Are Scientists Harvesting Human Embryos to Power Supercomputers?!

Are Scientists Harvesting Human Embryos to Power Supercomputers?!

In a story straight out of The Matrix or Terminator, environmentalist scientists are harvesting human stem cells to build "batteries" for A.I. supercomputers. But what makes this even more terrifying is how it works: The most sought-after source of the stem cells for these "organoids" is embryos, and they only last about 100 days until they die. So, are we harvesting God's creation to power man's "creation?" Blaze Media editor-at-large James Poulos joins Glenn to explain the whole story ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: He is TheBlaze media editor at-large.

And TheBlaze TV host of Zero Hour. He's also the founder and editorial director of Return, which is a new vertical on

We have several different things that we're working on. And one of them is return, just like on your keyboard, when you hit return.

It's all about tech.

He wrote a story that is one of the more disturbing, dystopian stories. And we've done our homework on this, to some degree.

Enough to go, oh, no. This is actually in practice, and being used by the University of Michigan, right now.

This is not some, you know, some day. And it's a little like the Matrix.

Environmentalists are worried about, how do we make enough power to be able to power AI?

Well, they have found a way. Called organoids.

Wait until you hear this.

James is with us now. Hello, James.

JAMES: Hey, Glenn. How are you?

GLENN: Well, I was better before I read your story on organoids. Yeah, I know.

This is bizarre and terrifying.

JAMES: Yeah. It's really disturbing. And it's been around for a little while. But it's really starting to kick into gear.

As you said, you know, AI consumes a ton of electricity. A lot of energy. You know, environmentalists have always hated nuclear power for pretty perverse reasons, I think.

So they're so afraid of using nuclear power, that what would invoke now is turning to us.

To be the batteries. Just take the stem cells out of embryos. Out of the labs. Sometimes out of tumors.

Turn them into brain cells, basically.

And use those as batteries, to power what they're calling bio processors. They say, it will use about a million times less power than a typical digital processor. And that's a good thing, they say.

You can access them remotely. And this is the new hype. You know, it's from the same folks who brought you the idea of going to carbon zero. Net zero carbon use. They look at human beings as a waste of space. A waste of energy.

And they want to harness that, to run AI that is supposed to be smarter than anyone can understand.

GLENN: So on final sparks website, this is the company that is doing this.

This linked to a daily mail article, that says organoids are tiny, self-organized, three-dimensional tissue cultures made from stem cells.

Stanford's website says stem cells come from two sources. Embryonic stem cells.

And then, you know, that's unused embryos, and they are then donated to science, or adult stem cells.

But those are really limited, and can only generate certain type of cells.

So they also say, final sparks website say, these organoids live for about 100 days.

So are we harvesting embryos? Using them to power a supercomputer for 100 days?

And then killing them, and looking for more embryo stem cells?

JAMES: Well, right.

So if you are uncomfortable as IFD, this is going to drive you nuts. There's an extra category of extra stem cells they've created called induced pluripotent cells. And basically, what you do, you start the embryonic process.

But you arrest it before it gets too far.

And then you harvest the stem cells out of this artificially induced embryonic organism, right? Human organism, and then you create a fork, and you just grow those cells.

You know, sort of the way in the way they grow fake meat cells. You know, it's really akin to cancerous cells, and the way that they grow.

Right. So this is something that is not one and done.

It's not like, well, maybe once upon a time, there was an embryo who had to die for the greater good.

No. This is a perpetual motion machine.

You have to keep harvesting.

GLENN: Yeah, every 100 days.

This is not a hypothetical, by the way.

Final Spark says, the University of Michigan already using this neuroplatform.

And this is -- this is because there's not enough energy, and these -- these organoids, use so much less energy, that if we just harvest these embryos, we can then -- AI can go on and live forever.

And we don't have energy problems.

Good Lord. That's terrifying!

JAMES: Yeah. At a certain point, if we were created in the image of God. How far can you stray from that, before something horrible happens?

None of this is a surprise. Nikola Tesla infamously said, you will live to see manmade horrors beyond your comprehension, and we're getting pretty close.

GLENN: Yeah.

You have -- you now have scientists who don't -- don't necessarily believe in God.

Think that they are creating a God. In AI.

Now, harvesting God's creation to power their new God.

Good Lord, help us.

JAMES: Yeah. Ask if you cross that Rubicon, where you say, we're going to turn these brain cells into cyborgs. Into Frankenstein cells. Then it's not very long before you say, well, gosh.

Why don't we just turn the whole human race into this kind of cyborg entity. You know.

The terminator, at least the machines are stomping around, looking to wipe us out.

These machines look at us more as the solution than the problem. They just suck all our energy out of us.

GLENN: You know, I was reading a book about energy. And how all of this is going.

And it will. I mean, if it's an entity. That needs food. Needs energy.

To live. Just like us. You're trapped in the mountains.

You know, in -- in a snowstorm. And there's 20 of you. And you start dying.

You're going to start eating each other.

You have to survive. And that is what happens.

The same thing, it will eat whatever will give it the energy.

I would rather not train it to eat people. Or anything with -- to do with people.

JAMES: Well, especially when you have nuclear power there.

And to their credit, there are some tech guys out there who are working on advanced forms of nuclear power, clean energy coming out of things that you can do.

Splitting up atoms.

Yeah. There are Rhode Island risks there. But, gosh, if we are going to go down this road to any degree, where we will need significantly more energy, in order to -- you know, whether it's stay ahead of China, or whatever excuse you want to come up with.

Or for just the sake of -- of more human flourishing. Imagine that. Gosh, you have to -- you have to take a look at nuclear, before you start looking at the guy sitting next to you, as your source of energy.

GLENN: I saw a story yesterday, about here in Idaho. That they're shutting down the water on -- because of environmental reasons.

They're shutting down the water for I don't even remember. Half a million acres. Or more. Of farmland here.

They're just going to shut the water off. So all these farmers will lose their farmland. Coincidentally what is also happening, and exactly the same time, is they are opening up cobalt mines in Idaho. And these cobalt mines need tons of water to keep the drills cool and everything else.

And those are for batteries. So it appears, as if the state of Idaho, shafted the farmers. And said, forget about the food.

Transfer the water, to the cobalt mines. So we can have batteries.

That's more important.

And nobody has tied these two together yet.

It -- we're in trouble. We've misplaced our values.

JAMES: It's a big problem. And you know what else is crazy about Idaho, Glenn?

Right now, there's bitcoin mining going on in Idaho. A lot of people started to understand how Bitcoin works.

They're skeptical. But this is something that is still a first rate technology, that ordinary Americans can use, starting right now.

Takes maybe a minute or two to learn how to do it. But you can do it. When the Bitcoin miners take the energy that they need, in order to do what they do.

Legislators get upset. Oh, I don't know. This is using a lot of energy. So they're looking at curbing, the ability of the miners to lose electricity.

Or even charging them more for their electric lease. Meanwhile, when Facebook comes to town in Idaho and they say, hey, we're building a gigantic data center.

It's going to consume tons and tons of energy. The legislators say, well, if you're creating jobs, we will actually give you a tax cut.

This is how messed up our priorities are right now.

GLENN: Wow. I don't know if you saw The Godfather of AI.

But Jeffrey Hinton, he's the guy who left Google, if I remember right.

And he left -- he left Google, because he said, they were going into some unethical things. Is it was becoming a real danger. Do you remember this story?

JAMES: Yeah. That's right.

GLENN: Yeah. And he said he had real fear, at Google. That the -- that AI would fall into the hands of bad actors.

He just did an interview, where he -- he said that he was asked the question here.

If he was in favor of a super intelligent AI destroying humanity, and replacing it with something objectively better in terms of consciousness. He said, I'm actually for it.

But I think I would be wiser for me to say. That I'm against it.

He was then pressed on, and asked him, can you elaborate. And he said, well, people don't like being replaced. Well, yeah. No.

I'm good. He said, it's not -- it's -- it's not clear, that we're the best form of intelligence, that there is.

Obviously, from a person's perspective. Everything relates to people. But it may be that there comes a point, when we see things like humanist, as a racist term.

We're dealing with people, who are very, very smart and very, very clever.

But many of these people are anti-human. And they hide behind the environmentalist thing. To -- to get away with it.

JAMES: It's really diabolical. If you're looking for an intelligence that's higher than human intelligence. That actually doesn't want to kill us, but in fact loves us with a love beyond human comprehension. It's right there, in the form of God the creator.

And if you reject the existence of God, then it's just really looking like, these days only a matter of time, before you reject the existence of human beings too. I know it's not everyone.

I know there's some -- some atheists out there, that think human beings are still good. But it's looking like they're outnumbered.

And they're losing the battle for the soul of the atheist if you will -- these guys, they have really just -- they do hate humanity.

And they think that intelligence is more important than -- than love.

They think the brain is more important than the heart. And, you know, it all sounds interesting, when it's at the level of theory. But when you ask them to develop it out of practice. It doesn't mean replacing humans. It means wiping them out.

GLENN: So which -- which movie do I think is more likely?

I mean, I never thought the Matrix. But the Matrix, you know, batteries. Human batteries. And it creating a utopia. In people's minds.

Or do you see us.

I mean, remember, the beginning of Skynet. And the terminator.

The first line, I think in that movie, is the machines rose from the ashes in the nuclear fire.

And it was AI that had been used by the Pentagon, and the world's war machines.

And then we blew ourselves up.

And AI decided, we were the problem. And started to wipe us out.

Here we are, talking about the absolute unthinkable. World War III.

Which would end in nuclear war.

And wipe almost all life off the planet.

And we're giving the keys to much of our work.

We just had Jack Carr on yesterday.

Where he was talking about -- you know, he said, nobody would tell me exactly.

But if I talk to enough people. They're putting it all together. And they can look at it.

Oh, we're turning the keys over. To our -- of our killing machines.

Over to AI soon.

That -- that is not -- that can't be a good thing. Which -- which movie are we -- are we going towards? It's kind of like, you know, Brave New World. Or 1984.

I think we're 1984.

Are we headed more towards the terminator, or the Matrix?

VOICE: Well, you know, we have lots of sci-fi movies to choose from. I would point toward. We have sci-fi horror films that we can look to. We got movies like Event Horizon.

We have series like Hell Raiser.

Where the bad guys are inter-dimensional demons, who get summoned by human beings and lead them into hell.

We have David Cronenberg.

He has other films, that really show you, that there is that side of technology they can't be makes you sort of -- fills you with child like wonder.

And all these promises of flourishing beyond imagination.

There is a dark side too.

If we pretend the dark side is not there.

That's usually the way we get led astray in the worst possible way.

GLENN: So is there anything that can be done, going back to the first topic of using stem cells from embryos for human brains. Into these organoids.

Is there anything we should be looking towards. Or pushing for?

Or what?

GLENN: Well, I think, number one, we have to ask ourselves serious questions about how enslaved we are going to be, if we are always looking to China.

If we look at China. And say, they're taking over.

We can't beat them, unless we join them.

Or we have to fight fire with fire. If we're constantly comparing ourselves with what China is doing. We will lose touch with who we really are, as Americans, and depending as how things shake out as human beings.

That's point one. I think point two.

Is, yeah. Okay. You want to innovate on energy.

Look to nuclear. This is not some bizarre technology. It's been around for a long time.

Some countries. That the French. The Japanese. They have Fukushima. They have tsunamis all the time. Not a problem in the United States.

There are ways of doing points of energy, that don't involve turning human beings into these sort of Frankenstein cyborgs and using them for energy.

GLENN: James, thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Nerdrotic: Why “The Acolyte” Proves Disney HATES Star Wars Fans

Nerdrotic: Why “The Acolyte” Proves Disney HATES Star Wars Fans

Disney’s newest Star Wars series, “The Acolyte,” has received some of the worst fan ratings in the franchise’s history — 14% on Rotten Tomatoes!. But is it because of racism, as the show’s star, Amandla Stenberg, suggests? Or maybe, as media critic Gary Buechler of‪@nerdrotic‬ believes, it’s because “The Acolyte” destroys Star Wars lore left and right. Gary joins Glenn to break it all down, from the “lesbian space witch” plot that somehow made Glenn defend midi-chlorians to how the show seems to prioritize DEI requirements above good storytelling: “Disney doesn't understand Star Wars fans … They hate the fans. And they actively hate Star Wars.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: The one and only, Gary Buechler is on. Nerdrotic is what he is known as. And he has been hysterical, on the new Star Wars series from Disney+ called The Acolyte.

I haven't seen it. But I have heard about it, and I have heard my friends talking about Gary, and his conversations on it.

Disney is actually blaming him for the loss of credibility on that new space thriller of the space lesbian witches. And YouTube has actually dinged him. And is giving him strikes.

Because he is a hatemonger. Because he doesn't like the lesbian witches in space.

Gary, you're here to answer for yourself, brother. What's happening?

GARY: I'm here to answer for my sins against Disney. Thank you for having me on, Glenn. And that is happening to -- it's not -- it's random. But it's happening to a lot of YouTubers. And commentators. And I'm not sure if you're aware.

The star, Amandla Stenberg yesterday released a diss track against Star Wars fans, and she is copyright claiming, and dinging everybody on YouTube as well for her blatant attack on the Star Wars fandom, which is always, you know, just a great strategy, which, oh, by the way, never worked.

GLENN: Yeah, I know. It's really great.

Look, I'm a star of this new show, you know, from just this legacy that have been loved for 50 years.

And I'm a big Star Wars fan. But all the Star Wars fans, they really suck a lot. They really -- they're crazy. They don't know, you know, talent when they see it. They don't know a good story line. Yeah, that's the way to attract those -- those loyal viewers, every single time.

I saw the Rotten Tomatoes.

The -- the -- the experts tell us that it's absolutely fantastic. 84 percent.

The average audience score is 14.

GARY: That's a bit high in my opinion.

GLENN: Yeah.

GARY: So --

GLENN: Tell us the story first. What is the story?

GARY: Oh, the story of The Acolyte is as you said, there is a coven of lesbian space witches, who magically conceived identical twins without a father, through a power of not the Force, the Thread. By the way, somebody needs to call Darth Povich because the twins don't look anything like mom. They don't have horns.

And they were split up at -- at the age of like -- I would say it's eight or nine. And they haven't seen each other for 19 years. Yet they have identical haircuts.

GLENN: Really? What are the odds of the hair cut thing? Really? That's crazy!

GARY: Well, you know, a good hairstylist keeps her secrets, so obviously she isn't telling either one that they're going to the same one. But...

GLENN: So before we get into more of the lesbian space witch thing, which I think America and the world has been crying out for, for a very long time.

GARY: Yes.

GLENN: Tell me who is in charge of this disaster in space. Who did they get to -- to run this?

GARY: Oh. Former personal assistant to Harvey Weinstein, Leslye Headland is the head writer on this show.


GARY: Yeah, I know. It's shocking. That somehow, somebody connected to Harvey Weinstein can get work.

GLENN: Yeah. I would think they would be in the federal witness protection program myself.

But they might even turn them down. The -- so she -- she found work, after being the personal assistant. So the one that was lining up all the hotel room meetings and everything else.

She's now the head writer of the lesbian space witch show.

GARY: She is. I think the term is Judas goat.

I think that's -- she got a job by begging for it on the red carpet. When she was famously asked what's your favorite Star Wars. And she said, all the Star Wars. Obviously, not knowing a single thing about it.

Later, she's come out and claimed, that she does.

And she's written this entire story, that not only passes the Bechtel test. It passes any DEI requirement with flying colors for lack of a better description.

GLENN: So go ahead.

GARY: No. Ultimately, it's -- it's the story, Glenn.

What -- what Disney loves to do is conflate whatever happens on Twitter, and any kind of complaints. With like real criticisms of this show.

And ultimately, despite all the obvious, quote, unquote, diversity. Which is just meant to exclude, well, white man. Let's be real.

And it's just a bad story, that destroys the lore. And that's what Star Wars fans are mad about. It goes back to the past and it undercuts Anakin, his entire redemptive arc, the specialness of Anakin and the prophecy. And every time they release another minute of Disney Star Wars, I can't even call it Star Wars. It's Disney Star Wars.

On D+, it destroys more lore, and that's what the fans are upset about.

The thing is, this has been going on for years now, Glenn. You can go back all the way now to the force awakens. And it seems to come to a head on this show, for some reason.

When I think it probably could come to a head five other times. Six other times.

GLENN: But why this one?

I mean, they -- have they just been like, you know what, we've tried suddenly to kill this thing?

Let's just finally kill it.

CHARLIE: Right. They found a way to kill something again! It's pretty amazing.

I would argue that Obi-Wan Kenobi is much worse, as far as destroying lore.

Obi-Wan, his sole purpose was to watch Luke. They had a show where he takes off on Luke twice, follows around a little baby Princess Leia, who never mentions meeting him as a kid.

And fights Darth Vader twice. So it really shouldn't surprise anybody.

But I guess this show is -- I would equate it. Oh, go ahead.

GLENN: No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

We have a delay and I'm -- I forget, I'm so excited to talk to you about this.

The -- the -- I never thought I would be in a position of Defending midi-chlorians. But this one kind of throws all of that out. Right?

GARY: It kind of does. I personally am not a fan of midi-chlorians. And never will be.

GLENN: Oh, I hate it.

GARY: Absolutely hate it. But I guess Disney Star Wars has proven, things can always get worse. And the biggest victory comes with the prequels. Like the prequels are now looked at which more fondly than they were before, thanks to every bit of Disney Star Wars, Lucasfilm has created.

But with this show in particular, it's just hit the zeitgeist.

Because I would equate it to the marvels from last year. It was just so predictably bad. And that it still beat our very lowered expectations of how bad it would be.

And it's a show, if you see it, it's contradictory.

You have characters, contradicting each other. None of it actually makes any sense in -- for storytelling-wise. You spend your first two episodes establishing a character. Then you go into a flashback for an entire episode. That really doesn't tell you anything new.

Then the last episode was 27 minutes long. Without previously being on credits.

And nothing happens. Absolutely nothing happens. And, oh, by the way, it cost $180 million to produce.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

What is -- what has happened to Disney? I mean, besides all of the DEI crap.

They just -- the greatest storytelling company ever, cannot seem to tell a story anymore!

CHARLIE: No, they are creative bankruptcy personified now.

And they were on the top when Bob Iger decided to buy a bunch of franchises.

And everybody was calling him this massive genius when he just went on a shopping spree. And never bothered looking into what it takes to cultivate these franchises and keep them around.

What it took to keep them around for decades. You know, it's not being talked about as much. But they have a Dr. Who Show, that they're now in charge of, running around with Acolyte.

It's a race to the bottom with both of these.

GLENN: I love Doctor Who. And their -- and their --


GLENN: When did Disney buy into Doctor Who? I hate the BBC, but how did the BBC even let that happen?

GARY: Well, they were about to cancel it because the first female doctor played by Jodie Whittaker, by the way, wasn't a hit like they suspected.

GLENN: Oh, no. What a surprise.

GARY: Yeah. What a shock. So they decided to bring back Russell T. Davies, who had brought the show back in 2005. And it was extremely good and popular. And it's just proved that you can't go home again, and how much has changed in entertainment, Glenn.

I -- post-2016, you have the guy who originally brought it back. Made it a worldwide sensation.

Making the worst Doctor Who now.

And, of course, it's filled with things like pronouns.

And we had -- it's not even the first like male kiss. You know, gay kiss. In Dr. Woman WHO. But they gave this one to the doctor. And made it more prominent with the first black gay doctor. And they're in this trap now.

Instead of giving the fans what they want and just making good entertainment, they have to abide. You know, and the BBC started this much earlier on back in 2012.

The Diversity and Inclusion Initiative, which is all the DEI stuff. And it prevents them from telling a good story. They have so many rules on themselves.

So with the corporatism, it goes back to Disney. With the corporatism, they really can't take chances anymore.

And this even goes beyond woke entertainment. They just need to have this built-in audience, to spend money on anything. And in my opinion, overspend.

And what makes things insane is they paid so much money for this built-in audience, that they immediately decide to piss off. Not only with their story telling. They come out and gaslight the fandom, with a term that's a real term called fan baiting. Which is to start controversies online, so people are talking about their show.

And, again, I haven't seen an example of this ever working. But they've been doing it now for seven or eight years.

GLENN: We're talking to the Gary Buechler.

So we're talking to Gary Buechler about Nerdrotic. Or he's -- he is Nerdrotic online. We're talking about the new Disney show. You know, they omitted they had a secret gay agenda. And I really don't care. And I really don't care.

But God, stop preaching to us, and stop trying to make it look like the whole universe is, you know, lesbian space witches.

Because it just ain't. It's just not.

And, you know, I used to think, that George Lucas was the biggest problem to Star Wars. Because he would introduce things like Jar Jar Binks. Like, oh, jeez. But at least he cared about the story. At least the story of the force was consistent. And it built on each other.

Not anymore!

GARY: No. Not anymore. This was a basic story of good versus evil, and it doesn't work in the modern nihilist times that we're in. Where, oh, it's gray. And the Jedi are bad. George was a genius. George is at the top of his craft -- he -- there will never be anything like him again.

Was he the best storyteller? No, he actually had a lot of help with the original trilogy. Not much help with the prequels. But he still -- when he's putting in half the effort, he's better than everybody in Hollywood.

And he's looking much better nowadays too. Unfortunately, with Bob Iger, with Nelson Peltz and because he's an old man. Right? He's in his 80s. He doesn't want to rock the boat. He made a lot of money on this Disney deal.

A lot of money. But Disney doesn't understand Star Wars. They never will.

And more importantly, they don't understand Star Wars fans. And they actively hate them. Which has been kind of the undercurrent.


GLENN: No. I don't think they understand anybody.

I really don't. I don't think they understand their own Disney fans.

You know, the children in their families. They don't understand any of it.

They act as though they do hate them.

GARY: Because they do. And forgive me. This isn't Glenn's fault. This is my first radio interview. And I apologize. And thanks for having me on, Glenn.

They hate the fans. And they actively hate Star Wars. And they're now calling the fans racists and bigots for pointing out inconsistencies of lore, like normal fan stuff. Stuff that fans have done forever and will do Trevor.

And Hollywood is having a very hard time in -- in the social media era. We've seen the death of the movie star. And, quite frankly, it's because we got to know them.

And now it's based on property. Right?
And they don't want to take the time to understand these properties. And you can't use the old model of, oh, well, we can just change stuff, and nobody is going to care. No. A lot of people always cared. Now you're going to hear about it, a lot. And you have to figure this out, or you're going down.

GLENN: Gary, thank you so much for talking to us on. He's one of the largest pop culture voices on YouTube and social media. And the establishment, Disney, and everybody seems to be afraid of his voice. Because he's -- he's just speaking the truth that we all know.

What the IDF Just Said About Hamas Should "TERRIFY EVERYBODY"

What the IDF Just Said About Hamas Should "TERRIFY EVERYBODY"

The IDF’s head spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, recently claimed that Hamas can’t be defeated because it’s “an idea rooted in the hearts of the people,” and we can’t destroy ideas. But Glenn has a few questions: Does that mean we shouldn’t have destroyed Nazi Germany? Should we have allowed Hitler or Stalin to take over the entire world? Naziism hasn’t been eradicated…but its government has. What about theft and looting? Those are “ideas” that we haven’t defeated. Should we just stop policing? Because that worked great after the BLM riots! Hamas, just like Nazi Germany, is more than an idea, Glenn argues. It’s a GOVERNMENT that MUST be defeated.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So this is trending on X, right now. And it's about rear admiral, Daniel Hagari.

He's the IDF spokesman. And you've seen him possibly in press conferences and interviews. And video clips. Trying to show the world what Gaza really is like.

The terror tunnels under the houses and the streets. And the yards of deep and hundreds of miles long, and filled with weapons and workshops and schools.

And the weapons and the UN facilities, the command posts under the hospitals. Missile launchers everywhere.

That's what he's been doing. And he's seemed really solid. Until last week, he was in, doing an Israeli TV interview.

Sorry, it wasn't last week. It was this week. And he said, whomever thinks it's possible to destroy Hamas, is wrong.

Hamas is an idea. Whomever thinks it's possible to make it disappear, is wrong.

What? No.

You're wrong. First of all, Hamas isn't just an idea.

Ideas grow and grow, until they become almost an entity.

This is the demonic embodiment of timeless, ageless hate. It is a culture of death and child sacrifice.

It is one of the worst evils humanity has ever produced.

And it starts with the Nazis!

Yes. Its core ideas.

But Hamas is more than just an idea.

It is like the Nazis!

That was more than Mein Kampf.

Stalin's USSR was more than Marxist ramblings. Yes, all of the ideas were at their core.

Yes. Naziism is an idea. And we haven't wiped Naziism out.

After all of this time, it's still here. And it's thriving in Hamas. And other places, in the Middle East.

Yes. Hatred dies hard. And, no, we're -- we no longer need reminders that anti-Semitism is incredibly difficult to get rid of. Thank you very much.

Yes. We still had murder. We still have violence. We still have rape. We still have theft.

Not even the Ten Commandments could do away with those. Not even God himself might have something to do with the way God created us and gave us freedom of choice. It has something to do with human nature, I'm pretty sure.

But should we have given up on eradicating the Nazi part of Nazi Germany?

Should we have stopped at Berlin's gates? You know, we can't win. Naziism is an idea. It can't be eliminated. There's really no point.

We should stop this. Should we have done that?

Should we have allowed Stalin to take the whole world? Should we end all policing, like they're starting to here in America? Because someone will always steal and murder.

I don't know if you've seen that. Where they're trying to do things like that.

It's not going real great.

I'm up here in the mountains.

The mountain West.

And we're mowing our lawn, in front. We just have field grass.

We mowed the front of the lawn around the how. So no rattle snakes are right up against the house. Well, there will always be snakes.

Yeah. But shouldn't we at least try to keep the snakes away?

Couldn't we try to -- I don't know. Take them at least remove those that are right at your -- the feet of your children? Or under your children's bed for the love of Pete?

Or will you just say, you know, there's always snakes.

Honey, I'm not going to mow the lawn. There will always be snakes.

Are you seriously suggesting that we're not better off, than we would be, had we left the Nazis in power?

Or if the USSR hadn't lost the Cold War Are you Seriously trying to say, that we wouldn't be better off? Yeah you're right.

Their ideas are not dead, and maybe they will never be.

But Nazi Germany is dead. And the world is immeasurably better for it.

It's not just an idea. It's not just an entity now.

It's a government!

Shouldn't we not try to take Hamas?

Take out every last member, we can.

Deny it both rule over territory. And the ability to harm anyone ever again?

You know, well, it's just Israel. Israel. Israel. Really? Really?

Do you think that when they're done with Israel, they'll stop with the Jews? History has shown that we can. You know why we fight communism so hard now?

Because the left infiltrated our -- our schools, our media, and everything else.

And white-washed the Soviet Union. Stalin was worse as Hitler as far as death toll.

But we don't watch documentaries about Russia all the time. Do we?

I don't know why.

But, boy, they've made quite a killing on the Nazi stuff. And maybe it's because the Nazis had snappy uniforms designed by Hugo Boss.

Maybe it's because a -- a -- a country we could relate to, was one of the scientific wonders of the world. Suddenly went dark and insane.

But we've taught it over and over again, how bad that is. And, yes. That idea still is around.

But we're not fighting a government.

This, I think was a huge boost to Hamas' morale. And that of its friends.

And poison for the Israeli morale.

Are they in a fight that the IDF itself doesn't think it can succeed and win?

If you're fighting and you don't believe that you can and will prevail, then you will not prevail.

Think about all of those who have fought and died and bled. The hundreds of thousands of Israelis, still displaced from their homes, almost nine months in.

The millions who fear and pray for their relatives and friends in uniform. The millions more who understand, that if Hamas doesn't die today. If we don't take out this snake and mow the lawns and cut the heads off of all of them we can find, it will come back tomorrow. And maybe bring some trends. And do worse than last time.

Was this message approved? By his government?

Because the government is supposed to be in control of the army.

The government said, the security cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has defined the destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities as one of the goals of the war.

The IDF, of course, is committed to this. Okay. This should terrify everybody, not just Israelis. Because at best, this is politics.

Israelis trust the IDF, to the rank of colonel. Anybody above that, is political appointments. You know, at least as much as their military merit appointments.

They don't trust them, just like we don't trust ours.

We trust our soldiers.

But when you get on top of the Pentagon. It's all politics.

Same thing.

Except, Israel's government is in real trouble.

It may fall, the parliamentary system and all.

Netanyahu's chief rival has left the war cabinet now, during a hot war, for obviously political motives.

At worst, this is a sign of one more very serious breakdown in the West's moral fiber.

This time, it's -- it's the last useful fighting force in the area!

This isn't about refugees.

This isn't about territory.

This is about good versus evil.

Civilizational. Existential.

Not just for Israel. The West is riddled for supporters of Hamas.

And they're clones. They're marching in our own streets!

Do you think if Hamas is reenergized it's going to be good for America?

Our common enemies there are a openly and often, that they intend to take down the great Satan.

Not just the little one.

Israel is the little Satan.

We are the great Satan.

They will come for the -- as they say, the Sunday people. Not just the Saturday people.

If Israel fails in this, the world will be darker for it.

But it will not stop there.

They will come for the rest of us.

This -- I don't even. Spokesperson is all I can.

It's wrong!

We must stand.

We have to take out the monsters. And defend the house.

PROOF the DOJ Is Running Election Interference for Joe Biden | Ep 360

PROOF the DOJ Is Running Election Interference for Joe Biden | Ep 360

After Hunter Biden was found guilty of a minor gun charge, Democrats and the media were quick to use his conviction as evidence that all is “hunky-dory” with the justice system under President Joe Biden. Anyone who questioned the Left's "fair justice" narrative was branded a conspiracy theorist. Cue New York Magazine: “Hunter Biden Conviction Blows Up Republican Conspiracy Theories” and Vanity Fair: “Trump and Co. Come Up with Most Deranged Theory Yet: Joe Biden Wanted Hunter Biden to Be Found Guilty.” Never mind the fact that the only reason Hunter went to trial is because a judge blew up a secret deal between his lawyers and his dad’s DOJ that all but gave him blanket immunity on tax fraud charges. But sure, the justice system is fair and impartial! Never mind the fact that the regime’s main political opponent in the upcoming presidential race — Donald Trump — was convicted on 34 BOGUS felonies and faces three more major trials. AND never mind that Trump's ally Steve Bannon was ordered to prison for contempt for Congress and yet Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland got away with the EXACT same crime. Glenn lays out the case that proves the weaponization of our justice system goes right to the top. Through unredacted court documents, White House visitor logs, and documents from congressional committees, the evidence trail leads directly to the Joe Biden White House. Glenn is joined by legal warrior Harmeet Dhillon, a lawyer for Donald Trump and the Center for American Liberty founder and CEO. She says the weaponization of government she’s witnessed is unprecedented and believes the end game is to trigger civil unrest in the country if Trump is jailed. “The constant fear being injected into conservatives is deliberate,” Harmeet says. But she gives four solutions for how conservatives can avoid entrapment from a government treating them as enemies of the state.

This Doctor Warned About Fauci 20 Years Ago. Will We Listen Before It’s Too Late?

This Doctor Warned About Fauci 20 Years Ago. Will We Listen Before It’s Too Late?

Dr. Richard Ebright first warned about gain-of-function research and Dr. Fauci back in 2001. Recently, he sat down for a rare interview with Blaze Media Managing News Editor Leon Wolf to explain why we’re not out of the danger zone yet. Leon joins Glenn to break down some of the biggest warnings he gave: “Most biological attacks have not been carried out by terrorists. They were carried out by researchers with axes to grind.” So, why have our government and Fauci been so insistent about continuing gain-of-function research — and very sloppily at that? In his new article at, Leon argues that “gain-of-function” “might be fairly called a bioweapons research program.” And it didn’t end with COVID-19. Now, there’s rumors of a new bird flu spreading…


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