It finally happened. The day has finally come. Glenn admitted on radio this morning that he doesn't recognize the country, and sees that progressives are starting to crush the idea of American exceptionalism. And while he certainly wasn't in a cheery mood over what was happening in the country, he did promise not to let the progressives crush him along the way. As regulations, indoctrinations and more come closer and closer to his front door, he made one promise - "I will not comply".
"Today is a day that I feel that I have finally reached the point where I cannot say I recognize my country anymore. I really cannot recognize it anymore," Glenn said as he opened the show.
"Can I tell you something? We are no longer exceptional," he said. "We are exceptional by default now because they are doing everything they can to make sure that we're not exceptional."
For decades, progressives have been trying to shift from American exceptionalism to globalism and a movement for an open society. "Look, we've been going on fumes for a while. It's not this, this president that has done this," he said.
"What's happened to me is I've always loved my country. But the progressive movement killed my country and now they've killed it for me just about three times. They killed it originally, but I didn't grow up knowing about that country. I didn't grow up knowing about our Founding Fathers and the the black Founding Fathers. I didn't, I didn't learn the things that I'm learning right now. So they killed it. It was all there. We were teaching it in schools in 1910, 1900 and then the progressives came and said 'Don't teach that stuff. Teach about the cherry tree and teach that they were all slave owners,' and that's the stuff that we learned," he explained.
"Now, luckily I was around parents and grandparents who had learned enough in the past, but all of the stuff that I learned about our country, all of the love that I have from the country came, a lot of it, from Woodrow Wilson and Uncle Sam and Liberty bonds and all of that bullcrap that is nothing but red, white and blue flag‑waving. But even that was strong enough to bring us a hundred years down the road because it was based in something true that the progressives tried to erase."
"So they killed the country. They killed my love for anything that was real. They buried it. They've done it for African‑Americans like nobody's business. African‑Americans, tell me about Booker T. Washington. Tell me about him. Tell me about Frederick Douglass. Really tell me about him. Tell me about the African‑American that was by George Washington's side the whole time. 'Oh, he was a slave.' Did you read his eulogy of George Washington? You should. It's pretty amazing. Tell me about that."
"Then George Bush starts doing stuff on the border, starts growing PATRIOT Act and all this stuff is starting to get out of control, the debt is going sky high, we're arguing with each other about Republicans and Democrats. I don't even understand my country anymore. And so I had to make the decision: What is my country? What is it? Who are we? Are we the baby‑killers? Are we the oppressors? And I had to go dig. And everything that I was raised to believe about the country died. And now I know who the real country is. Now I know what America really is. I know the bad and I know the good, and I have real ‑‑ a real rich, deep love for this country. It is exceptional. It was founded through divine providence and the protection of divine providence and good, decent men. And along the way, all the way along the way, there were really bad, evil men, as there are today. But they're trying to kill it a third time and this time put it out."
"I said to these guys last night sitting on my couch, I want to find the musicians that without using the red, white and blue and Lee Greenwood images can express the loss that we feel, the mourning that we feel, the fear. Not the fear for our own life but the fear that this idea can be vanquished and, on top of it, the true deep understanding that this idea that man is created and endowed by that creator with things that you cannot ever take away, and those things can't be taken away because they come from the creator and we find them self‑evident. No matter how long they would put us in jail, no matter how they would torture us, they will still be self‑evident, that you are born free and man should be free. He has a right to his life. He has a right to his liberty. He has a right to pursue the things that will make him happy. You will never vanquish that. Never. And that's what makes us unique. That's what makes us special. Because we are the ones who put that down on writing. We're the ones who've lived it. I should say we ‑‑ I think we may have lived it for about 50 years. Maybe. And then Andrew Jackson comes in and takes this idea of 'Be humble, be good to each other' and perverts it. 'Kill the Indian because we're here for God.' It's the same place that Columbus went wrong. Columbus was humble on the way over. He was arrogant on the way back. 'We're here for God. Kill them.'"
"It happens to man over and over and over and over again. That's all right. We are unique. We are special. We are exceptional. But only when we're humble. Only when we're not trying to teach the world a lesson: 'Be more like me. Be more like us.' No. Be who you are. Be who you are. But allow me to be who I am as well. I am a man, and anyone who tries to extinguish that, I will not comply."
"I want you to start saying those words to yourself. If you're driving in the car right now all by yourself, I want you to say those words out loud. You need to start hearing yourself say those things: 'I will not comply.' You want to take away my right to have my kids work on my ranch, my farm? You want to tell my kids they can't drive the tractor? I was driving a tractor when I was 10. "I will not comply." You want to tell me that my kid ‑‑ so what? So they can go play soccer and get a trophy for losing? 'I will not comply.' Learn to say those words, and say them with meaning."
I pray and have prayed for quite some time because the Lord has blessed me and cursed me with an ability to see over the horizon. If these things, these patterns, do not change, I pray that I have the strength to my dying breath to say 'I will not comply.'"