Glenn's American Narratives Art Show was a night to remember, and the beginning of a new movement.

Mercury One

Last weekend, Glenn and Mercury Studios hosted the American Narratives Art Show, a one-of-a-kind event featuring works from 30 world-class American artists that celebrate the American heritage. Historical pieces from Glenn's collection in the American Journey Experience museum were featured among the art. Many of the historical items were the inspiration behind the featured paintings, such as George Washington's glasses, Lucille O'Ball's dress, Dorothy's ruby slippers, and more!

Zane Johnsen | Mercury Studios

"Beauty, Brains, and Mischief" by Jason Rich

Mercury One

Glenn discusses his most recent paintings with attendees.

Glenn developed his own artistic skills during the 2020 pandemic quarantine. Park City Fine Art Gallery in Utah hosted his first one-man show in June 2022, featuring a large collection of Glenn’s paintings that portray some of his favorite historic stories. His nearly sold-out show proved Glenn's passion for storytelling is as compelling in paint as in words.

This inspiration behind the American Narratives Art Show was forged in 2022 when Glenn was hosting several world-class American artists at this Idaho ranch. They lamented how accessibility to art often excludes those who can't spend an arm and a leg on a single piece and how many feel intimidated to attend art shows due to lack of exposure the artistic world. Glenn went on a mission to curate an art show that would welcome newcomers to the art market as well as seasoned patrons and collectors alike. Thus, the American Narratives Art Show was born, and it lived up to its mission.

American Narratives was more than an art show. It was the beginning of a movement celebrating the American heritage through art, highlighting artists who love this country and its history, and broadening the accessibility to fine art for people who cherish our nation's story. This is only the beginning. Be sure to follow Glenn's artistic ambitions on to stay up-to-date on similar events.

The TRUTH about Kamala's climate agenda

SAUL LOEB / Contributor| Getty Images

Her strategy on controversial energy issues is one of ‘strategic ambiguity.’ That might as well be her campaign slogan.

If people wanted to cripple the United States for the long term, they’d attack our energy supply — and the left is already doing it. America’s abundance of energy resources built this nation, and we’ve long enjoyed reliable, affordable energy that many of us take for granted. It’s easy not to treat energy as a top election issue, but we ignore it at our own peril.

Kamala Harris and other forces on the left are bent on dismantling America’s energy independence and, in the process, stripping away much of our freedom. This isn’t alarmism — it’s reality. It started on day one of the Biden-Harris administration, and you feel it every time you pay your electricity bill.

The League of Conservation Voters wouldn’t be spending $55 million if it didn’t know Kamala Harris is fully aligned with its radical agenda.

When it comes to government policy, perhaps nothing will affect your day-to-day life more than what the left wants to do with green energy. If you don’t believe this is a critical issue, consider that 24 states, including the District of Columbia, now have 100% clean energy goals, impacting more than half of the U.S. population.

Kamala Harris is a climate radical. But she’s hiding it — for now. According to the Pew Research Center, climate ranks near the bottom of voters’ priorities, so Harris can’t risk alienating voters by revealing her true stance. For her entire national political career, she has been a zealous leader of the green energy movement. In fact, Reuters recently reported that Harris’ strategy on controversial energy issues is one of “strategic ambiguity.” That might as well be her campaign slogan.

Harris cannot afford to discuss her real green policies openly — not with battleground states like Pennsylvania and Ohio in play. Instead, we get her soft rebranding at the DNC where she talks about “the freedom to breathe clean air.” So now she and the rest of the climate radicals are freedom fighters? That’s rich.

Repackaging her authoritarian climate agenda as “freedom” is a joke. This is reverse psychology. Harris, Tim Walz, and the Democratic Party want more control and regulation over your daily life, not less. For now, Harris is keeping quiet about her plans, but major left-wing climate groups are speaking for her.

The radical environmental group League of Conservation Voters is running a $55 million ad campaign for Harris. The LCV is no ordinary environmental group — it has deep ties to the left’s dark money network, particularly through the Arabella Advisors. The group has pushed hard for green policies that would end the use of fossil fuels in America.

The LCV is already plugged into the White House and has led internal training for climate-related political appointees. It knows exactly where Harris stands. It wouldn’t be spending $55 million if it didn’t know she’s fully aligned with its radical agenda.

Let’s not forget Harris’ track record. As a senator, she was a “proud” cosponsor of the Green New Deal, the most authoritarian piece of legislation in U.S. history. It sought to ban coal, oil, natural gas, and even nuclear power. The plan aimed to eliminate all airplanes, combustion-engine vehicles, and, of course, those flatulent cows. It even promised “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

Harris didn’t stop there. In 2019, she ran for president on a $10 trillion climate plan — double the entire federal budget from last year. She wanted to, as she put it, “exceed” the Paris Agreement goals. Her obsession with climate “equity” and “environmental justice” only deepened, introducing the Climate Equity Act, which would create a new government office to review congressional bills for their impact on so-called “climate injustice.”

In 2020, she introduced the Environmental Justice for All Act, which created advisory bodies and government programs, including grants — just another term for taxpayer-funded handouts to her favored “environmental justice” communities. Once she became vice president, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, a Green New Deal in disguise. Joe Biden himself admitted it, saying they should have named it for what it truly was: a massive climate bill.

Harris recently reaffirmed her support for the Inflation Reduction Act, calling it “the single largest climate investment in American history.” But “investment” is an interesting choice of words. Just look at Harris’ $5 billion electric school bus plan. So far, the program has only produced 60 buses — each costing over three times more than a traditional diesel bus. And these buses lose one-third of their range in cold weather. Fifty-five school districts have already pulled out of the program, citing performance concerns.

This is Kamala Harris’ vision for America: an authoritarian climate regime, backed by dark money and radical green activists. Don’t be fooled by her rebrand as a “moderate freedom fighter.” If you vote for Harris, you are voting to dismantle the infrastructure that has given us the reliable energy we’ve thus far had the privilege of taking for granted. And you will be voting for the consolidation of the energy sector under centralized government control veiled under trendy climate talking points. Let’s not go there.

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on

Who IS this guy?! 5 INSANE facts about Trump's 2nd would-be assassin

Future Publishing / Contributor | Getty Images

It's been just over a week since the second assassination attempt on President Trump, and the story has only gotten stranger.

If you were uneasy about the lack of disclosed information about Trump's first assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, despite his seemingly innocuous background, you will be shocked by what we do know about Trump's second would-be assassin, Ryan Routh. Routh has a mile-long criminal record along with even more highly suspicious activity linked to his name. How he managed to be within a mile of the president with a firearm is a mystery.

Here are five CRAZY facts about Ryan Routh that only make the situation even more insane:

Criminal background

Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

Many people noted how calm and collected Routh appeared during his arrest, and as it turns out, that was due to practice. Routh has a colorful criminal history stretching back two decades. We're not talking about traffic violations and noise complaints. In 2010 Routh was convicted of possession of stolen property, which included a pickup truck, three trailers full of stolen tools, and building materials. Routh was also using the property without the owner's knowledge and had threatened a neighbor with a knife when he was asked to clean up the land.

In 2002 Routh was arrested for possession of several explosive devices, and months later, he was in an armed standoff with the police while in possession of a fully automatic weapon. He was later charged with possession of a weapon of mass destruction. He managed to dodge prison by paying a whopping $225 fine and serving 60 months of probation. Who is this guy's lawyer?!

No prison time

Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

With a rap sheet like that, you would expect Routh to have served some serious prison time. But, no, it seems that despite his crimes, which again, include being in possession of a weapon of mass destruction, Routh has never seen the inside of a jail cell. It makes you wonder why he apparently received special treatment. Was this a failure of the court system? Who is Ryan Routh?

Strange travels

SERGEI SUPINSKY / Contributor | Getty Images

While on probation, which generally means you cannot leave the state without permission, Routh managed to travel to Costa Rica. While this might seem innocent at first, Blaze News journalist Steve Baker explained to Glenn that there is a darker side to the tourist industry in the small nation. Baker explains that if someone is not going for the beaches, they are going for the sex trade and/or the money laundering. While there is no evidence that Routh did anything unsavory while in Costa Rica, given his fondness for lawless behavior, it seems unlikely that he was just lounging in the sand.

Routh also traveled to Kiev in an attempt to aid Ukraine's fight against Russia, with little results. Routh never served in Ukraine's International Legion, apparently being rejected by the Ukrainian command. That didn't stop Routh, who lingered in the capitol city rambling unhinged ideas to vanquish Russia, which included recruiting Afghani commandos. Routh's obsession with Ukraine's war was called "unhealthy" by Ukrainian soldiers, and his obsession even drove him to write a self-published book titled Ukraine's Unwinnable War.

Strange letter

Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

Glenn recently covered a startling revelation in the assassination saga. Routh apparently left a mysterious package with another person several months before his attempted assassination. This other person held on to the package and did not open it until after Routh was caught. Inside was some ammunition and a strange letter addressed to the world. In the letter in which he acknowledges his failure to kill the former president and offers a bounty of $150,000 to anyone who finishes the grisly task. Remember, the letter was written months before the assassination attempt.

This creates more questions than it answers: who was this person who held onto the package? Why did they wait so long to open the box? Was Routh planning on failing his assassination attempt, or was there a "success" letter in that box? Where is this $150,000? And why did the DoJ release this letter that encourages more assassination attempts on Trump?

Son was arrested on child porn charges

Courtesy of Guilford County Sheriff’s Office

The latest development in this crazy escapade comes in the form of another arrested member of the Routh family. Oran Routh, the son of Ryan Routh, was arrested earlier this week on federal charges of possessing child pornography. Investigators claim that the discovery of the illicit material was discovered during a search conducted "in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation."

Oran was interviewed over the phone shortly after his father was taken into custody, where he claimed no prior knowledge of his father's plans and was shocked to hear the allegations held against him. Oran also appeared to be ignorant of his father's criminal past, stating, “He’s my dad, and all he’s had is a couple traffic tickets, as far as I know." Surprisingly, Oran spent much of the interview bashing President Trump and the current state of American politics and admitted that he and his father had grown apart in recent years.

Oran, who like his father, has a criminal history including impaired driving and assault, appears to be following in his father's footsteps.

A mysterious illness at a recent Trump rally in Tucson has sparked outrage and raised new questions about the competence and integrity of federal law enforcement.

A strange and concerning incident took place at a recent Trump rally in Tucson, Arizona. About 20 attendees experienced mysterious symptoms, such as blurred vision and facial swelling, shortly after the event.

While we don’t yet know what caused this, some speculate that it could have been a chemical attack. Given the political violence over the past few years, many are questioning whether this was another instance of Democrats and the media inciting violence against Trump supporters.

This incident at the Tucson rally isn’t just a one-off. It’s part of a much bigger problem with the FBI.

Arizona journalist Christy Kelly appeared on “Blaze News Tonight” last week to discuss the story. She interviewed 10 attendees who became ill after the rally. Every person reported that the event seemed perfectly fine, but about 20 to 30 minutes after leaving, they began experiencing alarming symptoms: stinging noses, blurred vision, and redness around their eyes.

Many ended up in emergency rooms, and some were diagnosed with bilateral ocular chemical burns. That’s not some minor irritation. We’re talking chemical burns in their eyes! While doctors initially suggested the symptoms could be from extreme lighting or an airborne irritant, the diagnoses point to something more severe.

Though both the event center and local law enforcement were notified, neither the venue nor Tucson police have issued a statement about the possible chemical exposure. Thankfully, the Trump campaign is investigating to find out what really happened. But the silence from officials is deafening, raising the question: Does anyone even care any more?

This incident at the rally isn’t just a one-off. It’s part of a much bigger problem with the FBI.

I’ve been talking about this on my show for years now. How many times have we heard from the FBI after a mass shooting or assassination attempt that “the suspect was on our radar”? That’s comforting, especially since all these people on your radar seem to go forward with their crimes.

Just look at Ryan Wesley Routh, Trump’s second would-be assassin. He was in possession of an AK-47 despite multiple run-ins with the law, including a three-hour standoff with law enforcement with a fully automatic machine gun back in 2002. If he was on the FBI’s radar back in 2019, how on earth was he able to obtain an AK-47 and get on Trump's golf course?

The FBI claims it receives thousands of tips each day, but here’s the trouble: Routh wasn’t just on the radar — he’d been involved in previous threats. Yet law enforcement did nothing. Why? Could it be incompetence, or is there something more sinister at play?

I’m not here to spin conspiracy theories, but let’s talk about conspiracy facts. We live in an era in which the government knows everything about us. With the power of artificial intelligence and all the data it collects, the FBI could easily identify unstable individuals like Routh. With the power the bureau holds, who’s to say it couldn’t manipulate someone into thinking he has a “responsibility” to act violently? I’m not saying it’s happening — but with the level of trust Americans have in their government at an all-time low, this most recent failure surely isn’t helping the case.

This kind of unchecked power is a problem no matter who’s in office.

Democrats, let me ask you: Do you trust this system? Would you still trust it if Trump gets re-elected? Unless you’re counting on a one-party state, this same government could one day be used against you. That’s why it’s essential that we demand the rule of law be enforced equally — regardless of political affiliation. The danger isn’t just to one side. The danger is to all of us.

The only way we protect ourselves from an out-of-control government is by ensuring that no one has this kind of power. Once it's in the hands of someone you don’t trust, it’s too late. And if we don’t demand accountability and equal justice now, it won’t be long before we find ourselves on the wrong side of that power. We may already be there.

Which of these recent Biden stories is the most INSANE?

TIMOTHY A. CLARY / Contributor | Getty Images

Now that Kamala Harris has taken the spotlight, it seems like we don't hear about President Joe Biden anymore. What has he been up to?

Glenn, Pat, and Stu have been keeping tabs on Biden and this week on-air, they all shared a recent, crazy Biden story they had heard. The catch? They each brought a different story. It turns out that Joe is a national liability now more than ever, and it seems like with Kamala on the campaign trail, Joe's wife, Jill, has been steering the ship.

From Joe getting kicked out of the White House to Jill taking over what was likely Joe's final cabinet meeting, let us know who found the wildest story in the poll below:

Pat: Jill Biden takes over Joe's cabinet meeting

John Nacion / Contributor | Getty Images

On September 20th, Joe called his first cabinet meeting since October of 2023—and likely his final cabinet meeting. After briefly introducing his wife, Joe sat back as Jill took over the rest of the meeting, speaking about funding for women's health issues. As Pat points out, this is Edith Wilson all over again, but this time, it's right in front of our eyes. Since when was Jill Biden elected president? And if Joe is really so far gone (as we all suspect) why is he still in office? Glenn reckons we are closer to nuclear war than we have been in decades, and yet our president can't even run his own cabinet meetings. Do you feel safe?

Stu: Joe Forgets about the Prime Minister of India

BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / Contributor | Getty Images

In this story, Biden was at a press conference on September the 21st with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, when he became confused. Biden's sentence trails off and he shouts "Who am I introducing next? Who's next?" Biden apparently forgot about Prime Minister Modi, who was sitting right behind him, and after a few moments of confused silence and frantic gesturing, a voice came over the speakers introducing the Prime Minister. This kind of gaffe is nothing short of a national embarrassment.

Glenn: Biden Gets Kicked Out of the White House

BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / Contributor | Getty Images

During the same weekend, Joe Biden took the leaders of the Quad (an economic alliance designed to counterbalance the rising influence of China composed of the U.S., India, Australia, and Japan) to his hometown school in Wilmington, Deleware. Normally, such high-profile events would be hosted at the White House, but unfortunately, the Presidential residence was booked for the weekend. What was so important that the prime ministers of three of our allies were sequestered to Deleware? Jill was throwing a party for the cast of the hit drama series "The West Wing." Just further evidence that Jill has taken over the White House, and is abusing its associated powers.