Over 100 different investigations have been carried out by the FBI looking into the presence of suspected Islamic Extremists in the U.S. military.
“Well, here's the good news,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “The FBI is investigating now 100 Islamic extremists that may have infiltrated our military. Is that a problem for anybody?”
“Don't worry – it’s only 100,” he continued.
TheBlaze is reporting that according to NPR, at least 12 of the cases have been deemed ‘serious’ by the FBI – meaning at least 12 of the people under investigation have shown ‘serious’ intent to attack U.S. military targets.
The FBI is not confirming any of the numbers, and officials have declined to provide any further detail, but considering how politically correct our culture has become, it is difficult to imagine how the FBI is defining these ‘Islamic Extremists.’
“I don't know exactly how we define Islamic Extremists anymore,” Glenn said. “How are they looking for them?”
“Since we could never call the U.S. Army major that went in and killed 13 people – we can't say he was a Muslim extremist. No huh-uh.”
This story comes on the heels of another story TheBlaze reported on that involves Islamic Extremists that met with members of the Obama administration. Representative Peter King, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, is looking into why members of a known terrorist organization were allowed (1) to enter the United States and (2) to meet with senior members of the administration in the White House.
Glenn’s newest book Cowards looks into 50 cases in U.S. courts that were found to be decided by Sharia law. “If you need proof of Sharia law creeping in, we have it,” Glenn said. “The facts are facts. Some judges here in America are making decisions based on Sharia law even when those decisions are in direct conflict with the Constitution.”
As Americans, we need to stand up and defend the Constitution and the laws of this land, but Glenn warns that such action will not come without a price.
“I warn you, if you stand up against Sharia law, CAIR, ISNA, and the Muslim Brotherhood in operation in the United States will open the gates of hell on you,” Glenn said. “The question is: Is it worth standing up against? Is it worth the trouble that you will see?”
"Can Americans do to CAIR and ISNA what Americans did to labor unions in Wisconsin,” Glenn asked. “The answer is yes. But not if we're cowards. And not if we go ignorant of the facts.”