It just doesn't make sense. Why would the FBI announce 11 days before an election that additional emails had been discovered --- with no idea about what's in them? What's really going on?
"11 days before the election is suicide . . . I mean, you just don't do that. And let me just say this: Democrats never do that," Glenn said Monday on his radio program.
While Democrats may drop an October surprise on a Republican candidate, it's unheard of to attack one of their own.
RELATED: Hell Hath Frozen Over: Liberals Taking a Stand Against Hillary Clinton
"Comey had to know that . . . because that's wildly reckless," Glenn said.
Read below or listen to the full segment for answers to these incriminating questions:
• What theory does Glenn believe about Comey's actions?
• Who put national archive documents in their underpants?
• Who is Andrew McCabe and why is he the most important name to know?
• Why did it take three weeks to subpoena emails on Weiner's laptop?
• Whose wife received a $500K campaign donation for a local senate race?
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: We're going to get into the Clinton emails. But the thing that has bothered me is this doesn't make any sense to me. Something else is going on.
And here's why: To come out and say, "We have emails, and we have no idea what's in them," 11 days before the election is suicide. And it puts the country -- I mean, you just don't do that.
And let me just say this: And the Democrats never do that. I mean, we've seen -- we've seen similar things with -- with George W. Bush. But we've never seen anything like this. It is unprecedented in American history.
Comey had to know that. How did this happen. I am -- I've the bottom a whole stack of emails -- I don't even have a warrant for them yet. But, hey, I just want to let you know.
How did that happen? Because that's wildly reckless. And I just want to point out -- now, I agree -- I'm going to give you the theory on why I think he did it here in a second. And it makes the case against her even worse -- or, better, whichever you're looking at. But it bothered me, because of this.
Imagine if the FBI would have said, we were going through that Trump case and we found out that Trump University is even worse than we thought it was.
Now, we don't have any evidence. I mean, we can't -- we don't even have a warrant yet to look. But we've heard -- there would be riots in the streets. If this would have happened to us in any other election, we would have gone crazy.
So how are you doing it to the most powerful woman on the planet, one that can get you out of putting national archive documents into your underpants, shredding them, and then hiding underneath a truck across the street and you don't go to jail. How does this happen?
Let me give you a theory: This is from John Podhoretz. He said: The key to Comey's behavior may be contained in Devlin Barrett's Sunday afternoon story in the Wall Street Journal, which he lays out a surprising time line.
According to Barrett, the trouble began in early October when New York-based FBI officials notified Andrew McCabe, the Bureau's second in command, that while investigating Anthony Weiner for possibly sending sexually charged messages to a minor, they had recovered a laptop with 650,000 emails. Many, they say, were from accounts of Ms. Abedin. This is according to people familiar with the matter. Those emails stretch back years, these people said.
Okay. So now, this is all we have. All we have is that there is a laptop that has some Abedin emails. There's 650,000 on this laptop. And they were notified in early October. Three, four weeks ago.
The FBI stumbled on the metadata, the information surrounding an email, the digital version of an envelope with a canceled stamp, looking for child pornography on the laptop of Hillary Clinton's closest aide, Huma Abedin, her ex-husband.
Child porn was all they were allowed by terms of their search warrant to look for. To discover whether any of the emails in the huge cache of Abedin's stuff was pertinent to the question of whether Mrs. Clinton had mishandled classified information, a new warrant would be needed.
Later in the story, Barrett reports that a meeting early last week of senior Justice Department and FBI officials, a member of the department's senior national security staff asked for an update on the Weiner laptop. Officials realized then that no one had acted on obtaining a warrant.
Wait. What?
You have a laptop of Hillary Clinton's aide, chief aide, with 650 emails on it -- 650,000 emails on it, three weeks ago. You bring this up in a meeting. You know that this was a talked about on, okay. Well, let's find out what's in those emails. Three weeks later, no warrant has been obtained.
Listen to this, now recall from three paragraphs ago that the FBI official in New York informed about the email cache was Andrew McCabe. Note that the Justice Department, largely under McCabe's direction, somehow neglected to secure a warrant to look at Abedin's emails for three weeks.
Last week, in a separate story, we learned that Virginia governor and Clinton intimate, Terry McAuliffe had steered an astonishingly amount of money into the campaign coffers of Mr. McCabe's wife in a local race in Virginia late last year.
McCabe was the third person at the Justice Department. He is also now number two.
The amount that was steered into her coffers was staggering. Nearly $500,000 for a state Senate seat, she apparently had no chance of winning. Since she got the money and then lost, that immediately raised red flags.
Was a senior Justice Department official getting special favors for his wife from a Clinton guy, while Mrs. Clinton, under active investigation by his department, including investigations in which he was materially involved.
The theory is simple: Comey was indeed covering his butt. But in this case, he was doing so because if anything came out of the Weiner investigation, he would fry. When called upon to explain himself, he would have to acknowledge that he knew the Obama Justice Department dragged its feet and did nothing about it, while the husband of someone who owned -- who owed a Clinton intimate a huge debt of gratitude was running things and behaving in a manner that can be best described as astonishingly cavalier.
This, I believe, is why this happened Friday. There may not -- I think there are -- but there may not be anything incriminating on this laptop. But because the Clintons are so incapable of doing things without corruption, this letter that came out from Comey on Friday is Clinton's fault. Because they're clearly doing something with McCabe behind the scenes. And whether it's quid pro quo or just, "Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I didn't even know you were -- well, I'd be disappointed if you ever tried to take this generous donation and -- and would look at us any different way or help Mrs. Clinton. That would be disappointing because that would be against the law, you know." I doubt there's quid pro quo. They're too shrewd for that. It's just a quiet understanding.
He was number three, now he's number two. His wife gets 500 grand. Half a million dollars for a local election where she's number three, she can't win. Come on.
STU: So basically Comey is doing his investigation, as he should be. He's getting stonewalled by Clinton insiders, and so this comes out as a way to say, "Look, I still have the right to get this information."
GLENN: If I don't act now and get -- I read it two ways: One, I don't want to be accused of not doing my job, because then I'll get fried, then I'll get in trouble, I'll be impeached. So I -- uh-uh. I've been fair. I've been balanced. People on the right didn't think I was. People on the left loved me. But I said I was going to play it straight down the line.
They've had three weeks to get this. Something fishy is going on. I am not going to take the fall for this one, guys. And on top of it, if she wins in 11 days, at the time, if she wins in 11 days, will I ever get a warrant? I want the warrant.
That's why Clinton is saying, "You produce them." But she knows, he can't produce them. They didn't have a warrant. Well, that's ridiculous. Why didn't you get a warrant? Well, I guess we would have to ask you and maybe Mr. McAuliffe, why we couldn't get a warrant. The name that everyone should know is "Andrew McCabe." That's the name that everybody should be looking at. Not Comey. And what can you trust anyway?
You know what kills me is how fast people change. Everybody on Trump's side now is saying, "Comey is the best thing ever." I'm not convinced of that. I'm not convinced he's not involved in something nefarious. I haven't changed my viewpoint from when he closed the Clinton campaign because of intent with.
If I went to a bank and I robbed a bank, but my intent was to only take my money out, would they not prosecute me for bank robbery? Since when does intent or ignorance get away? It doesn't.
But everybody on the left loved him. Everybody on the right hated him. Now things have completely flipped. Everybody now on the right loves Comey and says he's very credible. And did you hear what people on the left were saying? Because the people on the left, all of the big names were throwing him under the bus. But what's so funny this time is, just four weeks ago, they were saying something entirely different.
VOICE: There was an extensive, as you know, Brad, investigation by the FBI, under the direction of a wonderful and tough career public servant, Jim Comey.
VOICE: This is a great man. We are very privileged in our country to have him be the director of the FBI.
VOICE: No one can question the integrity, the competence.
VOICE: And he's somebody with the highest standards of integrity.
OBAMA: I'm going to continue to be scrupulous about not commenting on it, just because I think Director Comey could not have been more exhaustive.
VOICE: Amazingly.
JEFFY: I'm going to comment.
VOICE: Some Republicans who were praising you just days ago --
GLENN: Amazing.
VOICE: -- for your independence, for your integrity --
VOICE: Despite your impeccable reputation and integrity --
VOICE: And your honesty instantly turned against you because your recommendation conflicted with the predetermined outcome they wanted.
GLENN: Oh. Oh, my.
VOICE: Republicans have turned on you with a vengeance.
VOICE: If you indict Comey's integrity, then you are making a big mistake.
VOICE: Director Comey, whose reputation for independence and integrity, is unquestioned.
GLENN: Unquestioned. Until now. Until now.
STU: Right. I mean, these are -- these are amazing. Of course, both sides are doing it right now.
GLENN: Yeah.
STU: And maybe the idea is that Comey is actually just doing his job well.
GLENN: Maybe.
STU: Maybe that's it. Who knows?
But the Reid one is particularly interesting in that he's now not only saying --
GLENN: I think he said he should go to jail.
PAT: Yeah.
STU: He's saying he's a criminal. He may have violated the Hatch Act and is involved in criminal activity.
GLENN: And can you find for me, Pat, do you remember Harry Reid came out and said, right towards the end of the campaign, Mitt Romney never paid any taxes. And then if you remember, he did an interview afterwards where he was proud of that, where he said, "Hey, he didn't win, did he?"
Do you remember that?
PAT: Uh-huh, yep.
GLENN: He's doing it again. I mean, bearing false witness, again.
Featured Image: ary Committee September 28, 2016 in Washington, DC. Comey testified on a variety of subjects including the investigation into former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email server. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)