Scott Walker unveils plans to replace Obamacare

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joined Glenn on radio today to discuss his own health care plan for the country to replace Obamacare. Speaking on behalf of many conservatives and small government constitutionalists, Glenn asked the presidential candidate why even introduce another replacement government plan - shouldn't the free market replace it?

"It follows that principle," Walker said. "It's really about putting patients and families back in charge. It allows them to use the market, to access the market out there in a way that lifts many of the restrictions that Obamacare and, for that matter, other laws of government have put on the free market in the past.

Listen to the full exchange or read the transcript below.

Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it may contain errors.

GLENN: Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin and presidential candidate, hello, Scott, how are you, sir?

SCOTT: Hey, Glenn. I'm doing well. Thanks for having me on. How are you?

GLENN: Very good. Very good.

You have called Trump's campaign a sideshow. I happen to believe this. And I think the guy is just not healthy for our -- for our country. How long does this sideshow last?

SCOTT: Well, I think the obligation is on those of us running is that we have to lay out specific ideas, specific reforms. You know, one of the things you can't ignore is that he's tapped into something very real. And not just him, but look at some of the other nonelected candidates who are rising in the polls, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump. I think there's a correlation there that people are frustrated. Heck, I'm angry. I'm angry at the so-called leaders in Washington, particularly in the Republican Party who claimed they were going to repeal Obamacare if they got the Senate majority. Who claimed they would do something about immigration. We have yet to see that. There's a very real sentiment of frustration. The positive side of that is that people are is coming out, they're getting engaged. They're not just ignoring the problem. They're looking for someone who can do something about it. And I think in the end, the way someone like me, for example, ends up getting back up in the polls in states like Iowa and elsewhere is to lay out very real plans like we'll do tomorrow about how do we actually do more than say we're going to repeal Obamacare. How do we actually make it happen immediately in the next Congress? And then how do we put patients and families in charge of their health care?

GLENN: Okay. So you have a replacement for Obamacare. And for me, at least and I think many conservatives and small government constitutionalists, they say, why replace it? It should be replaced with the free market. What is your replacement plan? And why do we need government replacement?

SCOTT: Yeah. Without giving out all the details in advance of the announcement tomorrow, but it follows that principle. It's really about putting patients and families back in charge. It allows them to use the market, to access the market out there in a way that lifts many of the restrictions that Obamacare and, for that matter, other laws of government have put on the free market in the past. Part of the problem today is not just Obamacare. But if we went back to the way things were before Obamacare, there were still plenty of regulations and stipulations. There were still problems, for example, even with things like Medicaid that was sent to the state with all these strings attached. Those are the sorts of things we're going to talk about. Is not just going back to the way things were before Obamacare, but going in further to lift all the taxes, to lift the burdens, to put in place a system where patients can use the market to make good decisions for themselves and their families.

GLENN: I will tell you that I think what Donald Trump has tapped into and what Bernie Sanders has tapped into is this desire for Americans -- or by Americans to get out of the mushy middle and to actually -- if you're going to be -- I think what Bernie Sanders and the Democrats are saying is, you know what we're going to be over here, let's just be socialist. And I think on the other side, it is, let's just be common sense. Let's just not this special interest bullcrap out.

SCOTT: I would agree with you. And, again, this is where today I'll number Iowa. But I'll continue to make this case across the country. A lot of great candidates. A number of whom are tapping into that. I feel that sentiment as well. It's why I ran for governor in 2010 because I saw my state, much like I see my nation today, going down the wrong path. And I think if people are looking, not just for someone who shares that frustration, who shares that anger towards Washington, but who wants someone who can actually do something about it, I would say look at what we did in Wisconsin. We fought. We won. We got results. And we did it without compromising our common sense, conservative principles. Think about an issue out there. We didn't just take the unions on. We're not just right to work. We got rid of seniority and tenure. We have expanded school choice statewide. We cut taxes. In fact, by the end of this budget I'm in right now, taxes have been cut $4.7 billion in my state. We defunded Planned Parenthood more than four years ago, long before these videos. We did castle doctrine and concealed carry. We now require a photo ID to vote in the state of Wisconsin. This is a blue state. A state that hadn't gone Republican for president since 1984. If we can do all those kinds of common sense conservative reforms in a blue state like Wisconsin, I think people can know that when I say we'll do common sense conservative reforms for America, they can take that to the bank. We've done it even with 100,000 protesters breathing down our neck. We did it for Wisconsin. We can do it for America.

GLENN: Tell me because I'm not quite sure where you stand on immigration. You handled a guy who came out and said, why do you want to deport me and my family. You handled that really, really well while on the campaign stump.

But, you know, if you look at what Trump has released this weekend, it's very, very clear. I don't necessarily believe he'll do it. But it's very, very clear. What is yours? Where do you stand?

SCOTT: That's a great point. And you're right. He has tapped into this issue, as well as a bunch of others. He's tapped into a very real passion, a very real concern of folks out there. I mentioned -- in fact, it was one of the times I was on your show, and you weren't on. But guest hosts were filling in months and months ago. I walked through exactly where I'm at and how I got there.

For me, when I talk about securing the border, now having been to the border with Governor Abbott and talking about it with others out there, I see it as much greater than just immigration. We need to have a wall. We need to have the infrastructure.

GLENN: Hang on just a second. Let me stop you here. We have heard -- who was it, Pat, from San Diego. Duncan Hunter went on when I was at CNN. He went on and on and on. And I love Duncan Hunter. But he went on and on and on about how he put -- the wall shall be built into the law. And if you know anything about the law, Glenn, if it says shall, they have to build this wall. We've been hearing about this wall forever. President Obama says it's 95 percent complete. How -- how are you finally going to get people in Washington to actually build the wall?

SCOTT: Well, I've been to the border and I can say it's far from 95 percent. That's for sure. I mean, I've seen the opening. The passings. I've seen the problems that are created out there. To me, in a way that's similar to how we'll repeal Obamacare and other things in the sense that when I came to Wisconsin, a blue state, everything was Democrat, went Republican. We didn't just take on the unions. We didn't just take on the Democrats. We took on particularly one of our legislative houses. The Republican establishment that didn't want to do anything. I remember a week after the election, I came in and talked to all the Republicans and said, it's put-up-or-shut-up time. They went from all Democrat to all Republican. I made the point that if we just did a little bit less bad things than the Democrats did, the voters have every right to throw us out. And so we said it was put-up-or-shut-up time. Then we went through with one of the most, if not the most aggressive common sense, conservative agendas in the country. And we did it -- we didn't just do where I got elected three times. We've actually added seats to the legislative majorities in 12 and 14. Why? Because for Republicans, but even for independents, what they want more than anything is not someone to move to the center, they want someone to govern, to lead, do what they said they were going to do. And in this case, I think it's a matter of pushing back the House and the Senate and say, we have to do this.

Israel, I was in Israel earlier this year. They just completed a 500-mile fence. By doing that and staffing it and having the technology to make sure it works effectively, they've seen something like over a 90 percent reduction in terrorist acts in that country that they attribute to having an effective fence. 500 miles. That's about a quarter the size of our southern border. But, heck, Israel is a much, much smaller country. If Israel can do it effectively, there's no reason why America can't. And it's not just because of immigration. It's much bigger than that. We have international criminal organizations penetrating our southern-based borders. If it was happening in our water ports --

GLENN: We have ISIS here.

SCOTT: -- we'd be sending in the Navy. We should do something on our borders.

GLENN: I wrote a piece online this weekend about Mike Lee. There was a -- there was an article in the New York Times about Mike Lee. And it -- it talked about how Mitch McConnell is telling Mike Lee, who is one of the most reasonable, sound thinkers in the Senate.


GLENN: How he's got to decide, you know, between these Tea Party freaks and -- and his party. And Mitch McConnell is part of the problem. Will you go so far as saying that there are people in the G.O.P. that are part of the establishment like Mitch McConnell that are part of the problem?

SCOTT: Yes. I hear it all the time. And I share that sentiment. This was -- we were told if Republicans got the majority in the United States Senate, there would be a bill on the president's desk to repeal Obamacare. It is August. Where is that bill? Where was that vote? We were told they would do something about illegal immigration. If it hadn't been for me and 24 other governors out there, the president would be able to do what he claimed he couldn't do 22 times before last November and then went off and did it a couple weeks after the election. It's because I and Governor Abbott and 23 other governors went to court and stopped him. At least got a stay from doing that. It's not because the Congress, a Republican-led Congress, did anything to stop him from doing that. This is where the frustration is. This is why nonelected candidates are surging in the polls. It's because people are sending a very clear message to say, you may dismiss this candidate or that candidate, but people are saying loud and clear, do not dismiss my concerns. Do not dismiss the fact that you told us that Republicans stood for something, and it's not happening in Washington. Now more than ever, I think people are yearning. They're crying out. The good part of this is, while they're angry, they're not walking away. What I hear people tell me is do something about it. Do something about it, not just for me. Do something about it for my children and my grandchildren. I think people are still optimistic that there's enough time left to turn this country around. And that's what I want to be a part of.

GLENN: Well, let me ask you this. Because you say it's getting close. How close do you think it is? We're at the third longest bull market on record. The only other two that have been longer than this was 1929, right before the crash, and then right before the crash of the dot-com bubble. We have China in a massive slowdown. A commodity collapse. We have a credit crisis beyond anything probably -- probably 100 times worse than it was in 2008. And all of the signs are pointing towards this is a fantasy economy that we're living in. Do you agree with that? And how much does the fed play a role in this?

SCOTT: Oh, I think there are incredible, incredible concerns. Not just now, but on the horizon. As interest rates change, those debt and deficit problems only get worse out there. There's a lot of things that if things stay the way they are today. And arguably if Hillary Clinton is in, she makes it worse. As much as that's hard to imagine with this president. I think a Hillary Clinton presidency makes it worse. But having a Republican in the White House who is not committed to fundamental reform. Who is not committed to fundamentally change things. I think ultimately that creates a real problem as well because we've got to take dramatic action. We need somebody who will take forceful, immediate actions. I believe we can do it.

Again, parallel to what I did in my own state. We acted not just in the first 100 days. We acted on day one to join the federal lawsuit against Obamacare. We called a special session to get government out of the way to help lift our economy up on day one. We took actions within the first month, month and a half, to take on the big government unions and the other special interests in our state. And we got things done.

Now, it's much bigger, obviously at the federal level, but I have every confidence that if we have a leader in the White House, who is not just a Republican, but a reformer. A common sense conservative reformer, who demands that kind of reform, I mean, to me, that's things you have to do on day one. And you have to start pushing that Congress to be prepared to act on day one as well.

GLENN: Scott Walker, governor and presidential candidate, I have about a minute left here. I just want to ask you one last question. This is from my email over the weekend. It comes from -- it's in Arabic and translated. But it says: The day will come when we capture you cross-worshiping impure redneck polytheists of the United Snakes. Not only will we kill you, but we will take your women as slaves and all of your properties and blood will be lawful. Have patience because the hour will not be established until we have removed your falsehood pagan religion from the world and killed many of you. He quotes from the Koran. This is someone who is living here in the United States. Is this -- will the Walker administration go in and actually go into these mosques and call a spade a spade here in the United States, or will we co-exist and say that all of Islam as it is practiced is peaceful?

SCOTT: No, it's been clear. There's a war going on against Christians, against Jews, against people not only here, but around the world. And it's led by radical Islamic terrorists. And there are far too many people, not only in the Middle East, but around the world, including many places here, and we have to take this seriously. Anyone who doesn't think this is a serious issue is ignoring places like Chattanooga and plenty other places around the country that we've seen as of late. We have to treat this seriously. We have to have leadership in Washington who is going to make sure, increasingly, we take the fight to them overseas before they bring the fight to us. But we have to deal with the challenges we have here in America as well.

GLENN: Governor Scott Walker in Iowa today. Best of luck to you, Governor. Thank you for being on the program.

Did the CIA hide the real truth behind JFK's assassination?

Bettmann / Contributor, NurPhoto / Contributor | Getty Images

Many were disappointed by the recent release of the JFK files, frustrated by the apparent lack of answers to decades-old questions. The problem? They’re asking the wrong question.

Everyone wants a "who"—a smoking gun, someone to blame. It’s understandable; Americans crave justice for a slain president, to hold the culprits of one of the 20th century’s greatest crimes accountable. But the real answer isn’t a "who"—it’s a "what." That "what" is the CIA and proof of their nefarious dealings since the 1960s.

In his most recent TV special, Glenn delves into the JFK files, where he found the crucial information that everyone else seemed to miss. Be sure to watch the TV special here.

The CIA's Dirty Fingerprints

While the recent JFK files don’t explicitly pin the assassination on the CIA, the evidence between the lines is compelling.

If you follow Glenn on X, you’ve seen his newest artifact: an exact replica of Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle. Glenn tested it at the range, attempting to replicate the notoriously difficult shot Oswald allegedly made that fateful day in Dallas. While Glenn shares more takeaways in his TV special, one thing stood out immediately: the rifle’s abysmal quality, its shoddy scope, and the odd caliber of ammunition it uses.

Oswald’s rifle, a Mannlicher-Carcano, is chambered in 6.5mm—an unusual caliber. Much like today, the average gun store in the ‘60s didn’t stock 6.5mm rounds. The largest known supply was owned by the CIA, who had shipped the ammo from Greece after World War II. Suspiciously, there’s no record of where Oswald got his ammunition, but the JFK files confirm that the gun store where he bought the Mannlicher-Carcano had CIA connections.

It’s well-known that Oswald defected to the USSR and lived there before returning to the U.S. The JFK files reveal that from the moment he touched down stateside, the CIA tracked him like a hawk. They followed him across the country and even to Mexico City—but, conveniently, seemed to lose him in Dallas just as President Kennedy arrived. What a coincidence.

Whether by design or gross incompetence, the CIA greased Oswald’s path, letting him slip unhindered into that sixth-floor Book Depository window.

The Cover-Up

SAUL LOEB / Staff | Getty Images

If the JFK files aren’t the smoking gun many hoped for, why did the CIA fight so hard to keep them buried?

The answer is trust. Hard as it may be to imagine today, Americans in the ‘60s trusted their government—at least more than they do now. This cover-up preserved that trust longer than it might have lasted, allowing the CIA to pull off more scandals before the public caught on. From Benghaziand 9/11 to COVID-19 and January 6, the same dirty marks found in the JFK files stain these events. It’s about saving face. The files make the CIA look incompetent at best, complicit at worst.

This might feel like common knowledge today—especially to Glenn’s audience—but 40 or 50 years ago, saying such things could land you in the loony bin. It’s taken 60 years of growing suspicion to reach this point. Imagine if the JFK files had been available back then. Could we have stopped six decades of CIA shenanigans in their tracks?

The thought is chilling.

What Now?

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The files don’t name a mastermind or explicitly confirm the darkest JFK assassination conspiracies that have swirled for decades—but they’re far from empty. They expose a disturbing truth: the CIA’s unchecked power in the ‘60s echoes into today.

In one of his most exciting TV specials yet, Glenn delves deep into the files, proving why we can’t ignore these revelations. Stop chasing a "who" and start demanding accountability for the "what." Only by confronting this can we hope to rein in the agency that’s dodged scrutiny for too long.

The Left's war on Tesla owners

Kansas City Star / Contributor | Getty Images

Across the country, Teslas are being torched by the very people who, just a few years ago, championed them as the future of sustainable transportation.

Recently, Glenn highlighted the heinous actions targeting Tesla owners and dealerships. He reached the same conclusion as U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi: these are acts of domestic terrorism. Tesla owners are being doxxed; a dealership in Las Vegas was firebombed, vandalized, and shot at. Similar attacks have struck South Carolina, Oregon, and Colorado, where Molotov cocktails destroyed multiple Tesla vehicles.

But this isn’t really about cars—it’s a symptom of a deeper rot that has eroded any principles the Left once held. Just as they celebrated the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, the attacks on Tesla reflect a lust for destruction—a self-righteous anger that disregards decency and the sanctity of life.

For them, the ends justify the means.

A Pattern of Lawlessness

Ethan Miller / Staff | Getty Images

The attacks on Tesla owners and dealerships aren’t random; they form an emerging pattern that exposes the Left’s true motives.

A quick look at the alleged grievances of the protesters, vandals, and arsonists harassing electric vehicles and their owners reveals a thin veneer masking their deeds. Their motives range from semi-rational—disagreeing with Elon Musk’s actions and the goals of DOGE —to outlandish, like labeling Musk a Nazi or fascist. Yet, rational or not, their actions far outweigh the severity of their complaints. Their crimes include keying and spray-painting privately owned Teslas, vandalizing dealerships (including firing rounds into a Tesla service center in Las Vegas), and using Molotov cocktails to ignite Teslas in cities nationwide. As noted, these aren’t the acts of disgruntled voters but of domestic terrorists.

Glenn recently tied this Tesla terrorism to the brutal murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson last December. Just as liberals rejoice over burning Teslas today, they cheered when Thompson was gunned down in New York’s streets, leaving his children fatherless days before Christmas. Much like the Tesla attacks, the Left justified their jubilation with half-baked critiques of the U.S. healthcare system, sandwiched between callous jokes about the slain CEO. It’s not about cars or insurance—it runs deeper.

Hypocrisy Exposed

TOBIAS SCHWARZ / Contributor | Getty Images

Rules for thee, not for me.

This theme keeps resurfacing. Remember when the Left was obsessed with climate change? “It’s the biggest threat to humanity,” they declared, warning we couldn’t drive cars or eat beef because their emissions would doom us all. They once praised Musk, hailing Tesla as the future of transportation. But now that Musk defies their ever-shifting liberal orthodoxy, Tesla must die—environment be damned. It’s a replay of the pandemic’s peak: while they preached staying home, wearing double masks, keeping six feet apart, and “following the science,” they burned, looted, and rioted through nearly every major U.S. city—rules for thee, not for me.

Owning a Tesla no longer earns eco-warrior cred—it marks you as a closet Nazi, liable to get your car keyed. The same crowd that once fretted over cow farts endangering the planet now sets electric cars ablaze. One can hardly imagine that the fumes from hundreds of pounds of burning lithium, plastic, and chemicals in a Tesla are eco-friendly.

Tyranny of Anger

Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

What’s the takeaway? What’s the common thread?

The Left isn’t bound by values—not even their own. Nothing is sacred to them; destruction is all they crave. Climate change, the sanctity of life, and “following the science” are mere excuses for outrage, discarded when they obstruct their lust to destroy. Their twisted ideology preaches that building, improving, or creating is evil—only taking and tearing down matter. They seethe at the sight of creation. From Tesla’s burning hulks to Thompson’s blood on the pavement, their anger trumps your rights every time.

Glenn has been warning of the collapse of our common values for years. If we don’t fight this moral rot and defend the values that built America—law, life, liberty—we’ll lose them to the flames of their rage.

Mexico’s death camps and Santa Muerte cult: signs of a failed state

ULISES RUIZ / Contributor | Getty Images

Behind the iron gates of Izaguirre Ranch lie buried horrors that reveal the heinous acts committed within its boundaries.

Over the weekend, the volunteer group Buscadores Guerreros de Jalisco Collective, dedicated to finding missing people, uncovered human remains at the now-abandoned ranch after receiving a tip about a mass grave. Their grim discovery included more than 200 pairs of shoes, clothes, suitcases, farewell letters, and children’s toys buried among cremation ovens and fire-scorched bone fragments. No official count of victims has been released, nor have any bodies been identified, but the sheer volume of artifacts suggests hundreds may lie within the mass grave. Perhaps most disturbing is that local police raided the ranch just months earlier, in September 2024, making arrests and freeing two hostages—yet failed to detect (or deliberately ignored) the gruesome scene beneath their feet.

Earlier this week Glenn covered this story on air and explained that this is the sad reality in Mexico: missing people and mass graves are becoming normalized. Since 2006, more than 90,000 individuals have vanished, with cartels and other malicious groups presumed responsible. The Mexican government offers little help, often conspiring with these cartels to perpetrate and conceal these crimes.

Mexico is being devoured by a festering evil within its borders. No longer the land of tacos and beaches, it’s a place where the dead don’t rest, and the living can’t escape.

The Death Camps

HERIKA MARTINEZ / Contributor | Getty Images

The full scale of the atrocities at Izaguirre Ranch may never be known. It’s believed the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) used the site as a training facility for recruits. The role of the victims buried there remains unclear, but their fate was undoubtedly nightmarish.

Izaguirre is not an isolated case. In 2022, an abandoned house near Nuevo Laredo was found concealing charred human remains, with one room blanketed by two feet of compacted ashes and bone fragments. In 2009, a man in Baja California nicknamed “Pozolero” or “The Stewmaker,” confessed to dissolving up to 300 bodies in lye for his drug-lord boss, disposing of the remains in dumps or graves—a task he wasn’t alone in performing.

These sites are just the beginning. Dozens of similar mass graves have been identified across Mexico. This isn’t the mark of a healthy country—it’s a hallmark of nations engulfed in war or gripped by dark forces. The Mexican government has lost control, leaving chaos to reign.

The Corruption

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Does anyone in Mexico’s government still serve its people?

The scale of these atrocities can’t be dismissed as mere incompetence—complicity is evident. From local police overlooking the mass grave at Izaguirre Ranch to active conspiracy with cartels, such as in the case of a 2014 mass abduction, the evidence is damning. In 2014, 43 students in Guerrero were abducted and presumed killed, with independent investigations implicating police, military, and courts in the crime.

Glenn has uncovered further proof of corruption: the Mexican military is arming the cartels. An ATF whistleblower recently revealed that, despite Mexico’s claims that U.S. manufacturers supply cartel weapons, these firearms are first sold to the Mexican military by the U.S. government—only to be resold to the cartels. Add to this countless bribes and hush money, and it’s clear why Mexico’s soft stance has allowed cartels to seize control of the country.

The Cult of Death

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Perhaps the most terrifying sign of Mexico’s collapse is the rise of the Santa Muerte cult, or “Holy Death.” This cult venerates a skeletal figure—often robed in red or black, wielding a scythe and scales—promising protection amid Mexico’s harsh realities. Since the early 2000s, Santa Muerte has grown to seven million followers. Once a fringe belief, it’s now a mainstream force, filling the void left by a government too weak to shield its people.

While this mass embrace of death worship is alarming, its adoption by cartels is horrifying. Rather than seeking protection from violence, cartels offer bloody sacrifices to Santa Muerte—pyramids of burnt heads, ritual disembowelments, and grisly rites—to embolden their atrocities.

Temples and altars honoring death dot the landscape, signaling the decay of Mexico’s soul. This isn’t just superstition—it’s a dark religion fueling a nation’s descent into chaos.


Mass graves, corrupt officials, and a death cult are not anomalies—they’re symptoms of a failed state. Mexico’s government has ceded power to cartels, leaving its people trapped in a nightmare. As Glenn has warned, this isn’t just a distant tragedy—it’s a wake-up call for Americans. This isn’t just an issue south of the border; it’s a warning to America about the cost of ignoring evil at our doorstep.

Trump's 3 BIGGEST border victories

SAUL LOEB / Contributor | Getty Images

The Southern Border is healing!

Just hours after his inauguration on January 20, 2025, President Donald Trump declared a national emergency at the southern border. A little over a month later, the tide of migrants pouring into the United States has been significantly stemmed. Trump is delivering on his major campaign promises: stopping illegal crossings, rolling back Biden-era border policies, and using every available resource to fortify the border against future challenges.

In his recent congressional speech, Trump highlighted these border security successes—achievements often overshadowed by the flood of other news stories this past month. To spotlight this monumental progress, we’ve compiled a list of Trump’s three most significant border victories.

1. Significantly reduced border encounters

ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / Contributor | Getty Images

When Trump took office, it was clear—the sheriff was back in town. According to the Department of Homeland Security, daily border encounters have plummeted by 93 percent since his inauguration. Meanwhile, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has ramped up its efforts: in the past month alone, ICE doubled arrests of criminal aliens and tripled apprehensions of fugitives at large. This dramatic shift stems from reinstating strict border policies, restoring common-sense enforcement, and unleashing the full capabilities of ICE and Border Patrol.

2. Major policy changes

John Moore / Staff | Getty Images

President Trump has also made sweeping strides in border policy. He reinstated the “Remain in Mexico” policy, requiring immigrants to wait in Mexico during their immigration proceedings instead of being released into the U.S. He also terminated the controversial “catch and release” practice, which had allowed millions of illegal immigrants to stay in the country pending court dates. Additionally, Trump signed the Laken Riley Act, mandating detention for all illegal immigrants accused of serious crimes.

Another key victory was designating cartels like MS-13 and Tren de Aragua as terrorist organizations. This classification empowers law enforcement and border agencies to tackle these ruthless gangs with the seriousness and resources they demand.

3. Deployed major muscle

John Moore / Staff | Getty Images

Trump is doubling down on border security—and he’s not holding back. He deployed 1,500 U.S. troops to secure the southern border and restarted construction of the border wall. Among the forces sent is a Stryker Brigade, a rapid-response, high-tech mechanized infantry unit equipped with armored ground and air vehicles. This brigade’s mobility and long-range capabilities make it ideal for patrolling the rugged, remote stretches of the border.