Filling in while Glenn was on vacation, Doc Thompson and Skip Lacombe reflected on how Hillary Clinton has gotten away with scandal after scandal on The Glenn Beck Program Tuesday.
RELATED: WikiLeaks Publishes Over 30,000 Hillary Clinton Emails
Inexplicably, some of Clinton's schedules were included among the various documents she caused to be destroyed. Why, the co-hosts wondered, would the schedule of the Secretary of State ever need to be private (save a couple of extreme examples)?
Listen to the segment or read the transcript below.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
DOC: What does Hillary Clinton have to do to actually get fired? For the people to say, we've had enough of your nonsense. To get arrested. What does she have to do?
I mean, you know all the scandals, the alleged scandal, the conspiracy theories regarding the Clintons. There's plenty of things there that you'd go, okay, that could be something that you could potentially go to jail for.
But forget those. Skip, think about the obvious things that they have done.
What does she have to do to get arrested?
SKIP: I don't at this point. For some reason, it seems like the Clintons in particular seem to have this pass in terms of being able to do whatever they want. And their big key, just wait it out. Don't even talk about it. Don't mention it. Any questions about it, just wait it out. Deflect and it'll eventually just pass. People forget. People have such a short attention span and memory these days, as long as you can get through those first couple of days, weeks, months of the scandal, you're fine.
DOC: What does Hillary have to do to get arrested now? Seriously. She meets with the FBI for three hours over the weekend, and they talked to her about the email scandal. Right? I mean, that's how this rolls out. And then you have people like Sherrod Brown the dirtbag senator from Ohio and Cory Booker the dirtbag Senator from New Jersey saying she's not going to be arrested. Nothing to see here. There's no problem here. In all first of all, how do they know? Is there just them trying to influence the public and public opinion and the FBI?
SKIP: Yeah.
DOC: Or do they know something or saying, nope, not going to be arrested.
SKIP: At this point I think they're trying to influence public opinion. At the end of the day, regardless of where you stand on this scandal, yes she should be arrested or no, she shouldn't, the FBI is actually -- and the Department of Justice is investigating. So there is a there, there, no matter how you want to look at the scandal or how little you want to put towards the scandal, there is a there, there. Otherwise they wouldn't be investigating. This is Obama's Justice Department, the FBI, there has to be something there for them to at least pick up a finger and start.
DOC: So Huma apparently was deposed in connection with the Freedom of Information Act request about Hillary's emails and whatever, but it wasn't the FBI. It was because of a Freedom of Information Act request. And in this, she said that Hillary destroyed at least some of her schedules. She put them in the burn bag. Now, the burn bag is the official area or box or bag that they collect things that have to be destroyed. Sensitive information that would be destroyed.
And she said she was directed on numerous occasions to put Hillary's schedule in the burn bag.
I don't want anyone to know where she was at that time and on that day! And that's what Hillary is saying. I don't want anybody to know what I was doing. Why would your schedule, save a couple of extreme examples, ever be private as Secretary of State?
I get ahead of time if you're going on flying into a dangerous area, and I can't tell people that I'm going to be there because it could be -- you know, they could plan some sort of threat against me.
SKIP: If you that's more about like schedules in the future as opposed to historic documents of what had happened.
DOC: Right.
SKIP: It's not a security issue to find out that she was in Somalia or whatever.
DOC: Not that I agree with it, but when the President had his people negotiating with Iran for the Iran deal, remember, that was going on for a couple of years and we didn't know about it, which I think is wrong, because in order for you and I to be good citizens and be active in our government, we have to have this information.
But having said that, you could even make an argument that said, well, I don't want people to know that I was meeting with Iran yet. Because we're still working on the deal. So I'll delay that schedule for six months, then you can see what I was up to.
That's not what happened.
Hillary Clinton said, I direct you to burn my schedule, to destroy any records of where I was and what I was doing at certain times.
Why, I ask you, would you ever have to do that?
I can come up with only one reason: Because you don't want people to know what you were doing because you were doing something improper.
Is there any other reason? Folks, come on! Democrat, Republican, progressive, conservative, Libertarian, is there any other reason? And I challenge you, Democrats today, to stand up and start calling her out on this.
This is wrong. And if you do not, you are part of the problem. Not because you vote for Democrats, not because you are progressive but because you're not holding accountable people that are running this government. If you don't do it, you are a bigger problem that know Hillary Clinton. What does she have to do to get fired?
Here's what Huma said. This is the official testimony she gave.
If there was a schedule that was created that was her, Secretary of State daily schedule, and a copy of that was put in the burn bag, that, that -- I'm sorry.
She said it was put in the burn bag. That's how the whole thing lays out.
She said, that it was put in the bag that certainly happened on -- on more than one occasion.
SKIP: Again, if you're really trying to even be a devil's advocate here and explain some sort of a reason why this would be, I can't think of a legitimate reason why you would do that.
Even specific too, the concept of a burn bag, I stupidly didn't even realize that there are documents that are on a regular basis burned.
DOC: Destroyed.
SKIP: I understand shredding and whatnot. But there is a barrel standing out back with a fire?
DOC: I don't know how they destroyed it nowadays but at one point they burned it. It's referred to historically as the burn bag, the area we collect stuff that's going to be destroyed. Maybe. Maybe so. Why would her schedule be a part of it? Let me put another way for you. Hillary Clinton, do you remember her excuse for having the -- the security on the server? Her own server?
SKIP: It was easier for her, more simple.
DOC: Easier, whatever. With no regard to the law, history, or national security. Because that was an unsecure server. It was not done from the government. Right? Hillary put it up herself. It was unsecure. Right?
SKIP: Yeah.
DOC: Okay. So she's saying what? That her information, her schedule, is of such a national security issue that she has to destroy it, yet she had her own server which was unsecure.
How do you have both of those? They don't add up. It's not consistent.
The only reasonable explanation for both of those things, to say I want my own private server which is not secure, I'm not concerned with security, and to say I want my schedule burned, can be only one thing. She was hiding something improper, illegal, immoral, some sort of troubling behavior.
SKIP: Something she didn't want someone else to know.
DOC: Right. That's the only reason you have those two things. See, those things are inconsistent with each other. If you're going to cling to national security as a reason you have your schedule destroyed, then why did you have your own private server?
If your own private server is so -- if you're so cavalier about it, you're not worried about, you know, secure information on it or whatever, and we know now secure information was, you know, in those emails and via her private server, then why would you destroy your schedule after the fact for national security?
The only thing you can cling to about having your schedule destroyed is for national security. And even that is pretty low. But that goes all out the wind when you have your own private server. These things do not add up.
So I ask, what does it take for Hillary Clinton to be arrested? What does it take for the American people to stand up and say, I've had enough, you are fired, we are done here? What does it take?
If Hillary Clinton is able to navigate this latest scandal and not be arrested, navigate and actually become President of the United States, that is the indicator we have completely lost control. That it's done. And then it's just a matter of ride it out until the end until the whole thing collapses around us. You cannot have that level of corruption go for several years and this is just the latest. This doesn't account for everybody else that she's been involved in over the years.
We've lost it at that point.
Featured Image: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton addresses the 95th Representative Assembly of the National Education Association July 5, 2016 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)