The Lt. Governor of California opposes citizens having guns --- all while spending millions on the security detail keeping him safe. Once again, the hypocrisy of the progressive left never fails to astonish.
Gavin Newsom (D) talks a good talk in the fight against gun ownership, yet the former mayor of San Francisco has spent millions of taxpayer dollars to surround himself with armed security. Evidently, what's good for the political goose is not good enough for the citizen gander.
According to a 2009 article from the San Francisco Appeal, Newsom's security included salaries for hand-picked, full-time police officers at a price tag between $1 and $72.9 million. Why the range? A quick look at the budget for Investigations Detail --- the department charged with protecting the mayor --- revealed a staggering amount of $72.9 million. So it's possible the entire amount went to paying his security guards, all funded by taxpayers, naturally, the very citizens he'd like to leave unprotected.
In July 2012, the Los Angles Times reported the cost for providing security for Newsom was nearly $30,000 higher than his predecessor.
As a guest on Real Time, Bill Maher’s HBO show Friday, Newsom responded to Trump's comments that armed citizens could have defended themselves in Paris.
“I just simply, this sort of mythology, the guy with the gun that’s going to come save the day, I mean, so right out of the movies, sort of this gun-slinging fantasy." Newsom said in the aftermath of the Paris attacks. "The reality is, it’s most likely to create more harm, more damage, more lost lives in those circumstances.”
How convenient.
If Mr. Newsom would like to disarm the citizenry of California, perhaps he should set the example and disarm his security detail first.
Featured Image: Gavin Newsom, Lt. Goveror of California. Photo Credit: AFP / Getty