Following the terrorist attack in Brussels, Fox News interviewed Donald Trump for a full forty minutes. What would Trump do if he were president today?
"Well, I would, you know, I guess I would just talk to the people and give them, frankly, a pep talk. You know, we need a pep talk. We need spirit in our country," Trump said.
Sen. Ted Cruz has a markedly different plan which he outlined today via phone on The Glenn Beck Program.
What Would Ted Cruz Do If He Were President Today?
"Well, we don't need a pep talk. What we need is serious leadership that keeps us safe. And the first thing obviously that all of us are doing is we're lifting up in prayer the families of those who were murdered, those who were injured, including especially several Mormon missionaries from Utah, who were among those injured, and our prayers are with them and their families and with everyone who are the victims of this terror attack. But what is most important is that we need a commander-in-chief who will recognize the evil we face, which is radical Islamic terrorism, who will call it by its name, which President Obama refuses to do, and who will unleash the full force and fury of the United States, to utterly destroy and defeat radical Islamic terrorism and to utterly destroy and defeat ISIS."
How Do We Stop Politically Correct Nonsense and Protect Our Borders?
"Sadly, this attack is in many ways the fruit of failed immigration policies in Europe over decades that have allowed vast numbers of radical Islamic terrorists to infiltrate Europe and to endeavor to destroy Europe from within. And it has been tragic and catastrophic. But it also poses an ongoing threat, not only to Europe, but to America. One of the things we need to do in the wake of these attacks is reexamine the Visa Waiver Program. The Visa Waiver Program, which allows people from Europe to come to America with minimal screening, was designed in an era where we didn't believe we had substantial national security threats coming from our friends and allies. Given the decisions of Europe to allow so many radical Islamic terrorists to come in, we need to revisit that and make sure that every refugee coming to America, every person coming to America, is thoroughly vetted so that we are not bringing into this country radical Islamic terrorists who are coming to wage jihad and murder Americans."
Donald Trump Has Stated He'll Rely on Himself and His 'Good Brain' for Foreign Policy Advice. Who Will Advise You on Foreign Affairs?
"Frank [Gaffney] is someone I've known for many years, and he's done serious and very good work, focusing on the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, focusing on the rise of jihadism and the need to combat against it. Both the modern Democratic Party and the press react with fear and trepidation at anyone who would call out jihadists for what they are. And I will apologize to no one for the vigor with which I will defend this country and fight against our enemies to keep us safe. And there are a great many others who are advising me, including Andy McCarthy, who is a tremendous expert, and Jim Talent. And we have a great team of advisers.
"And you noted that Trump said that he's his own policy adviser. Well, I got to tell you, it shows. You know, just yesterday, Donald Trump called publicly for essentially withdrawing from NATO, for abandoning Europe. It's striking that the day after he does that, we see a terror attack in Brussels where NATO is headquartered. And Donald's isolationism and weakness is profoundly dangerous.
"But when it comes to foreign policy, you can see that Donald's foreign policy is guided by --- his exemplars are Jimmy Carter and John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, the left-wing Democrats that he supported financially for 40 years. Withdrawing from NATO, as Donald Trump suggested yesterday, would hand Putin a massive victory. It would hand ISIS a massive victory. ISIS would celebrate."
Featured Image: Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses the bombings in Brussels during remarks March 22, 2016 in Washington, DC. Reports indicate at least 34 people have died and scores more injured in the bombings at the airport and Metro. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)