SUSPICIOUS LETTER from would-be Trump assassin released by DOJ

SUSPICIOUS LETTER from would-be Trump assassin released by DOJ

The Department of Justice has released a letter allegedly written by the second attempted Trump assassin, Ryan Routh, months before he tried to assassinate Donald Trump. The shocking letter, which is addressed to the “world,” was apparently left in a box with another person who only opened it up after the assassination attempt. But Glenn and Stu have a few questions: How did this person know to open the box at that moment? Why did the letter only predict a failed assassination? And, given the ACTUALLY dangerous contents of the letter, why would the DOJ release it?!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: we have to guard our heart. We -- something is happening to us, as human beings.

And when -- when it happens, it's going to take horrible things to get us to be humble again, and to see problems. And to see each other as humans.

STU: I mean, we see that the left has stopped doing this.

Many of them. How many Act Blue donors are going to try to kill Donald Trump before we realize that?

Right? I know we mentioned potential update on this story.

GLENN: So listen.

This is the latest. This story broke this morning.

The second assassin. Assassin, or assassination attempt, the guy who attempted that. This doesn't make sense to me. Sent a letter out.

So the DOJ has obtained the letter from a witness, who they say received it inside of a box. Delivered to them, by Ralph.

Several months prior to the assassination attempt.

Authorities say, the witness opened the box, only after hearing Ralph was suspected in the attack.

The box --

STU: That's weird.

GLENN: Okay, yeah.

Wait a minute. Hang on.

Bring even tell you what's in it.

If you didn't open it. And you had it for several months. What kind of a hoarder are you, in the first place?

You just leave that box opened?

I can't imagine it.

STU: Was it a friend? Do we know who the person was yet?

GLENN: No. We don't.

STU: Maybe if I were to say, hey, Glenn.

I have some stuff to send pick up would you mind holding on to this, in storage? Could be.

GLENN: Maybe. That's not in the story.

But maybe. That's a good answer.

Then if you find out your friend tried to kill the president, or if it's not your friend, it's a neighbor or something. And they sent you a box.

I don't open the box.

STU: That's a good point. I would be a little nervous.

GLENN: Yeah, I would maybe send it to the FBI, or have them come pick it up with a robot.

You know, I don't open the box.

Well, the box contained several handwritten letters, as well as ammunition. One of the letters was addressed to the world.

I'll share it in 60 seconds.

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That's Ten-second station ID.
So this is what this letter says, from the guy who tried to assassinate Donald Trump at the golf course, a couple weeks ago.

He said, this was -- now, he wrote this two months before.

This was an assassination attempt, on Donald Trump.

But I failed you. I tried my best. And gave it all the Gumps, I could muster.

It's up to you, now, to finish the job.

And I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.

Okay. I've got a couple of questions here. If we couldn't release the Nashville letter, because it might incite violence, why is this one just so readily available?

Second of all, why does a guy who is going to assassinate the president leave two letters?

If you're receiving this, and the president is dead, this one. If he's not. This one.

Does this letter include anything about, it was a job well-done?

Or did he -- because if he didn't do that? He didn't really set out to accomplish the job.


STU: Yeah.

GLENN: Because why wouldn't you include?

It could have been done. I tried. And I failed.

Or I don't know what the outcome is, because I'm riding this.

Or I did it. And here's why I did it.

STU: And it could be there's another note that we didn't know about. It was the success note. In his mind.

GLENN: Yeah. Could be. Could be. Could be.

So he sent this letter out. The guy is unstable. Clearly.

But what makes me, this is turning into -- this is going to be another Kennedy thing.

It's going to be another -- another way for our government to lose its credibility.

Why wasn't this guy -- why don't we know why this guy didn't go to prison?

The first time.

In -- in -- what was it?


And then he was arrested again, in 2000, I think '12.

With a, quote, weapon of mass destruction.
Which means a fully automatic weapon. Now, if you're charging him with a weapon of mass destruction. You're going after him, to put him away forever.

But it didn't happen. Why didn't that happen? And they say, well, it was a state thing.

Well, no. No. No. No.

ATF can charge that. And believe me, if Stu had an automatic weapon. And even if it was licensed to him, but he didn't have the license right next to the gun, he would go to jail.

STU: Sure.

GLENN: So what -- what's the deal here?

How is this happening? And it doesn't seem like anybody is -- is actually doing anything about this.

You cannot build this country, and rebuild this country, without some credibility.

Why is our current government -- our current DOJ, even our current Senate and -- and Congress. I mean, I know the Republicans are doing it.

And thank God some Democrats are doing it as well.

But why aren't we getting any answers?

We need answers.

But apparently, we can't get them.

And history is a really strange thing.

Because the more you try to destroy something. History in America, shows.

The stronger that becomes. Not the weaker.

SHOCKING: New Testimony Shows The PENTAGON Refused Capitol Protection On J6?!

SHOCKING: New Testimony Shows The PENTAGON Refused Capitol Protection On J6?!

One of the Left's biggest weapons against Trump is their weaponization and manipulation of the events of January 6th. Thousands of Americans believe the lies that have been spewed by the Left regarding what happened that day. But as more evidence comes out, the more it appears that the Left knew what their plans were regarding this day from the beginning. Blaze Media correspondent Steve Baker joined Glenn to share the revelations discovered from newly released testimony, including evidence that shows that it was the PENTAGON that denied National Guard protection for the Capitol on January 6th due to 'bad optics.'


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I want to introduce you to Steve Baker. He's an investigative idealist. Blaze media correspondent. Yeah. He's the guy that might go to jail. In fact, I think if the election goes the wrong way, he's going to go to jail.

He was parading -- parading.

In the Capitol building. Which he really wasn't. He was standing with his back up against the wall.

Recording, and doing the job of a journalist.

STU: What evidence do you have of that?

GLENN: I have the film of it. The whole time he was there. We have the -- the whole time he was there.

STU: Yeah. And it doesn't show him doing any of that stuff? Okay. That's good. That's pretty good evidence.

GLENN: No, it doesn't. But anyway, Steve is with us now. Hi, Steve, how are you?

STEVE: And good morning to you too.

GLENN: Thank you. Yeah. So I want to ask you about a couple of things.

First of all, give us an update. Because I understand, that we just broke -- breaking news on the replays. About the three hours. On what was it? Nineteen minutes of the National Guard not coming to the Capitol. Explain the story quickly and then give us the update.

STEVE: Right. I'll give this story as concisely as I can.

We have been really fortunate to come into contact with some very high-ranking officials, not only within Congress, the government. But also the Pentagon. And one of the most recent relationships that I've been able to develop, and get really close to.

Is former Assistant Secretary of the Army. Stacey Ordenski (phonetic), and he was referred to me by a Congressional aide.

And said, I think this guy might talk to you.

And this is a guy that was not only 30 years in the Army, teaches at West Point. Chief economist of the Pentagon.


STEVE: But managed an 80-billion dollar budget over manpower, as the assistant secretary of the army.


STEVE: We're not talking about an unqualified --

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

STEVE: Or inexperienced.


STEVE: Not a DEI hire. Let's just say that.

GLENN: Okay.

STEVE: So I've had dozens of calls with him, and then actually been able to meet with him in DC when we both happened to be there at the same time.

And as a result of that, he decided to go on the record with us. And reveal to TheBlaze, that he was on the teleconference call. In fact, they used his system, that day. When the army, or the Pentagon yens. The guys that answered directly to Mark Milley. Who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staffs at the time. These were the four-star. And three-star generals. Were on the conference call. With the National Guard commanders at the same time. Discussing the deployment of the guard.

After Capitol Police chief's son was desperately trying to get them to come town and assist them. They were only blocks away.

GLENN: And they were ready.

STEVE: They were completely ready. And this is what the guard commanders were trying to convey. But the Pentagon pukes. The guys who answer directly to Milley were saying, we're not so sure about the optics of this.

So we originally thought that the phrase, we don't like the optics came from Nancy Pelosi.

And three and a half years ago, the second story I ever wrote about January 6th, was actually entitled, who was up the chain, on January 6th?

And that's where I mentioned the optics quote, and applied that.

Because it came from her sergeant-at-arms of the house, Paul Irving, passed along to her. So we just assumed it was Pelosi.

No. It was passed along from these generals, at the source. At the Pentagon. On this teleconference call, which Stacey -- assistant secretary Stacey Ordenski (phonetic) was on that call, and he laid it all out to us.

GLENN: And this is the first time ever, in the history of the National Guard. That there has been a problem in the -- in Washington.

And they have not gone in to quell it. First time.

STEVE: That's exactly it. And so much detail. Of course, we have the article up just now. Just an article ago. Representative Barry Loudermilk. Who is the chairman of the oversight subcommittee. He dropped a bomb, just an hour ago, while we're getting ready. And preparing for this interview right here.

And he drops a list of transcripts, related to the National Guard deployment. And we've heard, you know, that Trump said that he wanted the guard there.

And we heard Kash Patel say that. And corroborate that. And there's been this back and forth argument.

It's in writing.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

STEVE: I want to read one quote. Just one, from General Mark Milley. Former general, Joint Chiefs of Staff.

January 3rd, '21. The president just says, hey, look at this. This is going to be a large amount of protesters, here on the sixth.

Make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or soldiers to make sure, it's a safe event.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

STEVE: Trump says, hey. I don't care if you use guard or soldiers.

Act of duty soldiers.

Do whatever you have to do.

Just make sure it's safe.

Boom. Done.

GLENN: Unbelievable. And that's not going to be reported.

STEVE: His campaign has to get on this. Right away.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

All right. Let me -- let me switch gears. And talk to you about gates came out, and said, I don't know if this is verified anywhere.

But Gaetz came out and said, there are now five assassination teams going after the president.

He said, three of them, he believes are foreign. And two of them are domestic.

What do we know about -- have we made progress on either of these investigations?

STEVE: Well, you know Eric Prince. That's his deepest fear. That he will move beyond the lone gunman, or the disaffected man, whatever insane guy from North Carolina. Whatever the case may be. That it will move to a Venezuelan gang. Or it will move to an Iranian --

GLENN: Sure. You've seen. You're seeing how the Secret Service move. You see their weaknesses. You see it all. Why wouldn't you take that shot, if you were Iran?

STEVE: Right. That's what we've been calling on since the first assassination attempt back during July 13th. That the president needs to augment, if not replace his security while he still legally can before the election and bring in his own private security.

GLENN: I agree.

STEVE: Obviously the secret service are not doing their job.

GLENN: I 100 percent agree. 100 percent agree.

So what is the latest on -- the shooter at the golf course? Do you have anything?

STEVE: Yeah. We just released a story this morning.

I did. And you're not going to believe this. So we know about the police standoff that he had with Greensboro Police, and Guilford County, North Carolina, sheriff's department back in 2002.

GLENN: Right. Charged with a weapon of mass destruction. And actually convicted of that. Did he ever go to jail? Prison.

STEVE: Glenn, you're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you.

Before that incident, five months before, he was arrested for being found with multiple explosive devices, was on his own recognizance released at that time, on probation. At the time, he did the -- the three-hour standoff with local police. With the gun. With the alleged automatic rifle.

GLENN: How did he not go to prison?

STEVE: He didn't just not go to prison. While he's -- after going through the legal process.

And being convicted.

And then being released, and being on five years probation. Somehow, he was granted travel, to Costa Rica.

Now, I don't know if you've ever been to Costa Rica or not. But there's only three reasons for going to Costa Rica. Two of them are not good.

GLENN: What are the two reasons that are not good?

I've not been to Costa Rica.

STEVE: Sex trade and money laundering operations.

GLENN: Okay.

STU: The third one, what? It's pretty.

STEVE: Yeah. Pretty. It's great. Great beaches. Great resorts.

GLENN: Okay. Well, if I'm ever in Costa Rica, that's why I'm going. At your recommendation.

And so, but that doesn't make sense.

That's like Jeffrey Epstein kind of stuff.

That everybody knows, but for some reason they let him go. And is this just incompetence? Was this reimagining the police and justice?

Or, no. He's white.

What happened?

STEVE: All right. He is a career criminal.

He has charges going all the way back to when he was in high school.

He's a guy who has had over hundred criminal charges leveled against him.

I think he has 74 arrests.

That's why he was so calm on his arrest last Sunday.

He had that smirk on his face. He was so calm.

Just another day at the office for him. In terms of him being arrested by cops.

He's had multiple felony convictions. He's never spent a day in prison. As a result of that.


STEVE: Okay. Well, we interviewed. I interviewed the former conservative sheriff.

Out of North Carolina. Out of the bill Ford county.

And he told me that the county there, Guilford County is traditionally extremely liberal.

And that they would rather release people. And plea them down, rather than go through the process of -- they are government workers. So they would actually have to go to work, if they were to do a trial.

GLENN: Wait a minute. If you have a machine gun. If you have a fully automatic weapon. That's ATF. That's a federal crime.

STEVE: That's exactly what the sheriff said. That crime in particular, should have been referred to the federal authorities.

It should have been adjudicated there. It was not. It was pled down locally to a concealed carry --

GLENN: This is just -- a concealed carry.

He's got a fully automatic weapon.

And he's a criminal.

He shouldn't have had it in the first place. He shouldn't have had a gun.

STEVE: So we are told. That's correct.

Now, the only other thing, if we pull back from the ledge. If I try to pull a Stu right here.

And that's this.

Is that if he is insane, we have another rob.

This is indicative, of why there are so many homeless people on the streets.

Because we have no place to put insane people at him.

And rather than putting this before a judge and be a judge going, the dude is crazy.

We have nowhere to put these people.

GLENN: Is he crazy?

STEVE: Some say that he is. And when we have testimony now.

We have this nurse, coincidentally from west Palm Beach. That was over in Ukraine.

With Ryan Ralph. Who was saying, that he was a nut. When he was over there.

That he was a constant problem.

GLENN: She's the one that reported him, when she got back here. Right?

STEVE: Right. Now, when she gave that report, I sent that report. That Wall Street Journal article, over to awful our sources in the intelligence community.

All of our sources. Special Ops community.

All of our sources, in former -- all of our former FBI guys.

To a man, everyone responded, BS. She's a CHS. This was --

GLENN: Which HS.

STEVE: Confidential human source. And that this is just a disinformation article.

This is not me saying this. This is the response I got from every one of them.

Including the guys you know. Like Steve Friend. In the interview.

GLENN: Okay.

Just keep on these stories, Steve. I really appreciate it.

And keep us updated. God bless. That's Steve Baker, investigative journalist. Blaze Media correspondent. Both of those stories are available right now at

Max Lucado’s End Times Survival Guide | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 228

Max Lucado’s End Times Survival Guide | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 228

“A page of prophetic history turned in May of 1948,” says Max Lucado about living in what he calls “the fourth quarter.” “Wars and rumors of wars,” the encircling of Israel by her enemies, and the way our world seems to have turned upside down may be the “birth pains of the tribulation.” But Max says we have no need to fear, because “if you want to know the end, go to the beginning,” and Max takes Glenn all the way back to the bliss of the Garden of Eden. In a conversation about AI, transgenderism, the startling rate of teen suicide, and the rise of the antichrist, Max manages to focus on the hope of a millennial kingdom where “Satan is bound and Christ is crowned.” Glenn asks Max to convince him of a pre-tribulation rapture and for his best advice for resisting the “mark of the beast.” After discussing the Olympic opening ceremonies, the pair consider the near-assassination of Donald Trump and how God “doesn’t exist to make a big deal about America,” but we do exist to make a big deal about God.

How to convince your Democrat friends to 'JOIN THE RESISTANCE' | Bret Weinstein

How to convince your Democrat friends to 'JOIN THE RESISTANCE' | Bret Weinstein

Evolutionary Biologist Bret Weinstein used to be a Democrat but now has since flipped to support Donald Trump. What was the final straw that caused him to look at his party and say, 'Enough is enough'? Bret laid it all out for Glenn here: "It wasn't one thing. It's a consistent pattern of hostility to the things that make the West so productive, vibrant, and innovative." But Bret also explained how we can convince our Democrat-leaning friends to make the same change he did.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I wanted to bring Brett Weinstein on.

He's an evolutionary biologist.

Co-host of Dark Horse, the podcast.

He is also one of the founding members of the team, putting together. Join the resistance.

And you can find out all the information at It's September 29th in Washington. So that's a week from this weekend.

I know how you probably feel about going to Washington.

Kind of the same way I feel about going to Washington.

But I'm doing my best to clear my schedule. And be this. Just to stand in the crowd and be there with everyone else.

Because I think this is really, really important.

Brett, welcome to the program.

BRET: Thanks so much. It's great to be with you. On.

One minor correction. The website is The name of the event is Rescue the Republic.

GLENN: Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Rescue the Republic. So tell me what Rescue the Republic is, for people who don't know.

BRET: Rescue the Republic is more than an event.

It is really, in my opinion, the furthest meeting of the vast unity coalition, that is forming, in large measure, in response to the tyranny, that is clearly unfolding. And planned by what I call the blue team.

I'm embarrassed to say, that's the party to which I still belong. The Democratic Party which has obviously gone rogue. And opposes all the values that are foundational to the West.

So many of us, across the political spectrum, have recognized this hazard. And are putting aside our political and ideological differences. In order to protect the civilization.

Which has been so good to us.

And to stave off the disaster, that will untold, if it is -- it is destroyed.

GLENN: So, Brett, I mean, what?

Eight years ago. You and I wouldn't have been talking. I don't think.

We would have seen each other in the opposite camp. What is it that -- I know what brought you out of that. And decided to go to say. You know, I need to stand on my own here.

Because some things don't make sense, and they're not right.

But what turned you?

What was the turning point for you to say, this -- my own party, is so dangerous to the republic. That I have to -- I have to sign up, and be on the side of Donald Trump.

BRET: Well, it wasn't one thing. It's a consistent pattern of hostility to the things that make the West so productive, vibrant. And innovative.

And, you know, any one of those things could be just myopia of some sort.

But the consistent pattern suggests that we are under the control of people, who do not value the system. For what it is capable of.

And find the rights that we are guaranteed by our Constitution.

So I can't stand by, and watch that happen. I have children. I love them.

They need to have a nation and a world, that is livable.

One in which, they are not seen, as a host to some parasitic force.

But they are understood to be citizens, with rights.

So in light of what we are up against, what possible the difference could there be, between us, that would matter?

GLENN: Hmm. How do you talk to people?

Because you must hear it all the time. You must hear from people who is, you know. Things. Crazy things like you're a traitor.

How could you possibly do that? I mean, Donald Trump is out of his mind crazy. He's a danger. And we're all going to be in shackles and chains.

How do you -- how do you talk to those people, and -- and get them to see the -- the hypnosis in some ways, that they're under.

BRET: Well, I have a couple -- a couple different approaches. But I would say, the key thing is to recognize that this is a kind of hypnosis of some sort. And I believe that literally.

Which means, that the -- the people you're talking to, to say that. Nine out of ten of them. Maybe 99 out of 100 are victims of something that they don't understand. They don't see it. And the way to reach them, is incrementally. The first job is always to let them see your humanity.


BRET: And let them understand. Know what it is, that they feel.

And that you're concerned about it too. And what you want is to leave them with the question, if the person I'm sitting across from. Sounds reasonable to me. They don't sound crazy. They don't sound like they have bizarre objectives or values.

How could they possibly have reached such a different conclusion about what we must do now? That's the question to leave them with.

And then when you return, hopefully, they will be curious. There will be a lot of questions about how you could possibly be doing something that in their mind, is the height of insanity.

And that's a conversation that most people would have. You would be surprised. If you could break through the first layer, and get past the instinct to either avoid the topic. Or shut down the counterarguments.

GLENN: Right.

BRET: There's a lot of room to discuss where we are, and where we should be headed.

GLENN: So we're running out of time.

What do we have, about 50 days before the election?

BRET: That's about right.

GLENN: We're running out of time.

And I've had really great hope. I mean, you look at the people, who are coming to rescue the republic.

It's Bobby Kennedy. And it's Tulsi Gabbard.

You're going to be there. Russell Brand is going to be there. Charlie Kirk is going to be there.

I mean, it's -- it's a lot of very different people. Some of the best doctors are going to be there.

Some of the best people on -- on economics, is -- they're going to be speaking.

Very short bursts from everybody. On all of the things that are being violated. And how we have to -- and how we have to fix it.

How -- how do we do this in 50 days?

BRET: Well, it's obviously a heavy lift, but it's also easier than you would imagine.

And I -- I'm not sure how to make this point to people. But all of the political analyses about the election are inherently wrong.

If they calculate what the -- the race is going to look like on Election Day, based on what we think of as voters.

Because there's a huge collection of people, who are not voting.

Some of them don't vote because they're tuned out.

There's nothing to be done in 50 days. About those people.

But a huge fraction are actually not voting because they're fed up. Those people can come off the bench. And if they do so, in significant numbers, they can swing any election.

So from my perspective, as somebody who has frankly thought it wise, to vote against both parties, in almost all of the elections that have taken place. Or presidents, in my lifetime.

This is not the moment to do that. And it is certainly not the moment to sit out of the election.

This is the moment to come off the bench. And to stand up for the values, that make our marvelous nation possible.

If we can get people to recognize that, we can actually make a decisive enough victory, that it can overcome, what is presumably, the margin with which the blue team is capable of cheating.

GLENN: The -- you know, Elon Musk has said, repeatedly now. That he feels, this is pretty much it.

Western civilization is at stake. This time.

Now, that sounds like hyperbole to a lot of people. But on September 11th, you know, of 2001, we -- we all instinctively knew that. When we were hit that day, we all thought, oh, my gosh. This thing is fragile. It could come apart at any minute. And what they were trying to do on 9/11 could be done at the ballot box, this time. And -- and destroy, not just America, but the entire Western world.

How do you convince people, that that is -- that's not hyperbole.

Because most people don't that believe that could ever happen.

BRET: Yes, I -- I truly believe it's not hyperbole.

And, in fact, I believe that we are being slowed down, in our recognition, that it is actually an ongoing process.

What we are living through, is the looting of our system. The resources are being drained out of it. Because those orchestrating it. Understand that they are pulling the plug.

So we need to wake up faster. That all this money printing is not the result of foolishness. This is the end game.

The same that could be said of the bubbles that we see in our markets, and the fact that they have come up with rationalizations for incriminating our most fundamental right. Freedom of speech.

Tells you, that this is the end of the process. This is the point at which they don't want us to be able to talk about what they're doing. Because it's going to go on and fast forward.

So I don't think Elon is being hyperbolic at all. I think he's right on target.

GLENN: I do too. And I'm so glad to see, people that are open-minded. And, you know, generally don't vote the same way I certainly was.

Come to the same conclusion. And understand where we are.

So tell me, a little bit about the event on September 29th in Washington.

BRET: So the event is a free event. We're hoping for a very large turnout for a couple of very different reasons.

One reason is that it will make it obvious, that the Supreme Court for it is the new unity coalition is tremendous. And that will make it very hard to sell the story, that Kamala has -- has been swept to victory by a wave of support.

The other reason though, is that seeing people. Flesh and blood people. Gathering across political differences.

Putting the ideology aside. Is going to be meaningful to the large number of people, who are debating in their own minds, whether or not to vote, or sit this one out. We need to motivate them, and motivating them in large numbers will do two things. One, it will make it possible to win this election, decisively.

And, two, it will make the point to the new administration, that really, governing from this vast storehouse of talent and insight, that exists in the unity coalition, is the right way to accomplish the job.

This needs to be a new era, in which frankly the Republicans --


BRET: From power.

GLENN: I'm sorry. You cut out the last second or so. What did you say?

BRET: I said, that if we get a large turnout, that this will make the point that this unity coalition, which contains so much talent and insight, is the proper team, to usher in a new era, in which the Republican Party is transformed into something new. And the Democratic Party is removed from power.

GLENN: That is remarkable.

And I have to tell you, I am so excited for Elon Musk. And Robert F. Kennedy.

And Tulsi. And all of the people now. We're getting the real innovative thinkers, to join with Trump.

And I think that -- it promises to be, a completely different world. If he takes advantage of it, and the American people take advantage of this team, that is -- that is growing.

Thank you so much.

I -- I want to encourage you to not only go, to Rescue the Republic. It is happening September 29th in Washington, DC.

But also, if you can. You can show your support, by donating. This is a very worthy cause.

This is honestly, this is the 9/12 Project.

From, you know, the people we would have said are the other side.

They agree with the principles that we put out.

This is -- this is so incredibly hopeful and important. And I know what it's like to put this together.

Especially with the names that they're bringing in. My gosh, you have everybody under the sun. They asked me to speak, and I was like, no. I think I can go and listen.

I don't think I can speak. RFK Jr. Russell Brand. Tulsi Gabbard. Matt Taibbi.

Laura Logan.

Everybody is going to be there. If you can donate, please

Join the It is critical, as the government always makes things more and more expensive, as you get closer and closer.

And it's happening next weekend. September 29th. Right at the Washington Memorial, in Washington, DC.

Media MYSTIFIED after Dem. donor threatens 6 "unknown" SCOTUS justices

Media MYSTIFIED after Dem. donor threatens 6 "unknown" SCOTUS justices

An Alaskan man who is a registered Democrat and has donated to ActBlue was just charged after allegedly harassing and threatening SIX Supreme Court Justices. However, the media is mystified and making sure to disclose that it is UNCLEAR which Justices were facing the harassment. With the current ideological makeup of the Court being 6-3, is it really a difficult puzzle to figure out which Justices may have been targeted?...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let me break some news here. You might not have heard, it's -- it's really not leading the news. The mainstream media for some reason.

I just can't figure out why. An Act Blue donor shot President Donald Trump, July 13th.

Another Act Blue donor attempted to assassinate him on Sunday. And it turns out, they now arrested an Alaska man.

He was arrested two days ago. Did you even hear this story?

STU: I did. I don't think many people did.

GLENN: Yeah. Okay. He was arrested on Wednesday, for allege allegedly threatening to torture and slaughter six US Supreme Court justices.

STU: Stop at six. I wonder what six?

GLENN: Well, six-three.

STU: It could be any specific six. It could be think of them. We don't know. We have no idea.

GLENN: He might have taken the women. And, you know what I mean.

And killed them twice.

STU: Maybe he did it by height. Maybe he was looking for the six shortest justices. I don't know.

GLENN: Not sure. So he's giving 80 contributions to Act Blue, and the Democrats. Anyway, the Department of Justice, announced Thursday, that he's been charged with nine counts of making threats with a federal why. And 13 counts of making threats on interstate Chamber of Commerce. That the DOJ retrains from indicting. Or indicating which six justices, he was after.

So we don't know. We just don't know.

STU: Who could possibly guess?

I don't know. What would an Act Blue donor want from the Supreme Court? We can't answer that question. we don't know.

GLENN: We don't have any why had. He said, the Justice Department said that they -- this was intended to intimidate the six unnamed justices. And retaliate against them, for actions they had taken in their official capacity as federal justices.

Which six? What happened?

I don't know. He allegedly threatened to hang a specific justice, from an oak tree. We don't know which one. To lynch another.

Examine to kill a third by putting a bullet in his head.

He also threatened to be behead, strangle, and/or drown all six, as well as gun down all of their family members.

Again, the story says, it's unclear what six justices, had a they might have done to draw the ire of the Democratic donor.

STU: Come on!

GLENN: I swear to you, that is in the story.

STU: Stop it. And I -- and I will say, every story I read about this. Had the same sort of disclaimers on it.

We all know what the -- they were the conservative ones.

With air quotes. The conservative justices are the ones that were being targeted by the Act Blue donor.

It's theoretical. Like, I understand, you have to say, allegedly. You have to have some sort of qualification. If you don't have the facts locked down.

Can you at least include the obvious in these stories?

GLENN: Well, TheBlaze story did. It said, although it's unclear.

The June 2022 decision on Dobbs versus Jackson Women's Health Organization did anger some pro-abortion extremists.

STU: Now, I hadn't noticed. I hadn't noticed that at all.

GLENN: Well, you could have -- you could have seen the hate crimes and terrorist attacks, targeting pro-life centers or churches or individuals.

You know, that all happened. No reason to cover that either. Because they're not for violence.

They're not violent at all.

You know whose fault this is?

Donald Trump. Oh, my gosh.

STU: Of course. Of course, it is.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, by the way, there's something else. The -- remember that thing.

What was it called? Oh, it was the most dangerous moment since the Civil War. January 6th.

STU: Of course. Yeah.

GLENN: So January 6th, apparently the National Guard was -- was standing by, ready to come in.

Within nine minutes, they were ready, and calling and saying, we're ready to come.

And Nancy Pelosi's sergeant-at-arms said, no.

And then, when they finally asked, they -- when the National Guard asked, again, like an hour later, are you sure you don't need the National Guard?

He said, well, it's in committee now. We're trying to get a hold of everybody. And find out if we should call them. Because I don't want to higgledy-piggledy call out the National Guard.

And have people out here that can control things. It's the first time in 219 years, the history of the National Guard, that they were not allowed to respond to a riot in Washington, DC.

First time. And it was Nancy Pelosi's office that stopped it.

And finally, finally, after discussing, and making sure that they got everything right.

It was three hours and 19 minutes later, they said, you can come.

Everything was over by the time they got there.

Now, that sounds like maybe there's something that we should probably, I don't know.

Look into.

Something doesn't seem right about that one.

STU: You're talking about the datamocracy guide?

GLENN: Yeah. The datamocracy guide.

Congressman Matt Gaetz says he has a Homeland Security whistle-blower, claims five assassin teams are now hunting Donald Trump.

Can I just ask you a question. Honest.


What does it feel like to be Melania Trump or Barron? Or any of the kids? What does it feel like to be them today?

You know, my wife and I were talking about it, last night. We were on our way to a fundraiser. And I was talking about Trump and his family. And I said, you know, the one thing. And I said this even when I was, you know, an anti-Trumper. A forever anti-Trumper.

The one thing you cannot question, is his children. His children obviously love him.

But look at who those children are. I mean, they're all successful. They're all normal. He had three wives. So he has children, from three different marriages. Somehow or thorough, this guy who hates women, found a way to co-parent with these women. And, by the way, when you hate women, what you do is you, you marry strong, strong women. That's what you do.

Because, you know -- oh, that -- yeah. It's only Putin that is afraid of strong, mixed race women. So, anyway, look at his children.

They're kind. They're charitable. They're not screwed up. Look at his daughters.

I mean, doesn't that say something about the guy?

You know, he's writing all these books about, you know, how to be successful. I think he should -- and I mean this sincerely. I think he should write one on parenting and being a dad. Because I don't know how he did it. Look how wealthy they are, and how -- and how independent and how successful each of them are in their own way.

And happy. They seem happy.

STU: He has obviously a very unique perspective of how to -- being a parent in a very unique environment. Let's put it that way, right? He's gone through a lot. He's been in the public eye. He's been very successful running businesses, all these other things. You know, there are a lot of people out there who are in situations, not to Trump's level, but that are somewhat similar in their work lives, trying to figure out how to balance it with their family. How to do it, if you're trying to do both of those at the same time. I would say, it would be a fascinating read.

GLENN: So my kids. I was going to Mar-a-Lago. I don't know. A year, a year and a half ago. Two years ago. And Tania is just so unimpressed with everything.

She just is like, do we have to dress up?

Yeah. Yeah. Oh.

You know, I've got some things I've got to do. She's just not impressed by any of it. Which has kept me very, very sane and grounded.

But we were invited to go to Mar-a-Lago. And she's like, gee. I think pretty much anything other than that, would be good.

And she's like that with anything that is, you know -- that is not like the Met ball or the Oscars. She would be like, no. Anyway, so I invite my two kids.

And I call them, I say, hey, can I bring my two kids, instead of my wife. She's sick. And they're like, yeah. Sure. Bring them.

So I get there. And he's like, where is Cheyenne and Rafe? And I said, they didn't finish their homework. And I wondered what he was going to say.

What do you mean?

And I said, I told them for three days, you don't get all your homework done, you're not coming with me.

And he looked at me, and he put his hand out and he shook my hand out and said, good for you, Dad. And he said, can I make a quick video for them?

And I said, sure. I should find it.

I said, sure. And he took the phone. Started the video. And he said, Rafe and Cheyenne, I am so sorry I must get a chance to meet you. But your dad did the right thing.

When you finish your homework, and you get good grades, you come out and see me.

I mean, that was cool.

STU: That's great. Oh, that's really cool.

GLENN: So there's some other things that are in the news today.

We have the five assassin teams, that apparently, three of them they say, two of them are domestic. And three of them are foreign.

Can -- can somebody help me, with what happens in this country. If Donald Trump is shot and killed.

STU: God. I think people -- I wish I could remember who it was. Someone pointed this out. I thought it was a good observation. Which is, a lot of people look at this as a soap opera. Almost as entertainment.

GLENN: Nothing is real anymore.

Like, oh, my gosh. This would be an amazing development in this Netflix series, if that guy got shot. That's how I think a lot of people look at this.

The entire country, is at risk if something like this actually occurs and works from the assassin's perspective.

We are in mass -- we're close to the brink, as it is.

GLENN: I know. I know.

STU: Can you imagine if something like this actually happens. No one knows.

GLENN: You're not going to trust anybody.

Have you heard what's happening in the investigation? Ron DeSantis has taken over the investigation from the FBI.

He said, yesterday, I am concerned.

We have been rebuffed by the FBI. And DOJ. Our investors, were rebuffed, just going to the fence line, outside of the Trump International golf club in West Palm.

So they're doing an investigation. The federal government wouldn't even let them get close to the fence line. He said, here's the thing. There are multiple violations of Florida law, across multiple jurisdictions. He said, we think at least three judicial circuits. This guy committed potential violations of Florida law.

We have a duty to investigate this. We have the duty to bring the appropriate charges. We also have a duty to inform the public of how this happens.

If something happens to this guy. And could it be done by Russia.

It could be done by Iran. Do you think that's what everybody is going to think?

Everybody is going to think, yeah. It might have been done by Iran. But where the hell was the Department of Justice?

Where was the Secret Service?

Where was the FBI? You knew this was coming.

You said it. It's the ultimate Bubba Effect.