Reportedly, the Muslim Brotherhood won the Egyptian presidential runoff was this weekend – official results will be released Thursday – and already there has been at attack on Israel.
Earlier this morning reported that militants crossed the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt into southern Israel and opened fire on civilians that were building a border security fence. At least one of the Israel workers were killed, two assailants died, and Israeli troops have responded to the attack. They conducted an air strike that killed that killed two men riding a motorcycle in the northern Gaza strip near the Israeli border. Glenn told listeners this morning that an Islamic jihad militant group has said that the men were members of a reconnaissance mission and vowed revenge.
“So, I don't know if this is a I don't know if is this a big is this a big deal?” Glenn said sarcastically. “What, the elections happened yesterday, the Muslim Brotherhood, who Barack Obama is for, Muslim Brotherhood won in Parliament. Of course, parliament has been suspended now – is that a problem for anybody?”
The mainstream media and the Obama Administration have been referring to the Muslim Brotherhood as “peaceful and mostly secular” and the “Arab Spring” as a peaceful democratic revolution – both of which were, as no surprise to Glenn, a huge miss.
The Egyptian military has essentially seized power supposedly temporarily, and troops are surrounding the Parliament building. Glenn explained to listeners that the Muslim Brotherhood’s response to this has been to basically go off and start their own thing.
“The new president of Egypt said, ‘hey guess what we’re going to have to do? A Muslim caliphate and it’s going to have its capital in Jerusalem.’ Today we have people crossing the Sinai,” Glenn explained. “1967 sounds awfully darn familiar, doesn’t it?”
Glenn, who was mocked by the mainstream media on both the right and the left, predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood would end up in power after the Arab Spring swept through Egypt over a year ago. Glenn walked listeners through the history of Israel in the 1960’s and the Six Day War on their border.
“This is all being replayed, gang,” Glenn said. “What they've learned in the 1960s, the whole world learned this, is you have to have America down. If you can get America and the west so apart from its own morals and its own standards and its own self, if you can have that away from the scenario, if you can cripple them financially, spiritually, morally, ethically, we win. So that's what they're doing. They tried to do it in the 1960s and it was the Six Day War. They tried to do it in the 1970s. It was the overthrow of the shah of Iran. They're trying to do it now.”
Also noting that Russia is back in the mix, Glenn compared the other attempts Islamists have made to take on Israel have occurred under president’s similar to President Obama – LBJ and Jimmy Carter. He also noted one other thing history has taught us – Israel will push back.
Glenn explained how through history enemies of Israel have tried to wipe them off the map. They still stand, and they’re stronger. Israel took care of business in the Six Day War, and they’ll clean everybody’s clock again. “They’re actually fighting for something,” Glenn said.
“If you look at the history of the Six Day War, hmmm. It seems like was somebody was outnumbered and outgunned,” Pat said sarcastically, noting that Israel was completely outnumbered the last time they defeated their enemies.
“They were surrounded. It was amazing,” Glenn added.
Glenn has been very vocal the past few years about his support for Israel and what he believes they’re up against. He, like many, believes that Israel has overcome insane odds throughout history because of one things and one thing only – God.
Israel is completely surrounded by enemies – Iran, Syria, Egypt, the list goes on – and America isn’t in a good position. Glenn explained that if Russia gets involved, and they are looking more and more every day like they are because of their dealings with Syria, they will not be a friend to Israel. He went on to explain that the decision that was made in Greece over the weekend was a blessing.
“It gave us more time before the economy of the world just implodes over in Europe. Because it's going to happen,” Glenn said referring to the economic storm coming out way. “Where will we be?”
Glenn urged listeners to pay attention to everything that is going on in the news, and be aware of how fast not just darkness is spreading, but forces for good are as well.
“Where are you supposed to be standing? Why has this extra time been given to us? What is it we're supposed to do with it?” Glenn asked. “I would ask urgently that you would ask that of yourself, that you would ask that of your family, you would ask that in prayer: What is it? Why have I been given extra time here? What is it we're supposed to do? Because the plane was supposed to come down in the trees this week. Why didn't it? Divine providence? There's always a reason. Look for it.”