Has any U.S. President ever been re-elected based on blaming his predecessor throughout his entire first term? That's the question Glenn asked the audience this morning on radio.
Just look at everything Obama has said over the past few years:
"I love listening to these guys give us lectures about debt and deficits. I inherited a trillion dollar deficit. We had a surplus. They turned it into a did he sit, built in a structural deficit that extends for decades."
"We inherited a trillion dollar deficit, we signed $2 trillion of spending cuts into law. I laid out a detailed plan for a total of $4 trillion of deficit reduction."
"My opponent won't admit it, but even when you count the steps we took to prevent a depression and jump start the economy, right, so, you include the recovery, all the stuff we did to help states like Maryland-"
And perhaps most importantly: If I don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition.
"He's been in office now for 1200 and some days and he is still blaming George W. Bush nearly day and on many occasion, more than -- he's look a cuckoo clock. George Bush, George Bush, George Bush. Every hour on the hour, George Bush. He's used the inherited excuse over and over again. Not my fault, not my fault. Must be 1:00," Glenn said.
"His surrogates have used it over and over and over again on each of those days. It's possible that we have heard this excuse from this administration with all of its different forms and all of its different messengers about 10000 times. It is absolutely possible that that's about how many times you say a line often enough and people start to believe it and, yet, people don't believe it."
"Has any U.S. President ever been reelected based on blaming his predecessor throughout his entire first term? Has any President ever been reelected who said, four years later, It's his fault? This is just incredible."
"The other issue with what you just heard is it's just a pack of lies. Now, I realize that most Americans don't believe or don't want to believe that their President would just come out and blatantly lie to their faces, but the effect is -- and this is one of the things that separate the men from the boys, the weaklings from the cowards -- is when you have the truth, no matter how ugly it is, no matter how much you don't want to agree with it, the truth is the truth and as much as we don't want to believe the President would blatantly lie the to our face, the President is lying to us and he's not the first. You have Nixon that lied to us. You have, you know -- you have poor dear old Clinton who lied to his wife and lied to us."
"Now, can any rational American accept what he is saying here? Because we're not talking about an affair with some intern I did not have -- we're talking about I did not raise this $5 trillion deficit. I didn't do it. Now, you did and it's math. We're not having to look for cigars or stains. It's math. He's been saying that he's spending money at the slowest rate in 60 years. That's incredible. The debt when Bush left office was $10,626,000,000. Bush increased it by $5 trillion in eight years. This program was strongly opposed to the debt and the deficit. The out of control spending, strongly against the out of control spending and named names and were held -- we're holding the feet of George Bush, his administration, on this issue to the fire almost every day, to the expense of listenership because when the election started, nobody wanted to hear it."
"So, what's the bottom line on the debts these two Presidents have rung up? I can't believe we're actually having to spell this out for Americans. Bush ran up an average of $410 billion deficit spending per year. Obama is running up an average of $1.413 trillion per year. Again, one of these numbers is bigger than the other. Bush, $410 billion deficit spending, out of control. As President Obama said, it's unpatriotic, it's unAmerican at $410 billion a year. Obama, $1.413 trillion a year. Hum. So, that's just a tad more than a trillion dollars more than Bush."
" Numbers don't lie but politicians do."
"Here's some other staggering facts that the American people are now starting to get their arms around and there's no way to blame anybody else," he continued. "The real U.S. budget deficit in 2011, the real budget deficit in 2011 would have been $5 trillion if it weren't for Obama, you know, using all of the crafty mathematics accounting techniques that you and I would go to jail for. Now, it's not -- it's not just him. Bush used those same crafty -- this is a politician thing. However, that's what allows him to spin the numbers. The real deficit was $5 trillion in 2011. If you can't cook the books, if they did the budget the way you have to do it, the way I have to do it, in one year we were another $5 trillion in the hole. At this point the Federal Reserve is essentially monetizing most of the U.S. national debt. For example, Federal Reserve bought up approximately 61% of all the government debt issued by the U.S. Treasury department during 2011. Think of that. Where are they getting that money? How do they possibly have enough money to do that? The Federal -- the Federal Reserve has enough money to lend the largest debtor and the largest spender in global history? Wow, that's a sweet business. They're -- they must be thrifty. They must be saving their pennies for a very long time. The amount of money that the Federal Government gives directly to persons under Barack Obama has increased by 32%. That's why they're confident that you will vote for him. Today an astounding 49.1% of Americans live in a home where at least one person receives benefits from the government, almost half of us. Shockingly, 48% of all Americans are either considered to be low income or living in poverty under Barack Obama. Not George Bush, under Barack Obama. 48% of us are living in poverty? Real median household income has decreased $4,300 since Obama took office. Your salary is getting lower and they're depreciating the money at the same time. There are now over 46 million Americans on food stamps. There were 32 million when Bush left office, this apparently a good and healthy thing for the Obama team, since they're running commercials to try to ad to that total."
"When George Bush left office, the average price of gasoline was $1.85. Today it's 3.59. Housing prices are down 35%. Official unemployment rate has been positive above 8% for 40 straight months. There are 88 million working age Americans that are currently not employed and are not looking for a job. That's an all-time high."
"I could go on and on. Obama can and will go on and on blaming George Bush for all of these numbers another 10000 times if you let him, but it won't change the facts that Americans are waking up and there's no way to deny it. We're worse off than we were four years ago, much, much worse and he'll try to convince us, he'll try to tell us that this time, this time, with another four years, this time it will be better, this time, if he doesn't get it done in seven years, well, then it will be time for a change. "
"Please, Mr. President, spare your breath."