GLENN: I have to tell you, I -- I'm not a Super Bowl fan. I've always watched it for the commercials and for the --
PAT: You're kidding.
JEFFY: What?
GLENN: And for the -- you know, everybody getting together and having wings and eating your face off and everything else.
I went to bed at exactly the wrong time. Holy cow.
PAT: Yeah, that was quite a comeback.
JEFFY: Yeah.
GLENN: Yeah. Quite a comeback.
But I will tell you, there was the quintessential, only listening to sound bites and letting those sound bites control your life example with Lady Gaga.
Lady Gaga -- the whole thing was, Lady Gaga is going to say something about Donald Trump. Lady Gaga is going to say something about Donald Trump. She's going to make an anti-Trump thing.
Well, where did we get that from? Oh, I know. The press. And was it fake news, or did we play into that?
Did we see one sound bite and then say, "Oh, well, of course, she's going to make fun of Trump."
First of all, Lady Gaga has always been about inclusion. That's good one of her things.
JEFFY: Right.
GLENN: So she's always -- there's nothing new there. This isn't the Donald Trump thing. She was saying those things under Obama.
PAT: And, really, all she did -- was there anything beyond the song?
JEFFY: Uh-uh.
GLENN: What do you mean?
PAT: I mean, her statement -- she didn't make any statements about inclusion.
GLENN: No, she made no statement about any --
PAT: She just sang about it. Right?
JEFFY: Right.
GLENN: Last night, she said nothing.
PAT: Right.
GLENN: So all of this came from her press conference, where she said she's for inclusion and equality.
JEFFY: Inclusion and equality. Which she's always been for.
GLENN: She's always been there. Always.
So nothing new to be seen. The press wanted a story.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: And by making up a story about Lady Gaga, they missed one of the best stories from her press conference last week.
JEFFY: Right.
GLENN: Listen to what Lady Gaga said. Forget about inclusion. She said that in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012, '15, and last week. But she also said this. Listen.
LADY GAGA: I am going to have to say that the preparation for this show is the show business version of the athlete. We have our own set of criteria that we go through myself, and my dancers have been training for months on this.
For two months, we dedicated our time to creating the story of the show, creating the musical score, and then we created the set, what it would look like. Then we choreographed the actual dance routine. And then we choreographed the pyrotechnics.
Additionally, to all of that, we go through an extensive amount of training so that I can sing and dance at the same time for the show, for 13 minutes.
What I would say is that what you're watching at the halftime show, it's not easy. And I say that because I want young people at home that are watching, when they see it --
GLENN: Listen to this.
LADY GAGA: -- if you have a dream to be something big, you should go for it, but you got to give it everything you've got.
JEFFY: What?
LADY GAGA: You got to wake up, and you got to eat it, breathe it, see it, every second of the day.
And if you do that, you might be lucky enough one day to wake up and be playing the halftime show.
PAT: Amazing.
GLENN: Is that not incredible?
PAT: That's great. That's great.
GLENN: That is exactly -- here's something uniting, she said.
JEFFY: No kidding.
GLENN: And all the press did, on both sides, was work us into a lather that she's going to say something outrageous.
First of all, the only thing Lady Gaga -- I think she's smart enough to realize that the only thing left that is outrageous is someone not being outrageous. I mean, that's the only thing that Lady Gaga can do that's outrageous is not do something controversial.
So we spent all of that time and energy reading those stories, talking about it, talking about before -- is she going to say something? Is she going to say something? She better not say something. I hope she says something.
Instead of concentrating on what she did say, and that is, "If you have a dream, go for it, but you understand, you have to sleep it, dream it, live it, eat it. You have to live it 24/7 and work hard. And then you may be lucky enough --
PAT: You may be.
GLENN: You may be.
PAT: There's still not a guaranteed outcome there.
GLENN: Correct. Correct.
I mean, how great is that --
JEFFY: That's outstanding.
GLENN: Here's somebody telling you how to achieve the American dream. And we missed it because we wanted to talk about politics.
Why? Why are we doing this to ourselves?
Look at the energy. Look at -- look at how they took a sound bite and made you hate Lady Gaga.
Now, you might not like her. You may not even know her. But how many people that don't know her, don't have any idea of who she is, now hate her because of all of the stories that she was so passionate about anti-Trump.
No, she didn't say any of that. She's for inclusion and diversity, which she has always been for.
She spoke out about it under Barack Obama.
PAT: And that's all I heard in the lead-up to her performance.
JEFFY: Right.
PAT: Was how the NFL wasn't going to stop her from saying anti-Trump things. That she intended on making some sort of statement.
GLENN: Where do they get that?
PAT: During the performance, there was nothing. Nothing.
GLENN: You tell me -- you tell me -- you name a rock or pop star that has started the Super Bowl halftime dressed like that, with those expectations, that starts it with the Pledge of Allegiance.
She started it with the Pledge of Allegiance. And Laura Ingraham immediately tweets, "Notice she left out God?" No, she didn't.
I mean, I have TiVo, so I could rewind it. Do you not have TiVo, Laura?
She said "Under God." But had to have something that we hated her for. Why?
Have you seen -- I haven't even seen a country star start the halftime with the Pledge of Allegiance. She started -- not only did she not make an anti-Trump statement, she started the week before with a pro-capitalism, pro-work hard, live your dreams, you just may achieve it message. Then started with the Pledge of Allegiance!
GLENN: And the flag and fireworks.
PAT: Yeah, but she didn't say that she voted for Trump, so...
GLENN: Yeah, no, she didn't. I mean, it is crazy -- it is crazy what we have turned ourselves into it.
PAT: It is. Yeah, it is.
GLENN: Look at how much time we spent, wasted -- wasted on trying to hate each other. I don't get it. I just don't get it.
I have had such a come-to-Jesus couple of months. I really have. I mean, I -- yesterday, I went to church, and I'm listening to this sermon.
And this preacher -- I went to Watermark Church here in Dallas. And I'm listening to this preacher, Todd Wagner's partner, JP. And he is speaking.
PAT: So Glenn Beck is -- he is leaving the Mormon Church. Glenn Beck is leaving the Mormon Church. He went to Watermark Church over the weekend.
GLENN: Thank you, sound bite. Thank you, sound bite central.
So he's talking about, who are you? Who are you, really?
And I loved it.
He said, "And I don't give me that Jesus jibe. Well, I'm a child of God. Don't. Stop it. Stop it. Way too easy. Who are you?"
And he did this amazing sermon. And it ended with, he saw a movie called Lion. Have you ever heard of the movie Lion?
PAT: I've heard of it recently because of the awards.
JEFFY: The Oscars, yeah.
GLENN: Okay. He said it was fantastic. And he said, it ends with a stat: Eighty thousand people a year -- 80,000 children a year are kidnapped and put into the sex slave trade in India every year. 80,000 children.
He said, he got into the car, and he said, I looked at my wife and I just burst down in tears saying, what am I doing? I'm wasting my life. What am I doing?
Eighty thousand children, and I'm, what? Going to go see this movie. And then I'm going to go home to my house, and I'm going to be comfortable. And then maybe we'll talk about it. And then tomorrow I'll go to church and I'll preach.
What am I actually doing?
I have to tell you, if more of us could have that wake-up call, how much time did America spend last week on either defending or hating Lady freaking Gaga. Gaga is her name! How much time did we spend? How ridiculous -- what are we doing with our life? Our country is burning down to the ground, and we spent our time worried about Lady Gaga, who started her performance with the Pledge of Allegiance.
There couldn't have been a more uniting message than what she presented. Hello.
What do you say we concentrate on bigger things? What do you say we concentrate on real things? What do you say we look at our life and say, "You know what, maybe there's -- maybe there's more to being alive. Maybe there's a bigger responsibility that we all have than politics."
Somebody wrote yesterday -- somebody tweeted to me, "You're just afraid of the war." What?
PAT: What? First of all, what war?
GLENN: What war? What war?
PAT: Yeah, and you're not afraid of a war?
GLENN: Yeah, that was my first thought. Yeah, you should be afraid of war.
PAT: Should be.
GLENN: And what they were implying was the war between the patriots and the progressives. Oh, dear God.
PAT: So we're talking civil war?
GLENN: We're talking civil war. Anybody who is rooting for a civil war is out of their mind. Go read history. Just go look at the pictures of the dead bodies in the field. You're rooting for a civil war?
PAT: Good times, man. The Civil War. Remember those? Those days don't come back. Well, they could. We're trying to make them come back. Good times.
GLENN: Yeah. So rooting for a war. And I said -- and the message was, because they hate us and we must hate them.
My message yesterday on Twitter was, "We all have to remove the hatred in our own heart." That's all that has to be done. Not everybody is going to do it. But you have to remove the hatred in your own heart. You have to remove the willingness to jump to hate or have somebody talk you into hate.
I hate to go to a Broadway show tune, but in South Pacific, there's a great line: You have to be carefully taught how to hate. And it's true. We're not born hating each other. We didn't hate each other ten years ago, 20 years ago, last year. Now, all of a sudden, people who loved each other, all of a sudden hate each other's guts. Can't stand each other.
One side or the other is an absolute enemy. It's not true. It is as true as Lady Gaga is going to say something really controversial. She's going to finally put Donald Trump in her place -- in his place.
Yeah, either that, or she's going to start with the Pledge of Allegiance.