I realized how divine providence has been with us since the beginning.
Warning us and shaping us for this time.
He has given us the answer. How should we behave? Where should we run? What should we accept.
Restoring Honor, Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., 2010
Restoring Courage, Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel, 2011
Restoring Love, Dallas Cowboys Stadium, 2012
I may have staged these massive events, but it was the Lord who told me to do them. I didn't know why at the time. Especially the last two.
Now I do. Look at the themes and what the message was at each.
The first was Restoring Honor.
Restoring Honor: Find the truth, don't listen to the lies. Be the person who knows what is true and hold onto it. Raise your children up on God's true and eternal principles as well as our founding documents. Be George Washington.
Restoring Courage: Prepare to stand alone. The world may go off the cliff, but you must be immovable. Know the truth and take a stand even if it means you are alone, mocked or scourged. You will be on the right side of history.
Restoring Love: There will come a time where you will be angry. Do not give in. Keep your heart open and soft. Practice service to your fellow man as it will help. Don't give in to hatred as it will lead you and others to darkness. With honor, courage and love prepare to be a sign post to lead others away from hatred and danger.
Tell me the Lord hasn't been here the whole time. He has warned us while preparing you for this time.
Stay the course with honor, courage and love and you will win.
Encourage others to vote for true principle, to have the courage to stand alone in love while encouraging others away from the hatred.