Article courtesy of Bonfire Thoughts, written by Haley Phillips.
When you hear the word “friendship” what do you think about? Does a particular person come to mind? Unfortunately for many people, friends are merely profile pictures on Facebook, likes on Instagram, or re-tweets on Twitter. They measure their friendships by how that other person reinforces their opinions on politics, clever memes, or selfies. Today, with so many social media platforms, we are moving from personal, intimate relationships to shallow, deceiving comments and pictures online.
Millennials are unique. We are so connected and informed with everything that is going on in the world. Our “friends” lists reach the thousands, maybe even millions for some. But at the same time, our generation is the most socially negligent. When is the last time we sat at a table by our self without pulling out our smart phone? When is the last time we said hello to someone on an elevator? We are missing opportunities for real life connections and real life friends, because we are so focused on ourselves, our ever-expanding circle, and how we appear on social media.
My pastor once said people can maintain up to 150 meaningful relationships, but only 12-20 close friends and only 3-5 closest friends. When something major happens in our life, who do we immediately call? Are we able to call all fifty of our friends and discuss this big thing that happened and express how we feel? Or do we maybe run to update our status on Facebook and wait for the comments and encouragement to roll in? The truth is everyone has their top friends who know everything about what is happening in their lives. This doesn’t mean we only tell those select friends about what’s happening in our world, but rather we use them as soundboards and think tanks. They are able to speak boldly into our lives and help guide and correct us. There is no part of us they have not seen – we can’t have that connection with hundreds of people. We can try, but we will fail. Depth, not width, in friendship is most important.
So let’s talk about deep friendships and why it is so vital to our life journey. First, how can we even tell if we have a deep friendship with someone?
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