap. They don't think this matters somehow."
"But wait. If you act now, even more lies."
REPORTER: How is it that the White House didn't have any idea of this until the day after the election and then congress a few days later?
CARNEY: Well, I would refer you to the FBI. They have as my ‑‑ as I understand it, protocols in place for when they notify the legislative and executive branches of investigations and, you know, it is simply a fact that the White House was not aware of the situation regarding General Petraeus until Wednesday and the situation regarding General Allen until Friday. So, you know, the FBI is a place to go in terms of an explanation of the protocols they follow, but I understand that that is the answer that they will give, that there are protocols they follow that govern how they inform the various branches of government of these kinds of investigations.
REPORTER: Well, do you understand how people would think this is utterly bizarre, I mean the day after the election, and the anger you're hearing on Capitol Hill they didn't know this was going on? It just ‑‑ I mean, the timing, at least the appearance?
CARNEY: Look. All I can tell you is when the White House was informed.
"Utterly bizarre. Because it's utterly impossible. And you know what? They've gotten away with it for four years, one after another after another, to the point to where you are turning out ‑‑ you're tuning out. To the point where your neighbors are saying, "I can't deal with it anymore." Whether we let them have free reign for four more unfettered years is really up to you. But look, before blood shoots from my eyes and I bleed to death, we've been over this a billion times. You know they have lied to you. You know they lie to you today."
"But we have to figure out a way to not preach to the choir. We have to figure out a way to tell the American people the truth and get it to anybody who's possibly willing to wake up. Because this does matter, to your security, to the security of your children, to your children's future and freedom."
"And by the way, while I'm at it, speaking of the nonchoir, let me just say thank you, nonchoir. You've just given our permission to Barack Obama and his evil, nasty crew of liars to lie to our faces for another four years. To put our country, our freedoms, all of our hard‑earned money, our businesses, our future, Israel, freedom, all at stake so we could be more comfortable with lies and deceit and deception, coming our way every day like a warm blanket to tuck us in. Congratulations to the 62 million Americans who made the worst choice in the history of our planet. The history of our republic. The problem is, our problem, was we thought more people were awake. But they are putting more people asleep. We thought more people were as awake as we are, but 11% fewer people came out to vote for Obama but unbelievably 2% fewer showed up for Romney and John McCain. I can't believe it. We need you. We're battered and bloodied, and so many of us say "We can't do it anymore." Let us behave like people determined to be free. We may be down but we're not out. You help spread the message to the 2% that didn't show up and another 10% or 20% beyond that. When a good man like Romney loses to a cast of really shady characters, whether you agree with all of his policies or not, when we knowingly choose liars, we're in trouble. We're in trouble. But the good news is the Constitution is the answer and the Constitution survives."