The below are some of the notes that Glenn referred to in the clip above. He ended up going off script, but asked that a portion of his notes be posted. They can be seen below:
On GBTV tonight, Glenn laid out similarities and patterns shared by a myriad of different groups. Big Education, Tides Foundation, George Soros, Anonymous, Russia, the White House, Occupy Wall Street, Iran, and Unions are eerily spouting a similar message. It doesn’t matter where you go, you can often hear the same thing.
Take, for example, the anti-Israeli stance.
Look what is happening on campuses and universities across the country. David Horowitz was giving a speech, and came across a student who refused to condemn Hamas!
Soros/Tides Foundation
Meanwhile, Soros’s Tides Foundation has given approximately $250,000 a year in funding to J Street, a progressive organization that has advocated a two-state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, since they launched. Furthermore, J. Street contends that "Israel's settlements in the occupied territories have, for over forty years, been an obstacle to peace". They have also warned that Israel's choice to take military action to stop Hamas' terrorist attacks "will prove counter-productive and only deepen the cycle of violence in the region"
Russia also carries an anti-Israel message. They have been against an Israeli strike on Iran, they have been pro-Palestinian statehood, and condemned and professed profound concern over the flotilla incident.
Anonymous has come out and even broadcast an anti-Israel message!
Their message?
Citizens of the World.We are Anonymous.
Just a few weeks ago, we declared our crusade against the government of Israel and all supporting counterparts for their involvement in war propaganda, crimes against humanity, and the systematic genocide and expulsion of minorities. Their crimes have resulted in the displacement of Palestinians who did not commit any crime but defend their homelands. Let’s also not forget the U S S Liberty incident where Israel killed 34 American servicemen.
Now, AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee wants to lobby for more wars, more destruction, more deaths than they already have committed and unfortunately, our president has decided to defend them for it.
Our government’s foreign policy has no sovereignty to America. It’s sovereignty is to the state of Israel.
AIPAC is now our enemy.
We’re calling for an occupation of AIPAC and the destruction of their websites. Make them pay for their crimes.
The White House
The White House sadly, has also not been a friend to Israel and have been pushing for a two-state solution.
"The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine,” Obama has said.
"We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states,” Obama also said.
Islamic Extremism
Is it even necessary at this point to discuss the threat of Islamic Extremism to Israel? Watch this clip for just one example.
Media Matters
And how about Media Matters? The Blaze reported just a few days ago that, “Outspoken Harvard University professor Alan Dershowitz asserted that Media Matters has “crossed the line into anti-Semitism” by tolerating an employee – M.J. Rosenberg — who consistently downplays the Iranian nuclear threat and repeatedly engages the term “Israel firster” — an epithet that implies a person’s loyalties are to Israel, rather than America first.”
Occupy Wall Street
Remember this video where a protestor ridiculed a Jewish man and shouted anti-Semitic insults?
Again, the video speaks for itself. Ahmadinejad threatens to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth!
Big Labor has supported Occupy Wall Street, which from the above clearly has a scary anti-Semitic undertone. SEIU has also condemned "Israeli commando attack on the Gaza aid flotilla" and "called for an independent international investigation for the attack and for a permanent opening of the Gaza border".