Early voting is underway in many states. Will it have an impact? Many believe it already has, including Glenn.
"It's already over. That's why Frank Luntz and everybody else said it would take literally a miracle to turn things at this point because it's already in -- the early voting has already happened. You know, tons of people have already cast their ballots," Glenn said Tuesday on his radio program.
It's estimated that eight to 10 million people might have already cast their votes.
Read below or watch the clip for answers to these timely questions:
• How many people usually vote in a presidential election?
• Why is it so important to vote even if you're not voting for president?
• By how many points does Donald Trump lead Hillary in Texas?
• Why hasn't Donald Trump put together a solid ground game?
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: Just talking about early voting and how that's going and the polls. And now there are -- there are indications that the Republicans are going to lose the Senate. Please, go out and vote for the --
PAT: Wow.
GLENN: -- the G.O.P. candidate -- if you are sitting in a place that has a Marco Rubio, please, go out and vote for the G.O.P. in the Senate and the House. If we lose the Senate and the House, there's no stopping any of it. There's no stopping any of it.
Oh, well, you are the one -- no, no. Donald Trump is three points ahead in Texas. He should be 20 points ahead in Texas. He is three.
In Florida, he had no offices for a ground game. This is all about ground game.
JEFFY: With early voting, it would seem that there's no really need for this October surprise. Because, I mean, early voting started yesterday in Texas -- or, yesterday, here in Texas. And they're turning out in record numbers. So by the time, you get to the October surprise in the next seven days --
GLENN: No, I think the October surprise --
JEFFY: They've already voted. They've already video.
GLENN: Yeah. It's already over. That's why Frank Lunts and everybody else said, "It would take literally a miracle to turn things at this point because it's already in -- the early voting has already happened. You know, tons of people have already cast their ballots.
STU: Right. It was 6 million as of this weekend. So probably eight to ten by now.
GLENN: Yeah. And there's -- what is it? 100 million that vote. Or 50 million.
STU: 130. Yeah.
GLENN: 130. So that's bigger than I thought it was.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: I thought -- it might have been as little 70. Because I thought -- they win usually with about 45 million.
STU: Yeah, 65.
PAT: Sixty-five.
STU: Sixty-five.
GLENN: Sixty-five?
STU: Look, it's a lot of votes. And you can make that up. If he wins big on Election Day, he can win it.
GLENN: Yeah. Easy. It's who turns out. You require a ground game.
STU: Right.
GLENN: There are places where he has no one -- literally -- think of this, no one in a phone bank making phone calls. How is that possible?
STU: Right.
GLENN: If you want to win, you don't have big rallies in stadiums. You have quiet numbers of thousands making phone calls, knocking on doors, taking people. "Hey, can I get you to -- can I get you to a ballot? Can I get you to the voting booth?" He's got none of that.
STU: And early voting doubles, triples, quadruples the value of a ground game. Because the theory is, I get Glenn out to the polls. I can focus on Glenn. Glenn, you got to come vote for my candidate. You got to come vote for my candidate.
GLENN: Right now.
STU: You go vote. Then I never have to think of you again, and I can move all those resources to Jeffy, to get Jeffy out to the polls. And then I get Jeffy. And he goes out and votes. And then I can put all my focus on Pat, to get Pat out to the polls.
GLENN: Instead of doing what Donald Trump is doing, which is having to worry about Glenn, Pat, and Jeffy --
STU: For the whole time.
GLENN: -- the whole time.
STU: Because they don't have any ground game, and they're just hoping that he can convince them in these large rallies. It hasn't worked before.
GLENN: It's insane. You know what, it is as bad as Giuliani's plan of, "I'm not going to do anything until Florida. Then I'm going to win."
STU: And guess who is highly involved in this campaign too? Is Rudy.
GLENN: Right. This is the worst-run campaign I've ever seen in American history. It will go down -- where Barack Obama went down as the most efficient campaign ever run, this is going to go down as the exact opposite.
STU: Right. Right.
GLENN: And don't -- don't tell me I own it. Because I warned you about these very things a year ago: The guy is not serious. He doesn't have a ground game. He doesn't have the connections. He doesn't even know how the system even works.
Remember when his ground game was saying, "Hey, you still have three days if you're in Washington. You can go ahead and vote." And they were sending that to DC, and the vote was in Washington State. And the vote had already happened the week before.
I mean, they are that bad.
GLENN: So nobody -- no --
STU: Oh, man.
GLENN: No group of people who are anti-Trump can lead to the loss or the close race that is happening just here in Texas. It's impossible.
You have to be completely incompetent to lose or to be this close to losing Texas.
Featured Image: Mavis Wilson looks over a sample ballot as she waits to early vote with her husband, Ron Wilson at Charlotte Mecklenburg University City Library on October 24, 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Over five million people have already voted in battleground states including Florida, Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina. (Photo by Brian Blanco/Getty Images)