On radio earlier in the week, Ted Nugent revealed that he would be meeting with the Secret Service about the comments he made at the NRA Convention. And what did they find?
"Well I cannot put it in more positive terms. What a couple of professional, cordial, take care of business federal agents they were," Nugent said.
"They wanted to make sure that they understood that I threatened no one's life and we determined that, shook hands and I went and rock n' rolled and they went Secret Servicing," Nugent said.
"They were doing their jobs," he added.
"We just got down to the beauty of metaphors," he explained. "They had to ask basic questions about what I believe and what I meant."
Nugent added that he found none of the questions intrusive.
"Truth and logic wins," Nugent said.
Rush Transcript Below:
One of the guys who is colorful common sense is Ted Nugent. It flew to Phoenix. We're in Phoenix today where we're doing a show and it landed in Phoenix. It got a note from Ted and he said, Just finished with the secret service. So, it wrote him back and said, Do you want to be on tomorrow on the radio and tell the story? And he's here now. Hi, Ted.
NUGENT: Greetings. There's a shortage of effervescence --
GLENN: -- a list of these things, these conversations?
NUGENT: No. I just got -- find the truth in my coffee. I just opened up the Great White Buffalo Tour last year. So, I'm completely inebriated on the greatest rhythm and blues band in the world. So, you have to deal with me.
GLENN: Okay. All right. So, last night you were in Oklahoma, right?
NUGENT: That's right, yeah.
GLENN: Okay. And you're getting ready for the concert and here come the men in black, the secret service
GLENN: What happened?
NUGENT: Well, I cannot put it in more positive terms. What a couple of professional, cordial, take care of business Federal agents they were. It was a fine young black man and a fine young lady from Oklahoma. We celebrated the celebration of the 20th year of the shot heard around the world and I said a little prayer for the victims of the Oklahoma bombing years ago on that date and we got down to business and they wanted to make sure that they understood that it threatened no one's life and we determined that, shook hands, and it went and rock and rolled and they went secret servicing.
PAT: How long did the whole process take?
NUGENT: Well, you know, it could have been done in a couple of minutes, but we were there for about 40 minutes. And I just cannot emphasize the professionalism. It was a great experience. I want you to know that, Glenn.
GLENN: I don't want to -- it admire the secret service. I don't admire the guy down in Mexico, but I admire the secret service and I've always had a very high image of the secret service.
NUGENT: They're the best. There's no question. These guys are well-trained and they're very intelligent and they're taking of business. They were doing their job. Some maniac, some brain-dead lunatic fringer Mao fan said that Ted Nugent threatened the President's life. So, these guys had to respond, no matter how pooty that claim was.
GLENN: Some Mao fan? So, this complaint was sworn out by the President himself, huh?
NUGENT: It thought that was Mao. Anyhow --
GLENN: All right. Oh, my. Oh, my.
NUGENT: I think it was Wasserman Shoots.
GLENN: Okay. So, can you say what happened? Can you tell us? I've never been interviewed by the secret service. What kind of questions do they ask?
NUGENT: Well, we just got down to the beauty of metaphors and I think the way it scrolled across the bottom of the FOX News screen last night is what it quoted that intelligent people don't have to have metaphors explained to them but just for the record, I think it's on the official secret service record that when I say I fired a shot across the bough of the left wing, it made sure he knew it did not own a battle ship or a Howitzer and nothing had been fired. By the way, that's the only thing I don't own is a battle ship and a Howitzer, but --
GLENN: You're working on that, though, aren't you?
NUGENT: It's just (inaudible) away from my Navy friend, yeah.
GLENN: Right. Okay.
NUGENT: No. It was -- they had to ask basic questions about what I believe and what it meant and it found none of the questions intrusive or, you know, outrageous. They just asked such basics and I gave them the basic responses.
GLENN: That's great. Ted, couldn't have a happier ending, couldn't have a happier ending
NUGENT: No. Once again, truth and logic wins, which, by the way, that was a whew moment because in this moment, truth and logic -- if you listen to the mainstream media or our government, it's almost like truth and logic is not only extinct but has been banned. So, let me stand strong. But let me conclude that, Glenn, by saying that I have always been the tsunami with communications, e-mail and texts through my office. It mean forever, since the Sixties when I stood up for conservation, the Second Amendment, the loonies have just bludgeoned me, but other than the loonies, for every loony attack on me, I get thousands and thousands of thank yous and it mean from every imaginable walk of life. So, the Nugent family knows that we live truth and logic and the American way and people are celebrating it now more than ever because simple truth and logic at the NRA convention ultimately caused consternation and fear amongst idiots. So, let the idiots overreact and we'll continue with the wonderful (inaudible.)
GLENN: How do you feel about the NRA -- I read a story that claimed the NRA took your stuff off of the NRA website. What message should that send?
NUGENT: Well, it did not hear that that happened and I'm not certain that that wasn't a normal procedure based on how they rotate information. So, I'll reserve my conclusion, but the NRA is the greatest family organization in the world standing up for the rights of self-defense and if you don't have the right to self-defense, you don't have life itself.
STU: One other question, some media reports coming in, Ted, is there's reports that you've been dropped from a concert at Fort Knox. Anything to that or is that --
NUGENT: Oh, where does all this information -- I've got to tell you, the meeting we walked out of the meeting where we all shook hands and agreed that no one would release any information, all of the sudden there were headlines with what went down. I've got to tell you that somebody planted a bug under my skin or something because this is fascinating how this really inside information gets out, but, no. That has not happened. There's always that possibility, just like when I was supposed to perform at the request of a dead Navy SEAL, I can't imagine any authority more important than a request of a dead Navy SEAL but somehow political correctness has put the request of a dead Navy SEAL behind someone else's desires. My brain can't even grasp that thought, but it exists.
GLENN: Can it tell you something? I will tell you that I have not -- I've not been blocked or thwarted many times before. I can usually find the information, but the good Navy SEALS and the good people in the military won't say a word to me about any of this, won't say a word to me about this.
NUGENT: Isn't that something? That breaks my heart. These guys are dying for the First Amendment. These guys died for the Constitution and the bill of rights.
GLENN: Won't say a word and I'll tell you, Ted, I've got to believe that they all want to say something but, no, sir, can't talk about that, no, sir, cannot talk about that
NUGENT: We want to make sure that we respect their oath to the commander in chief and I want to reference the President. Whether I identify his violations or his shortcomings, I would never, you know, denounce the President amongst military because they're his boss and I have to respect that.
GLENN: Yeah. No. The other way around. He's their boss, but --
GLENN: And it agree with you. They have to answer to the commander in chief and you don't want anarchy. Those are the people at Occupy Wall Street, but who do you suppose could have pulled that off? Because that wasn't somebody in the military.
NUGENT: It really believe that it was the President. I believe that the President said that when he went to the Memorial for these heroes, that Ted Nugent wouldn't be allowed in the same area.
GLENN: Huh. Ted, strange times we live in. Really odd.
NUGENT: Strange. You know, so illogical, so rude. It use the word soulless. You really have to be soulless to make those kind of conclusions, but you look at the Wasserman Schultzes, just maniacs, really scary, hateful maniacs on some of these networks attacking and lying about me. It's really bizarro. It mean, just bizarro. How do these people live with themselves?
GLENN: Ted, thanks a lot. Great to hear and good luck on the tour. Where are you tonight?
GLENN: Where are you tonight?
NUGENT: Tonight we're in Winnie, Texas. We're going to rock in Texas the next couple of nights. Then we go nonstop until hunting season.
GLENN: All right, man. Talk to you.
NUGENT: God speed.
GLENN: Got bless. All right.