Are you brainwashed? How to help someone escape from cult control

Are you brainwashed? How to help someone escape from cult control

We are looking at cult-like behavior. Talking to someone who is deeply involved in a cult or shows signs of brainwashing can be a very delicate and challenging situation. Cults and extreme groups operate through manipulation, often using psychological tactics to isolate members from reality. To navigate this conversation, it’s crucial to understand what brainwashing and cult behavior look like, how cults maintain control, and what might break that “spell.”

How to Know Someone is in a Cult: The Signs

Before engaging in a conversation, it’s important to recognize the signs that someone may be involved in a cult or undergoing brainwashing. Cults typically exhibit certain behaviors and characteristics that separate them from ordinary social groups or religious communities. Here are some red flags:

1. Absolute Authority

One of the clearest signs of cult involvement is the existence of an unquestioned leader or group authority. Cults revolve around a single person or a small group who holds ultimate power, often claiming divine or special knowledge. Members are expected to obey this leader without question, even if their demands are irrational or dangerous.

2. Us vs. Them Mentality

Cults often foster a strong “us vs. them” worldview. The members are conditioned to believe that they are the enlightened ones, while the rest of the world—including family members and friends outside the cult—is misguided or evil. This encourages isolation and discourages interaction with people outside the group.

3. Isolation

Another hallmark of cult behavior is isolation. The cult may physically or emotionally distance members from their families, friends, and anyone who might offer an alternative perspective. This isolation helps the cult maintain control over the narrative and limits the individual’s exposure to outside ideas or criticisms.

4. Extreme Devotion and Sacrifice

Cults often require extreme devotion, including financial sacrifice, abandonment of previous relationships, or total commitment to the group's activities. Members are sometimes asked to give up their personal identity, time, and autonomy in service of the group’s goals.

5. Control of Information

In a cult, information is tightly controlled. Members are discouraged or forbidden from seeking out outside news, literature, or opinions. Critical thinking and questioning are not just discouraged—they’re seen as signs of weakness or betrayal. This control of information keeps members dependent on the group for understanding the world.

6. Fear and Guilt

Fear, shame, and guilt are powerful tools in a cult’s arsenal. Members are often told that leaving the group will result in catastrophic consequences, either in this life or the next. These fears—along with feelings of guilt for questioning the group's beliefs—keep members compliant and loyal, even when they might have doubts.

7. Manipulation Through Love Bombing

At first, cult members are often subject to “love bombing”—a flood of attention, affection, and validation. This is how many cults attract people in the beginning. The constant praise and love make new members feel special and welcome, pulling them deeper into the group. Once inside, though, this affection becomes conditional, based on obedience and adherence to the group's beliefs.

Signs of Brainwashing

Brainwashing often happens gradually. Over time, people in cults are led to reject their previous values and beliefs in favor of the group’s doctrine. Here are the signs someone might be brainwashed:

1. Loss of Critical Thinking

The person no longer questions what they’re told by the group or leader. They repeat ideas and phrases without reflecting on whether they make sense. They accept everything at face value.

2. Black-and-White Thinking

Complex issues are reduced to overly simplistic terms. Everything is either “right” or “wrong,” “good” or “evil,” based on what the group believes. There’s no room for nuance or debate.

3. Parroting Group Doctrine

You’ll often hear them repeating the same slogans, phrases, or talking points that the group uses. Their language becomes rigid, filled with clichés and group-approved terms.

4. Rejection of Dissent

Any suggestion that the group might be wrong or flawed is met with defensiveness, anger, or fear. The person can’t tolerate questioning or challenges to their beliefs and may see any attempt to reason with them as an attack.

5. Changes in Personality

You may notice sudden, drastic changes in their personality, behavior, or values. They might have once been open-minded or independent but now seem rigid, emotionally distant, or overly reliant on the group for approval.

What Do Cults Do to Keep Members from Seeing the Truth?

Cults use a variety of techniques to ensure their members stay loyal and never see the truth about the group’s manipulation. Here are some of the key strategies:

1. Thought-Stopping Techniques

Cults teach members techniques to “stop” any critical thoughts that might arise. This could be repeating a mantra, reciting slogans, or saying a prayer anytime they feel doubt. This thought-stopping process prevents people from thinking independently or critically.

2. Gaslighting

Cults often gaslight their members, making them question their own memories or perceptions. For example, if a member raises a concern, the group may deny that the concern is valid or accuse the person of being irrational, making them doubt their own thoughts and experiences.

3. Emotional Manipulation

By exploiting members’ fears, shame, and guilt, cults keep them emotionally dependent. If someone expresses doubts, the group may accuse them of being sinful, ungrateful, or lacking faith. This emotional pressure reinforces the idea that they can only find safety and acceptance within the group.

4. Creating Dependency

Cults make members dependent on them for basic needs—whether it’s emotional support, a sense of belonging, or even food and shelter. By removing outside resources, they make it much harder for people to leave, even if they want to.

5. Punishment for Non-Compliance

Cults often use punishment—both physical and psychological—to keep people in line. This might be public humiliation, loss of privileges, or shunning. The fear of these punishments prevents members from expressing doubts or leaving the group.

How is the “Spell” Broken?

Breaking someone free from a cult or brainwashing isn’t easy, and it can’t happen overnight. It’s a gradual process that often requires patience, empathy, and the right approach. Here are some key steps:

1. Build Trust

Before you can have a meaningful conversation, you need to build or maintain a strong foundation of trust. Cult members are often told that anyone outside the group is an enemy or deceived, so they may be wary. You’ll need to show them that you care about them as a person, not just as someone “in a cult.”

2. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Instead of confronting them head-on with accusations or trying to "prove them wrong," ask thoughtful, open-ended questions. This encourages them to reflect on their beliefs without feeling attacked. Questions like, “What do you think happens if someone leaves the group?” or “How did you come to believe that?” can open the door to self-reflection.

3. Avoid Arguing or Direct Confrontation

When people are brainwashed, directly challenging their beliefs can make them dig in even deeper. Instead of arguing, try to guide them toward thinking critically by pointing out contradictions or gently exploring other perspectives. Cult members often have doubts—help them feel safe in exploring those doubts.

4. Offer Information Gradually

Instead of overwhelming them with information about the cult’s manipulation or abuses, introduce ideas slowly. Share stories or examples of people who have left similar situations and what led them to question their involvement. Sometimes hearing about others’ experiences can help them see parallels to their own life.

5. Encourage Outside Connections

One of the most powerful tools cults use is isolation. If you can encourage the person to reconnect with family, friends, or the outside world—even in small ways—it can help break the cult’s control. Finding a way to connect with reality outside the group is essential to opening their mind.

6. Be Patient

Breaking free from a cult takes time, often months or even years. People can’t be rushed. They have to come to the realization themselves, and you need to be patient, supportive, and non-judgmental as they slowly start to question the group.

7. Provide a Path Forward

Leaving a cult is incredibly hard—emotionally, socially, and sometimes physically. Many people fear they’ll be alone, without purpose, or rejected by everyone if they leave. Show them that there’s a path forward, that they can find community, purpose, and a life beyond the group.

Conclusion: Cult Deprogramming is an Act of Love

The key to helping someone who’s brainwashed or in a cult is compassion. It’s easy to get frustrated, but remember that they are often victims of psychological manipulation. By building trust, asking the right questions, and being patient, you can create the conditions for them to begin questioning their beliefs. It’s not a quick process, but with time, many people can and do break free.

Did the Government ABANDON Hurricane Helene Victims?

Did the Government ABANDON Hurricane Helene Victims?

Hurricane Helene has left dozens dead and millions affected across the southern United States. But while communities in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina deal with flooding and destroyed property, FEMA still hasn't reached some of the hardest hit towns, like Asheville, North Carolina. Shouldn't the government have learned from the disasters in Maui and East Palestine?! Once again, it's up to We The People to step up and help our neighbors. Glenn speaks with Mercury One's J.P. Decker about what Mercury One is doing to make sure communities like Asheville are not abandoned.

You can help by donating at


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: What is happening in our country right now, in the southeast is in some places Katrina in Asheville, North Carolina, FEMA has not arrived.

They may make it today. The Red Cross has not arrived. They may make it today.

Mercury One will be on the ground, at with -- what -- time?

J.P.: We're hoping at around 4 o'clock today.

GLENN: 4 o'clock.

We'll object the ground in Asheville. We've chartered helicopters to bring in supplies.

Water, food, you know, and, I mean, it's -- it's really amazing, what's happening.

Benny Johnson is providing a couple of -- you know, a few pallets of water.

As well. And so it's just everybody coming together. And the government not doing their job.

J.P.: Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy over the weekend. We worked non-stop, to get just surmise. And what's crazy, that congressman --

GLENN: Wait a minute. I should introduce you. This is J.P. Decker. He's the executive director of Mercury One. Go ahead.

J.P.: Yeah, I reached out to Congressman Cory Mills because he helped us with some of the Haiti and then also Maui and Israel.

And I said, hey. Do you have helicopters? He said, I can get you two. And I said, great. Let's do it.

So he got us two helicopters. We're hoping to leave today from Florida to fly into Asheville. Actually have a contact on the ground in Asheville. He's a former Green Beret. Over the weekend, he lost all track of his wife and 3-year-old daughter. He was out of town, and found out what happened. Flew back. And ended up getting on a helicopter. Found them in the midst of, you know, all the instruction. And 100 other people that still hadn't been rescued.

It's happening because, one, government hasn't shown up still, like you said.

And yet again.

GLENN: How is that possible?

J.P.: That's what doesn't make sense. We've seen this already. Did we not learn from Maui? Did we not learn from east Palestine? Again.

GLENN: Our government. It's truly remarkable how they just are not -- it's like they don't care at all.

J.P.: No.

GLENN: And didn't Biden. We gave Ukraine all their money this weekend.

J.P.: Yeah, just this weekend.

Which is just -- you know, and now he's saying, well, we've given a lot already to help with the hurricanes. Well, no, you haven't given enough.

GLENN: My gosh.

J.P.: DeSantis. The Florida governor.

They were hit extremely hard. But they were prepped.

And, you know, we are helping in Florida in some of those small rural areas. And he said, you know what, I will send the National Guard in Florida to help.

So he's sending National Guard to help.

And that is just eye-opening to me.

With that, there's also in the mountains, there's still people that are missing.

Right now, they're saying roughly 600 are missing. And one of our other partners. Jack Brewer Foundation. He's up there, and he's been working with a lot of the veterans who are just living up in the mountains.

And they have nothing. Everything is gone.

And they're already living paycheck to paycheck. So he's helping provide water, food.

GLENN: That's crazy.

And did you read about the communications, Stu, that I thought it was Starlink, that Starlink? You know, they are putting Starlink in Georgia and everything else.

No. That's actually one of our partners, isn't it?

J.P.: Yeah. CBRC is one of the partners. They were the first in after the Lahaina fires, and they were the ones that got past the National Guard because they said, we have StarLinks.

And we will help you get your communications set up. Because the national guard had too many red tape to cut.

And so ITVRC (phonetic) was able to go in, set it up. And they're doing the same now in North Carolina. In Georgia. In Tennessee. And that's Mercury One. That is what we do.

When the government doesn't step in or they choose not to step in, we're there to restore the human spirit.

GLENN: And there is no reason, with all of the technology and all of the supplies and everything we have.

Our government is failing us, time and time again.

J.P.: Yeah.

GLENN: I mean, to have this going on, this weekend. And then give those billions of dollars to Ukraine, while you're not even where the -- where people are being lost, ambulances, are underwater.

Filled with people. They were trying to get to the hospital.

They're dead.

J.P.: Yeah.

GLENN: And nothing. What is this?

J.P.: These are our fellow Americans.

I mean, Americans. We're giving billions to a country, but yet, not our own Americans.

Not our own people.

And they are hurting.

They feel abandoned yet again from the government.

Yet again, we don't feel it's the government's job to do everything.

But in this case, they should be stepping in. We should be having the national guard there. And we should have FEMA there. We should have this being done.

But instead, Mercury One will step in and do it.

GLENN: So we want to thank all of our partners, everyone that is involved.

I assume this is going to cost a fortune.

J.P.: It is going to cost a fortune. And in Asheville alone, they are saying that for the next few weeks, hundreds of thousands will be without clean water. Hundreds of thousands, for weeks.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. So if you want to make sure that water is there. Food is there.
We have partners on the ground. We will be in Asheville, by 4:00 this afternoon.

And there's no reason, why any American should feel helpless.

Not in today's world. Review if we want our government to do necessary, you know what, I would like a little notice, that they're just not going to show up at these things now.

But it means, we have to do more.

And this -- these are our own. This is our country.

If you can give, please, go to, is there a special place to donate?

J.P.: It's all up on the front page.

GLENN: Okay. Go there.

Go to 100 percent of everything we raise goes to the cause.

So if you're donating now. And you're going for this hurricane are he leaf, every penny will go right to the cause.

So please, donate.

We help those who are already helping.

You can do it now. At

This is going to be very expensive, but there are -- they are our citizens. They are our fellow Americans.

And we're going need to their help at some point.

We all have to start thinking like farmers.

You know, it's not happening to me now.

But it probably is going to happen to me, down the road.

Let's -- let's help each other.

Because in the coming weeks and months, there's no help that's coming. You know, America crashes. And we lose our dollar status.

Nobody is coming and airdropping food to the United States.

Nobody is -- nobody is coming to relieve us of all of our debts.

That's not going to happen.

Not going to happen. We have to depend on each other.

And that's one of the things that Mercury One has done really, really well. Is to find out who is the first in.

The last out.

Who spends the money, and gets the biggest bang for the buck?

And we've done this now for almost ten years. And we know who those people are.

You're reading about them. You just don't know, as a listener, that you've contributed to them.

That you are actually paying for what they're doing.

Please, join us.



Thank you.

Why this IRS whistleblower is SUING Hunter Biden’s attorney

Why this IRS whistleblower is SUING Hunter Biden’s attorney

When IRS investigator-turned-whistleblower Gary Shapley accused the IRS of covering up Hunter Biden’s tax crimes, he knew the path forward wouldn’t be easy. While he says he has “no regrets,” he joins Glenn to explain why he and his fellow whistleblower Joseph Ziegler filed a $20 million defamation lawsuit against Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, for defamation. Shapley is joined by Empower Oversight President, who has worked to protect whistleblowers.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So for people who think maybe bad guys don't ever pay for their crimes.

Good guys never win. You remember the IRS whistle-blowers, that blew the whistle on Hunter Biden's tax crimes. These are the guys, who said, wait. There's something going on. We were told not to look into it. They slow walked it, et cetera, et cetera.

Well, they were smeared and really destroyed. And one of the guys is -- is pretty amazing.

He's -- he's known throughout the world. This is an IRS agent. Known throughout the world for his work on global tax enforcement. He was selected to create a new international organization called the Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement.

He's a supervisory special agent of the International Tax and Financial Crimes Group.

Where he leads 12 elite special agents who are subject matter experts in complex international tax and other related financial crimes.

The guy has -- I mean, he started his career as AmeriCorps volunteer. That he went to work for the Defense Department. Then Intel. Then he joined the IRS and criminal investigations. He's out to get the bad guys. He joins us now.

Welcome, Gary Shapley. How are you?

GARY: Very good. Thanks for having me, Glenn. I appreciate it.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Thank you for your courage. For speaking out. Thank you for doing the right thing.

I also want to bring in Tristan Leavitt. Tristan is a guy who worked with Chuck Grassley, trying to help all the whistle-blowers.

He helped expose Operation Fast and Furious.

And a lot of different things. And is really strong on protecting the whistle-blowers. They are so important.

Tristan, welcome.

TRISTAN: Thank you so much, Glenn.

GLENN: So where do we start, Gary, because you are now suing Hunter Biden, and you are suing them for, what? $20 million?

GARY: To be clear, where the alleged defamation is against Abbe Lowell, the attorney for Hunter Biden.

And, yeah, the amount is 10 million for me, and also Joe Ziegler, for a total of 20 million, yes.

GLENN: So what do you claim they did?

GARY: So the complaint alleges that -- that Mr. Lowell defamed us, and it was part of an overall smear campaign, to attack both Joe Ziegler and I, for coming forward, following the law, going to Congress, and disclosing the preferential treatment that his client was receiving by the Department of Justice.

And, you know, our disclosures weren't -- weren't -- even though Hunter Biden was the topic.

Our disclosures were against the malfeasance in the Department of Justice.

FBI and IRS. So it's really interesting, that it was this third party, that came in. And became the -- you know, as we allege in our complaint, the main defamer and smearer, of both Joe Ziegler and I.

GLENN: So Tristan, that is not uncommon, though. Is it? You're a whistle-blower.

They attack whistle-blowers now like there's no tomorrow.

TRISTAN: Yeah. That's exactly right. I testified yesterday -- or, I guess two days ago, in front of the -- and there are three of our FBI clients that had been with us in the past, and one was with me again. And it's very, very common for us, to be lied about and defamed. That's part of why we want to create consequences for that.

We started. We are supporting. We are funding this lawsuit, that Gary and Joe are bringing in Abbe Lowell in our organization, of how our oversight, who I'm the president of.

And we want to, you know, hold people accountable. We want to do it in other cases.

Because we just think there's never any consequences for people just lying with impunity. They just get away with it.

And so we want to fight back, and that's not something you see happen a lot.

So that's why we want to raise money from the public. You know, we have this website, the, to build up this fund, precisely for suits like this. Where Gary and Joe, were just trying to do the right thing. And they went to Congress to do what was right. But, again, as so often happens, they were lied about. But in their case, it can have real consequences for their careers.

GLENN: I will tell you, I saw -- I saw one of the whistle-blowers, Marcus Allen, with the FBI. That guy seemed like he was dirt strong.

In -- you know, standing up for the right thing.

But he looks like he had been dragged the lie.

And just -- just punched repeatedly in the gut.

It was -- it was amazing to watch him. These whistle-blowers are really, truly, the best of America.

TRISTAN: Yeah. I sat right next to him, as he gave that statement the other day, as I testified there also. And he is, unlike some of the other whistle-blowers that testified with us, a year and some change ago, he's not been on social media.

He's just been holding it in, so we could get his pay reinstated.

And get his security clearance back.

He's finally through all of that. This was his real -- the first time people saw it. Just everything he's been through.

GLENN: It's horrible.

So what are the odds of -- I mean, what are you fighting against?

They are going to fight you with everything they have and lots of money.

Law firms do not want this one to win.

TRISTAN: Yeah. That's absolutely right.

Yeah. The real thing that Gary and Joe. They can share this.

But they're not suing for the more than in any way, right? Yes. It's a 20 million defamation suit. The point of this is that they -- as alleged in the complaint. It's not right for someone like Abbie Lowell, who is well-known, well-identified as a really big name.

A really big litigator. He represented Jared and Ivanka Trump even. But for him to go. If he goes on TV and says, these guys broke the law by sharing their tax information with Congress. Lots of people believe it.

And even Mitch Langberg, who is a defamation attorney who is representing our -- our defamation expert on our legal team, who was one of the foremost experts in the country. You know, without having a background. He said my general impression of these guys breaking the law.

Until he studied the case. And read what we shared.

And said, wow. We haven't been treated fairly here.

We want to educate the public. To know that these guys did not only the right thing. But they did it in the right way.

GLENN: So, Gary, did you at all have conversations amongst yourself of. Should we do this?

You know what will happen to us? Did you have that conversation?

GARY: Well, overall. Right? People say, why did you come forward?

And it really wasn't a choice for me. just my conscience wouldn't allow me to sit there, knowing -- knowing what I know. And seeing what was going to happen in this case. So, I mean, of course, we talked about the -- the risks, but at the same time, unfortunately -- you know, fortunately, for the American people, unfortunately for me personally, you know, the risks were real. And many of them are coming through fruition through retaliation by my employer, IRS, and the Department of Justice against me.

So I went in with my eyes wide open. And, you know, I have no regrets. I feel like we've been vindicated by -- you went from charges that weren't even going to be charged. That even before the -- the generous plea deal fell apart, where he was going to have to plead guilty to two misdemeanors. You know, they were going to give him a deferred prosecution agreement.

And when we were coming forward, you know, DOJ and David Weiss, knew they were coming forward.

He said, no, no, no. That's not going to work out. So we will have to make him plead guilty.

Of course, the judge had the amicus brief from Congress. They included our testimony. They voted out, and made public.

And, you know, that information made it pretty clear that -- that Hunter Biden was receiving that preferential treatment.

Once again, the Department of Justice and IRS here.

That is the one that engaged in -- in the conduct, in which we blew the whistle again.

So, you know, I have no regrets. And I hope the American people have confidence in -- in the IRS. And of government employees, because of what Joe and I did.

GLENN: Here's what I would like you to do. If you are -- if you have $5. There is nothing better than -- than cleaning out this rat's nest. Of liars. And thieves.

In our Justice Department. In really, in all throughout the government.

They have to be taught a lesson.

And unless we do it from the outside, the inside is never going to punish itself.

And I would urge you to go to Empowr. And if you can, make a donation. This thing is going to cost a lot of money.

But we have to have the best lawyers on it. We have to have the strongest case possible.

Otherwise, this continues over and over and over again, and good people are destroyed.

So please, go to Empowr. E-M-P-O-W-R. No E there, And give, if you can.

Thank you so much, guys.

Appreciate it.

TRISTAN: Thank you, Glenn. Appreciate it.

GLENN: You bet. Buh-bye. Let me just play this whistle-blower.

So this guy is the guy that Tristan was just talking about, that he sat next to.

I don't know if you saw this. But he's an FBI agent. Who was a whistle-blower.

Life destroyed.

Hasn't said anything publicly. Until the other day.

And listen to what he said.

It's cut three.

VOICE: I've considered the hearing today, my last act of service as a public servant for the United States of America. And I'll give you my professional opinion.

I was an Intel professional for our country, for many years.

And I would give recommendations. And also indications and warnings.

Soiled offer this to the American people, as my warning to them.

This is a warning, the American people, I say, you personally have no confidence, that the FBI will reign in its own conduct.

I have been persecuted along with Garrett. Steve and Kyle. And countless other whistle-blowers. It is my opinion, that the bureau used reprisal and fear to control the workforce.

It has been a seemingly effective tactic. I personally believe that there are no current effective checks and balances against them, conducting lawless action with any type of correction in a legitimate time frame.


VOICE: I welcome the work of the IG. But I think any type of lawless action, there is no legitimate time frame to rein them back in. Their ability to overclassify information, to allow them to stonewall forever.

To the American people, you have a duty as a citizen to vote. And I strongly urge you to do so.

It's how you participate in the American experience. I know people have doubts about election integrity. But you must vote it as your claim.

Stake your claim, and don't forfeit it willingly.

Have your voice heard. My other recommendations are in the natural order.

First vote. Is the Second Amendment. Arm yourself, and know how to defend yourself. Make three to four friends in your neighborhood. And promise to come to people's mutual aid in times of hardship. And during the great depression. People stocked up a pantry.

So I think that's a good practice, especially in our economic times, and make sure you have three to four months of food. As a person of faith, I would say, pray the rosary.

Go to the first Friday devotions. That's for everybody. All my brothers and sisters of all faiths. And I know I'm Catholic. And read the gospel of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. And live it every day.

And that's all I have to say, thank you for the time.

GLENN: Do you hear how his voice is shaking?

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: This is -- how do people dismiss that warning? That is -- I mean, we are living in unprecedented times.

And I tweeted that out, the other day. I should retweet it now.

These guys are so brave. And you can tell they are -- they are not playing politics. Listen to that warning, and share it with your friends.

Roseanne Barr ISN’T Sorry About All That | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 229

Roseanne Barr ISN’T Sorry About All That | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 229

If you’re waiting for Roseanne Barr to apologize, then she has one message for you: “Kiss my big, fat ass.” ABC canceled her hit sitcom and killed her off her character for a tweet about an adviser to President Barack Obama, but now she’s “back and stronger than ever.” After running for the presidential nomination of the Green Party in 2012 and seeing the “ungrateful little leftists bastards” at Occupy Wall Street for herself, she set off on a journey that landed her on the wrong side of the television industry that had once embraced as her a feminist pioneer and LGBT champion. The bawdy and beloved comedian, told by Johnny Carson that she would be a star, landed in hot water after her decision to portray "Roseanne" as a Trump supporter, a political position that John Goodman and the rest of the show's cast refused to take on, even as their characters. But being raised as the “only Jew in Salt Lake City,” Roseanne wasn’t afraid of being different. She and Glenn dish about the lifestyles of the rich and famous, and Roseanne gives her takes on stars like Taylor Swift, Marie Osmond, Mel Gibson, Robert De Niro, and even the ladies from "The View." No one, not even, as she describes it, “the lesbian-witch publicist cabal” pressuring her to apologize for her view on transgenderism, could stop Roseanne from calling it as she sees it, and she thinks our government is looking like a “Monty Python skit” and that whether Trump or Harris is elected in 2024, we may be facing a “big-ass civil war.” That’s why she had to drunkenly pray over Donald Trump that one time and also why she tells young comedians that “we have to be braver than we’ve ever been.”

Assassination attempt survivor: The POWERFUL reason for Trump’s RETURN to Butler, PA

Assassination attempt survivor: The POWERFUL reason for Trump’s RETURN to Butler, PA

Former President Donald Trump will return to Butler, Pennsylvania, for another rally on October 5th. Is his willingness to return to the site of his first assassination attempt a sign of strength? Rep. Steve Scalise believes so. Scalise, who survived an assassin’s bullet himself, tells Glenn that conquering fear is the only way forward for Trump: “I made an early decision…I’m not going to worry about what got me here. God spared me...I’ve talked to Trump about this since Butler.” He also explains why he believes Congress MUST look into everything surrounding the 2 assassination attempts: “I’m not a big believer in coincidence.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I don't think so. But the one guy I would really know is Steve. He would know what it's like. Steve Scalise is with us now.

Steve, how are you?

STEVE: Well, doing great, Glenn. How are you, Glenn? It's been a long time, really great to talk to you.

GLENN: I know. I know.

Listen, I just wanted to talk to you, because what I'm seeing from Donald Trump. And especially now that he's going back to the same place where the shooting happened this summer.

You are the one guy that can relate to being shot, for your views. For who you are.

And then walking back in crowd again.

What does that feel like?

How long did that take for you, to not that natural reaction, of -- of, you know, is there somebody. Am I safe? Am I safe?

Or did you ever have that?

STEVE: Yeah. Glenn, and I was in the hospital for three and a half months. So you have a lot of time to focus on, what are you going to do, kind of how will you approach this kind of new attitude, where, you know, you've been through something like that?

And, of course, those three and a half months, I was fighting for my life. So, you know -- but part of that, I made an early decision. Because I really needed to put all my focus into getting better.

You know, I had to learn how to walk again. Had to learn, was I going to be able to do things like that again? Go back to work?

So once I got that mindset, I said, you know what, I'm not looking back. Literally, rip off the rearview mirror.

I'm not going to worry about what got me here. Like I knew, I was given a second chance.

And believe me, I talked to President Trump about this since Butler. And when we talked kind of -- because he came to the hospital, the day of you his shooting.

It was his birthday. He and Melania came. Consoled my family at that moment.

I just made that decision. I'm not going to be a victim. Focus on why he did it. Why he got there. I have to put all my energy into getting better, or else, I won't get better.

Once I did that, it changed my outlook and my focus. You know, I went back to the ball field, when I got out of the hospital because I wanted to do that. I wanted to run back, and go -- like, I'm not going to live in fear. And we did that.

And it was therapeutic. It was emotional, but it was therapeutic. And then just, you know, I got on with my life. And I said, you know, God. And believe me, I have deep faith. But I put my faith in God.

And he took care of me that day. There were miracles performed. You kind of have to say, it's in his hands. He knows what's going to happen, next, more than we do.

He gives us the tools. But he also gives us the freedom to go fail. To go succeed. To do whatever we want to do. But he also looks out for us. And at some point, you have to just have that faith, that God has the big bigger plan. You've got to control your day to day. But what are you going to focus your energy on today?

Are you going to be positive, or negative? And I choose to be positive.

GLENN: Do you -- in watching Donald Trump, I mean, he went down on the ground.

I mean, if he would have moved his head just slightly differently, he would have been dead today.

It would have been the worst live television broadcast of all time.

And, but, you know, he moved his head that way. I think that was -- I think that was God, interacting there.

STEVE: It was Divine Intervention. Absolutely. And, look, he knows that too, Glenn.

You know, that was part of the conversation we had. He was like, Steve, I know I shouldn't be here. And I think that recognition where you recognize, life is bigger than yourself. You know, somebody does have a hand in all of this.

And you just got to let some of that go, and realize, you can do all -- everything right. And get hit by a truck one day. Like, you don't know what will happen. So just live your life. Do the best you can every day.

Here's a man, Donald Trump, who has put himself up for persecution. By so many people who have gone after him. And yet, figuratively, literally, legally, all of that.

And yet, he still moves forward. He still knows, I have to do this for the country. And he believes that.

And the country believes that too. You know, you go to a Trump rally. You go to any part of the country. And, you know, people know, we are at a very volatile time right now. And a fragile time in the country.

You know, which direction are we going to take in the nation. And these are bigger questions than anything individual. But Donald Trump represents that, you know, do we want to get back to what our country was really founded on.

You know, free market principles. You control your destiny. Government is there to control your life. Not to tell you what you can and cannot do. This is going to decide all of that on November 5th. He knows, he's the only one right now, who can really turn this around.

And I believe that. I think most people do. And so he -- he recognizes that, yeah. There's people that want to stop it.

We've seen it twice now. And it's scary. You can't let fear drive your life.

STU: I'll tell you, my favorite line from him was, come on, guys. Let me play through.

STEVE: Yeah. That's 200 par. I was having a great --

GLENN: I mean, that is crazy. That's crazy.

STEVE: But, look, you have to have that mindset. If you live in fear, just go lock yourself in the room and go in the fetal position and you'll be neutered. He's not going to be neutered. He's not going to live in fear. And, you know, you got to put your trust in other people.

Obviously the Secret Service is one of those groups. And that's why we're fighting so hard to get reforms at the Secret Service because they have a mission, one single mission, not diversity or wokeness.

It's to protect presidents. Former presidents. Vice president. And they were failing at that.

And we are pushing hard to get them to refocus, to increase the security. We finally got that addressed to increase the level of security President Trump has.

That they were not given in that opportunity. And that led to some of these problems.

But, you know, at the end of the take can. You just to have say, I will still go the route.

This is who I am. And that's who he is.

GLENN: You know, the majority of Americans, think there will be another assassination attempt, before the election.

Which is really a sad commentary.

STEVE: Yeah. It is.

GLENN: Do you believe that this really was simply just a series of unbelievable mistakes?

Or is there any room for, hmm. Maybe some of these decisions were -- were conscious.

I'm not saying that they set it up.

But eh. Just let it slide a little bit.

STEVE: Look, I'm not a big believer in coincidence. You know, you live long enough. You see things that, you know, not everything adds up. But if you connect the dots.

You realize, okay.

There's something wrong here.

I really do think they can't be there are people. And this is why I'm really, really vocal about the language. When Kamala is saying. Not just, hey. I don't like his tax plan.

I don't like this or that.

It's, he's a threat to democracy.

He's like Hitler. He's this or that. That's telling people. And there are unhinged people out there, unfortunately.

And they here that as a call to action. And that's what was going on.

The second attempt of the assassin. Flatout used her exact language, about threat to democracy, in his mission to go try to kill the president. And so, you know, they've got to stop doing this. It's not like, hey. We all need to dial it down. No. There's one side saying specific things as being taken, as literally calls to action, to try to assassinate the president. That's what we have to stop. Whether it's truly coordinating the broad scale or not, it doesn't matter.

If somebody is taking what you're saying as, okay. I need to go take action in my own hands and try to kill somebody, you've got to stop saying that.

At some point, you have to look in the mirror and go, my words are causing somebody else to want to kill somebody.

And if you think, oh, I can just say whatever I want, you know, there's free speech. And then there's, you know, yelling fire in the theater. I mean, there is a line. And now you see where they've crossed it. And they've seen it. They need to stop doing it.

GLENN: So I had a brush, not nearly like yours or Donald Trump's. But a brush similar to the one that he had on the golf course. And I know that freaked me out. Immediately, I thought, what am I willing to die for?

What -- what -- it changed my language. You know, it changed. I was not going to die for things I didn't absolutely believe. Did that go through you as well?

STEVE: It was -- it was more a shift in focus. Like, what is really important in life? What are you doing all this for?

You know, especially when you get into politics. You run campaigns. And you say, I'm going to fight for this or that.

You know, I have strong beliefs.

Washington. You found out quickly. Not everybody believes in everything exactly like you do.

You need to start putting coalitions together.

Find people that maybe believe in 80 percent of what you believe in.

Because you won't get it done on your own. Yet, you still want to advance your cause.

I believe it. But also, most important. It's my family. I wanted to see my family. That's the first thing that came to my mind. When I was laid out, and not sure if I would make it through the day.

It wasn't gee-whiz, what's my next title going to be?

You know, the next bill going to be. You're not thinking about any of that.

You know, we will all walk away from these jobs. And what will you look back on?

What is it that they want? Well, first of all, you better want to walk back to the family you started with. And have your integrity intact. And then you can start thinking about, wow. I was able to move the needle on this.

Advance, what I believe, 20, 30 more yards on that. And, hopefully, you can say you did that. There are some people, that won't even be able to look back.

Because they spent all their time, just talking and trying to get attention. And they'll never advance their causes. And you don't want to waste your time in life. And so you do realize, time is important. Life is important. Make every minute count.

GLENN: Steve Scalise. From Louisiana. The House Majority leader.

Thank you so much for coming on with me, Steve. God bless you.

STEVE: Always a pleasure, Glenn. God bless you too. Thank you.