PolitiFact has looked at Donald Drumpf's statements and finds that 73 percent of his statements are false.
"He is a sociopathic liar. He doesn't care. He may not even know he's lying anymore. He just believes whatever it is that he makes up in his own head," Glenn said Tuesday on The Glenn Beck Program. "You'll never see his income tax. Not because there's something going on there. But because the people who have worked with him closely for over ten years estimate his net value, his net worth at $150 million."
Should that be true, what would it say about the character of man who refuses to release tax returns so people won't find out his whole life is a lie?
Additionally, it's well-documented that Drumpf quickly turns from friend to foe should he feel threatened.
"If you don't do him a solid, he destroys you," Glenn said.
Here's a sampling of Drumpf's grade school name-calling:
Erick Erickson — a total low life
Arianna Huffington — a liberal clown
Chuck Todd — pathetic
Charles Krauthammer — a loser and a jerk
Bob Vander Plaats — a phony and a con man
Glenn Beck — a dopey idiot
An article today in the Weekly Standard, written by Stephan Hayes, makes one ponder this pertinent question:
If Drumpf condemns anyone he dislikes, why does he go soft on David Duke and the KKK?
Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: It's Super Tuesday, and it's much more serious than it sounds, the responsibility on each of our shoulders today, to do our homework before we walk into our polling locations. The fate of America rests on your shoulders. But no pressure. We start there, right now.
GLENN: Hello, America. And welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Today from Washington, DC, and the studios at WMAL, I want to thank 1000 KTOK for hosting us yesterday in Oklahoma City and WMAL for hosting us today in Washington, DC, as we prepare for CPAC that is happening this weekend. We'll be broadcasting from there Thursday and Friday and talked to some of the people at CPAC. Max Lucado is going to be on with us today, as is Ted Cruz.
It is Super Tuesday. 25 percent of all the delegates will be assigned by tomorrow morning. And it's going to be pretty hard to -- to stop Donald Drumpf at this point. Not impossible. But pretty hard to stop. I'm looking at the news today, and I find it interesting that all of these people are coming out with these plans to stop Donald Drumpf.
And the one I keep hearing about is insanity. And it's Marco Rubio's plan, not to win any of the -- any of the contest today. His plan is not to win any of the contest, but to believe just to have enough delegates to go to a brokered convention. The other plan is to have the G.O.P. kick Donald out and run somebody else in his stead.
What kind of banana republic do we live in? I am not a fan of Donald Drumpf, nor will I vote for Donald Drumpf. But I have to tell you, if the American people say they're going to vote for Donald Drumpf, the G.O.P. was the one that made the deal. The G.O.P. was the one that said, "You have to run -- you can't run for third party." You think you're going to take his delegates away and not start a civil war? You think you're going to kick him out of the party and not start a civil war?
The G.O.P. is done. They're just done. They didn't get it. They have no idea why Donald Drumpf has any kind of traction at all. And none of their plans include the guy who is number two in the delegate count. They refuse to look at the guy who actually is going to win some states today. Why?
Because he's anti-establishment. Because he will stop all of this nonsense that's happening in Washington. So why get behind that guy? You got to get behind the guy that doesn't win any states. That doesn't make any sense.
Because the establishment is still all about power. It's all about control. We have gone down this road now of progressivism far too long. And people don't see it. I got up this morning and I was thinking about it. I was watching the news and I thought, "You know, it's amazing to me -- it's amazing to me. This guy, Donald Drumpf, would be laughed out if he was running for Democrats. We would laugh at him. We would all say, oh, my gosh, bring it on. Exactly what Hillary Clinton doing."
There's a new story out about how Hillary Clinton is salivating at Donald Drumpf. By the way, new poll out shows Donald Drumpf does not beat Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head. And they haven't even begun. Look at what the New York Times said yesterday.
New York Times has an off the record, confidential meeting with Donald Drumpf back in January. Where supposedly he said, "Look, everything is negotiable. Don't worry about it. I know you're all freaked out." But basically what he said -- what was it on Greta, I can be anything. I'm going to be changing rapidly once I get the nomination. I'll be changing rapidly. I can be whatever I need to be at the time. Basically he said that, apparently to the New York Times, in a confidential meeting, that everything is negotiable, and the stuff he's saying on the border, don't worry about.
Well, I called yesterday for Donald Drumpf to demand that the New York Times release that audiotape. Because they said they will, but they can't release it because it was a confidential meeting. And they can't release it without his permission. But if they ask, if Donald Drumpf asks, they will release it.
Well, I think this is an outrageous lie by the New York Times. Donald Drumpf has said many times that he thinks one of the biggest liars is the New York Times. I happen to agree with him. I think that he should demand that the New York Times produce that tape. And show that he did not indeed say those things.
Except he was on Hannity last night, talking about it. When he spoke to Sean, he said, "Well, look, yes, a lot of things are negotiable. But the New York Times is a liar." Well, if the New York Times is a liar, you should -- you should demand that the tape be released and then sue them.
Don, I know you love to sue them. You love to sue them. Suing is a way of life with you. Because to quote you: You get greedy. And you say, "Give me the money. Give me the money." And you grab and you grab and you grab. That's a quote from you.
So I know you're greedy, which is another beautiful, wonderful, uge, Christian characteristic. But I know you get greedy and you want to grab. So sue them. Because you have them dead to rights. They are hurting your reputation by saying that you are telling the American people one thing and doing the exact opposite. Because we know you would never do that. That's ridiculous to assume and insulting to you.
He won't call for the release of that tape. Guarantee it. Because I bet you my house, that what's on that tape is exactly what the New York Times says is on that tape. Because Donald Drumpf is a liar.
Nobody wants to hear that about people. PolitiFact has looked at his statements and 76 percent of his statements -- or, 73 percent of his statements are false.
He is a sociopathic liar. He doesn't care. He may not even know he's lying anymore. He just believes whatever it is that he makes up in his own head. You'll never see his income tax. Not because there's something going on there. But because the people who have worked with him closely for over ten years estimate his net value, his net worth at $150 million.
Just so you can put that into perspective, that's what -- that's about what Forbes magazine says I'm worth. So that knocks Donald Drumpf down lots of pegs. By the way, I'm not worth that.
But imagine if it meant something to me. What would that say something about my character, if I was like, "No, I'm worth more than that. Oh, man, how dare they say that I'm only worth $150 million. I'm worth a billion dollars. I'm worth $500 million." What would that say about me?
I laugh at the numbers that they always quote from me because that's what my company does in revenue. That's not what I get paid. One of my companies hasn't even paid me in five years.
But what would it say about a man's character if you wouldn't release your tax returns because you just didn't want people to know how much you really are worth because your whole life is a lie?
The other thing that I think Donald Drumpf, the reason why he's not releasing his tax returns, is because he's not as charitable as he says he is. He says he's been giving money for years to vets. My guess is, his charitable contributions are less than 2 percent. I'll bet you that they're zero. But definitely worth less than 2 percent.
He raises money through the Drumpf Foundation or the Drumpf -- he goes and asks other people to give money. And then he doesn't give money himself.
And, by the way, there's people asking now, "Why hasn't he delivered on the charity funds that he promised in Iowa?" You would think -- I don't even understand this story. You have -- you've selected the charities, why haven't you given the money to the charities? The money is there, you've selected the charities, why haven't you just released the funds?
Anybody see the John Oliver, just amazing monologue of 20 minutes taking down Donald Drumpf? Stu, Pat, Jeffy, have you seen -- you saw the whole monologue?
PAT: Yeah. We talked about some of it yesterday.
STU: Yeah. We talked about some of --
GLENN: Yeah, go ahead.
STU: We talked about some of it yesterday. And one of the things we talked about was that he had the exact same experience we had with Donald Drumpf, in which Drumpf also accused him and Jon Stewart of wanting him on the show and Drumpf said no. So that's the only reason those people hate him, which is the exact same thing he said about us. And not true in either circumstance.
GLENN: Yeah.
PAT: Can you imagine thinking so much of yourself that if somebody -- if you tell somebody you're not going to do an interview with them, that that's the sole reason that they don't like you from then on. I mean, that's -- you think a lot of yourself when it's just, "Wow, he didn't do an interview with us. So now we hate his guts and we're going to destroy this man." It's so pathetic.
GLENN: Not only how much do you think of yourself, what do you think the world is like? I mean, what kind of world do you live in, where because -- it's usually self-diagnosis. You know, when somebody like this says something about you. They're usually diagnosing themself. They see the things in others that is in them.
So he is like that. If you don't do him a solid, he destroys you. And so he thinks that everybody else -- because you won't do an interview. I won't do an interview. You must want to destroy me. No, that's you in your sick, twisted world. That's you, man.
STU: Yeah. And the Weekly Standard had a great point on this today, which is -- I mean, we all know the way -- what Drumpf does with people he doesn't like. What does he do to people he doesn't like? Erick Erickson, a total low-life. Arianna Huffington, a liberal clown. Chuck Todd, pathetic. Charles Krauthammer, a loser and a clown. Bill Kristol, a sad case. Bob Vander Plaats is a phony and a con man.
PAT: Jeez.
GLENN: Jeez.
STU: We already know, the things he's called Glenn fills up a whole page of the New York Times insult list. In fact, the New York Times provided a catalog of the 199 people, places, and things Donald Drumpf has insulted on Twitter. A complete list, which, of course, is not actually a complete list.
But here's the point from the Weekly Standard which is brilliant today: After a year of his candidacy, the political world knows well what it looks like when Donald Drumpf wants to offer an unequivocal condemnation. When it comes to David Duke and the KKK, we still haven't seen one.
He hasn't called David Duke a loser. He hasn't called David Duke a scumbag. He hasn't called David Duke a jerk or a phony or a con man.
PAT: Right. And why? Because he supports him.
STU: Because he supports him.
GLENN: What do you think about Rush Limbaugh's excuse for this? He said yesterday that Donald Drumpf was on the Sunday shows, and they have more gravitas. They get more play than just the Megyn Kelly or Sean Hannity or something like that. And so he was on those Sunday shows and he was worried about the poll numbers because the debate didn't go well. And so he just didn't want to alienate anyone who might vote for him. So it's not really an excuse. I mean, it's still really bad. But it's at least a reason why he didn't do it. Do you buy into any of that?
STU: I actually kind of do. But the -- it's funny because people are saying, "Well, this is an excuse he's providing." Actually it's the accusation. The accusation is that he's pandering to white supremacists.
PAT: That's not a good excuse.
STU: It's not an excuse. It's actually we're accusing him of.
GLENN: Yes. Yes.
STU: And I think that is exactly what he's doing. I mean, I don't know that anyone is saying that he -- while there is certainly long-term evidence and it will be exploited like crazy that he has bad racial tendencies, I don't think he's throwing a hood on him Friday nights. That's not what I think Donald Drumpf is doing.
GLENN: No, he's not a Klan member. He's not a Klan member.
STU: But he's pandering to these people like crazy. And that's not a positive. That's actually the negative we're accusing him of. So I don't know if Rush framed that as an excuse. But it's actually the thing I'm complaining about.
PAT: I think the hoodies are for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Not Fridays.
STU: Okay. Sorry.
GLENN: Let me give you one thing real quick, and then I have to take a break.
There's a new poll out in Florida. 38 percent of Floridians believe that Ted Cruz might be the Zodiac Killer. The serial killer from, what? A decade ago? Or two decades ago? The serial killer in Florida.
38 percent of Floridians believe that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer. We'll get into it in a second. But I just want to say this, even with Floridians believing that he's the Zodiac Killer, he still beats Marco Rubio in Florida. (laughter)
Featured Image: Screenshot of The Glenn Beck Program broadcasting from WMAL in Washington, D.C.