Good afternoon.
Across the globe,
People marvel at America.
They see the elections we have…
The public debate…
Over who gets to sit at this desk…
And they marvel!
How is it possible, they say…
To criticize someone with so much power!
In public…
And not go to jail?
Not suffer?
They look to America.
They see our political arguments….
Our freedom of speech…
Our many civic organizations…
Our volunteer culture…
Our sense that anything is possible...
And they conclude:
“We want to be Americans, too!”
They dress like Americans…
Listen to American music…
And adopt American technology,
And they think…
This will give us American freedom, too!
So in Africa…
In Europe…
In Asia…
In the Middle East…
When they want political revolution…
Political freedom….
They try to adopt our culture…
They try to launch a revolution of their own.
They imitate what they see.
The latest in our culture…
The same hair…fashion…
And technology.
They are quick to use Facebook…
Or Twitter…
To organize… to rebel.
And that’s fine.
But does it work?
We have seen...
That the rebellions and so-called Arab Spring…
Which began in technology…
…Ended in chaos.
And repression.
In Egypt, we were told that….
The kids in the street…
Could tweet themselves to a liberal democracy!
That they could use Facebook…
…to beat back the generals and the mullahs!
You may remember the photos…
Of the university kids…
With their western clothes…
And their fancy computers…
Pushing a revolution through the digital universe.
But in Cairo’s Tahir Square.
They were getting crushed…
By camels and wooden clubs…
And now…
The kids are in fear for their lives…
The generals they fought can’t protect them.
From the mullahs.
The western garb is going away…
Here comes the hijab… and the burka.
In the end, those who ended out on top….
Who hold power…
Who will run Egypt now…
They don’t use Twitter.
They don’t friend people on Facebook.
They do things old-school.
They rely on a technology…
…that is far more effective.
Far more durable.
It’s called the sword…
Fear is their technology.
Fear. Intimidation. Threats.
And if necessary…
Far worse.
The mullahs of the Muslim Brotherhood…
Had something else.
They had a sense of history…
They could draw on something deep.
They knew what runs in the veins of every Egyptian…
A longing…
Not for the West…
Not for technology…
But for national pride.
Egypt is a nation that has lost every war in the last century…
A nation with an economy that has drifted to dependency…
And so the Muslim Brotherhood had a simple message:
Follow us…
And you will feel pride again.
And if you don’t follow us…
There is the sword.
And the Muslim Brotherhood understands something…
…that all the techno-savvy kids don’t.
If you want to win people over…
You meet them where they live…
Where they work….
Where they pray.
If you want to start a revolution…
You don’t do it in 140 characters.
You do it with big ideas.
With history.
We forget this sometimes.
We forget, in this age of digital media,
That in the end…
The ideas that win the day…
Aren’t necessarily clever…
Or funny…
Or accompanied by a youtube video of a barking cat.
The ideas that win the day…
Are those delivered…
One by one by one…
Until everyone hears it.
You don’t do it with sizzle.
You do it with steak.
The fanciest technology…
Won’t save you…
If you don’t have ideas behind you.
If you don’t have history behind you.
Why is this on my mind?
Because I’ve been approached…
By people in Italy…
Denmark… England…
[Other nations here]
And they ask me all the time:
“Glenn, how do we build a tea party?”
They want their own tea party.
But here’s the thing…
They can’t have a tea party movement…
Unless they know why we chose the term “tea party”…
And they don’t!
They think we get together and drink tea!
They don’t understand what the first tea party was!
They have no appreciation for what that term means…
When Americans say ‘Let’s have a tea party’…
We’re not talking about drinking tea on fancy saucers!
We’re talking about a revolution against tyranny…
But if you don’t know American history…
You won’t know that.
And so I always urge our friends…
The friends in Freepac…the global freedom movement…
Find your own tea party tradition…
It exists…
It may not be as dramatic as our tea party…
But in the heart of every man and woman …
There beats a desire for freedom.
Everyone has it inside them.
In every nation,
There is a natural hatred of tyranny…
A natural dislike for concentrated power.
And it is the goal of Freepac to bring it out.
But there are no shortcuts.
No easy paths.
You can’t just start a Facebook page…
…And expect it to blossom.
You can’t tweet yourself to freedom!
You have to do real work.
And here is what real work looks like…
You call a meeting…
At a local restaurant…
And you invite all your friends…
And you see who comes.
If you only have three people say yes…
You try to get a fourth.
If you have 20…
You try to get to 25.
If you have 50…
Go for 60.
Get ready to argue about your goals…
And get ready to use more than 140 characters…
Because if you want freedom,
You’ll have to be more than clever…
You’ll have to be more than tech-savvy.
You’ll have to be smart.
And energetic.
And if you’re doing this in Europe…
Or Africa…
Or Asia…
You can’t call it a tea party.
You’ll have to find your own historical touchstones.
You have to be authentic.
You have to be substantive.
This Saturday night…
We will meet, you and I,
For a rally to Restore Love.
And if you’re not from America…
Steeped in American history…
You hear that phrase “restore love”…
And you wonder:
Is this about giving out hugs and kisses?
Because you may not know…
What the word “love” means…
…To Americans.
It’s a deeper meaning.
And it can’t be summarized in 140 characters.
In America,
Love is about charity.
Love is about service.
Love is about the work of our hearts.
And in America,
Our goal is to restore love,
To reclaim it.
Because all too often,
Those in power tell us not to love,
Not to do the work of our hearts.
Just pay our taxes, and let them worry about helping our fellow man.
So this weekend,
We are going to remind ourselves,
Why we must do this work ourselves.
It is an urgent issue for us.
Because if we can’t do the work of our hearts…
We are not free.
I’m not saying that in other nations,
Our brothers in the freedom movement…
…Need to do the same thing.
I’m not sure.
Because I don’t know.
That’s up to them…
…to find out.
A global movement of freedom…
…doesn’t come in one flavor.
Doesn’t depend on one model of success.
So, to my friends in other nations…
…Who are looking to build their own tea party movement…
I have a simple message.
Don’t be distracted by technology…
Don’t be distracted by the accessories of freedom.
Don’t be distracted by the American model.
The three-cornered hat is not for you.
The tea party, we’ll keep that.
Find your own touchstones.
Discover your own history.
Everything you need…
…you’ll find where you live.
Your history will point you to freedom.
Your ideas will win the day.
No shortcuts.
Know this:
Hard work lies ahead.
If you don’t do the hard work,
The results won’t last.
We are seeing that today in America.
We sometimes take for granted…
…The freedoms we enjoy.
And those who want to take away that freedom…
…They count on us to relax our guard….
…To take the shortcuts…
To just post a few videos on Facebook.
And let it go at that.
But winning freedom took blood…
And keeping freedom takes commitment.
Freedom is like the heart.
It’s a muscle.
And if we don’t use it…
Exercise it…
Push it to the limit every so often…
It gets weak.
It doesn’t work as well.
And eventually, it gives out.
When Benjamin Franklin walked out of the Constitutional Convention….
Someone said to him:
“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”
And Ben Franklin said:
“A republic. If you can keep it.”
So my message to my friends from foreign lands…
Is the same as my message to Americans.
Securing freedom is the work of every generation.
And if you do the hard work,
The results will last.
And the freedom you win…
Will belong to you…
Thanks for watching….