Hillary Clinton made one of the most important political statements of all time - and no one is covering it! During a campaign speech, she attacked the very bedrock upon which the nation was founded. No longer will dissenting opinions be tolerated. Religious beliefs have to change. There’s a progressive agenda forming that goes much further than anything we’ve seen from the Obama administration. What is it? What does it mean?
Listen to the segment below, and scroll down for the full monologue:
GLENN: The question for this century and for the future of America is this, I think. Can we find enough people that just will leave everybody alone? That just want to live their life, just do the right thing. Live their own life. Be good to each other. Don't hurt each other. And just leave everybody else alone.
Can we find enough people, Americans, that want to live their life that way? Dude, I don't care. I really don't care. You want to get married. You don't want to get married. You want to marry a dude. You don't want to -- you want to marry a girl. Fine. Whatever.
Now, if I say that to you, can you say to my church, hey, you want to marry, you know, just dudes. Just females. Females and dudes.
Leave me alone! And let's work together. Let's help each other. Let's be good to each other. Let's be good neighbors. How boring will it be if we all think exactly alike. There will be no growth. You'll have no growth at all if everyone is in lockstep with everything. Think about how much -- I've said this before. But I actually believe this. And I get in trouble every time I say it. Because people are like -- think about it. Thank God for Barack Obama. Barack Obama has made me a better American. He has. I am more involved. I know the Constitution. I know the Founding Fathers. I've -- I've discovered for myself Libertarian principles. I really don't want to get involved. I've recognized that, gee, these wars across the ocean are just dumb as a box of rocks to do. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. I've learned all these things because of Barack Obama.
Conflict helps us grow. Difference of opinion helps us grow. But difference of opinion is no longer valid. Can we find enough Americans that just want to be cool with each other? Because if we can find those Americans, we'll make it. If we can't, America as we know it is done.
I believe an extremely high-profile American politician has finally jumped the shark. I say this. Once you hear this politician. You'll say, no, Glenn, this politician will never jump the shark. There's nothing this politician can do. And I'm not talking about Barack Obama. This politician has gone farther than any politician I've ever heard in my lifetime.
And as usual, there's so little coverage of it except here. I'm actually not sure how many people know of it. And if the American people know about it, I don't even know if they care anymore.
But I can say, without any reservation whatsoever, this is a phenomenal statement that needs to be paid attention to by all Americans. Because the principle that was blatantly attacked is, in fact, the bedrock principle on which this country was founded. And it is this: Religious liberty -- you cannot violate my conscience. If I happen to believe something deeply, religiously, that's my business. I'm not in your business. Don't be in my business.
Now, if you've been living in a cave, you know, in one of the countries that hate our guts, you know, one of the countries that the Clinton Foundation sends tens of millions of dollars to or if you pay attention to the mainstream media, you may not have heard this.
HILLARY: Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed.
GLENN: This is amazing. What Hillary is saying here is, it's no longer acceptable to believe something that the government doesn't believe.
For instance, Christians. I would assume this applies here. If the government says abortion is fine, you can no longer believe that it's akin to murder. If that marriage is between a man and a woman, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You don't have the right -- you have to change. Quote: You've got to change our religious beliefs.
Those two issues are paramount to all progressives. In fact, it's safe to say, that to the American left, those are the two most important principles of all. It seems. Homosexuality and abortion. I don't think so. But they seem to run on that all the time.
So your religious belief has to change. Deep-seated cultural codes. I'm quoting. Deep-seated cultural codes. Religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed, end quote. That's not who we are.
That is just not who we are. It's -- it's an un-American kind of idea. It's -- it's anti-Christian. But Hillary is running in a country, don't worry, Hillary, you're only running in a country that is 75 to 80 percent Christian. So what could possibly go wrong? Nothing. Because nobody is paying attention to it.
So maybe I'm the oddball here. Maybe I'm the only one that cares. Maybe I'm the only one that sees a problem with that. Because I think it's the most outrageous line ever spoken by an American politician. That includes, we're five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America. That was one amazing statement that came from Barack Obama in 2008. And he did it.
So I take these guys at their word. When she says, your religious belief has to change, I take her at her word.
Five years ago, that statement would have been enough to topple any presidential hopes for any candidate. The campaign would be in ruins.
They would be dropping out of the race by now. Especially if that candidate had said just a few short years earlier in 2007, she said this.
HILLARY: I believe that marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman. I have had occasion in my life to defend marriage, to stand up for marriage, to believe in the hard work and challenge of marriage. So I take umbrage at anyone who might suggest that those of us who worry about amending the Constitution are less committed to the sanctity of marriage or to the fundamental bedrock principle that it exists between a man and a woman going back into the mists of history.
GLENN: Into the mists of history. Holy cow. This is phenomenal. I want you to take this monologue and send this to your friends.
We'll post it up at GlennBeck.com today. You have to send this to your friends because nobody is reporting on this.
So as I understand it, Hillary, since her fundamental, I'm quoting, her fundamental bedrock principles that she took umbrage to anyone who said she would reverse those principles, now that she has reversed them, well, you've got to give up yours too. Now that her bedrock principles have been flipped upside down, it's time for her to tell you that you have to flip your bedrock principles upside down as well. And the firstamendment, forget the first amendment. Hillary Rodham believes that religious liberty. The right to worship as you see fit doesn't exist in America anymore. If it goes against the collective knowledge.
Now, here's the scariest part. I want you to listen to the response of the audience after she said that.
HILLARY: And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed. As I --
GLENN: They are cheering. It reminded me of another chilling phrase I've heard before.
PADME: So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.
GLENN: You know what's funny? A pretty prophetic line there, especially coming as it did from George Lucas, the progressive that he is. And I know that when they did that, they meant that about George W. Bush. And that he has no problem whatsoever with that statement from Hillary Clinton. But when Natalie Portman said that line, I don't really think they thought liberty could die to thunderous applause. Maybe they did because of September 11th. Maybe they did.But here we are a decade later, and it has happened. The elite who want to finish the fundamental transformation of America that the progressives started over 100 years ago and this president slammed into warp speed are become less and less inclined to even bother hiding their efforts anymore. We told you this would happen. They would become so emboldened that they would start saying things that at one time seemed impossible to believe that anyone would even believe they would say they believed them and they would say it out loud. And here it is.
Hillary Clinton told us last week at the Women's Summit that our deep-seated religious beliefs would have to change. We are no longer free to choose. They are pro-choice as long as you always accept their choice.What she didn't outline in that speech was, what do you do to change it? If my deep-seated religious belief doesn't change, what do you do as a government? Will we be vilified? Well, that's already being done. Will we be fired from our jobs? That's already happening. How about fined? No, they just made the baker pay for the fine of, what --
PAT: $135,000.
GLENN: So what's left? Reeducation? They're kind of doing that with Common Core. How about we ban certain religions? We ban the Bible. How about we imprison people? We're pretty much running out of options here, gang. We're down to the last few. Banning religions. Reeducation. Outlawing the Bible. Reeducation camps. That's all we're down to. And I contend, we're already pretty much doing reeducation. Just not in a camp. It's called a public school.
I for one do not want to find out. I don't want to see. I don't listen to her and say, she doesn't mean it. When somebody says they're going to do something, we as people need to start believing them. When they're chanting over in Iran, death to America. What the hell do you think they mean by that? Well, they're just saying -- they mean it. Death to America. When ISIS says, we will behead every Christian, believe them. They're doing it.
When a progressive says, you're going to have to change your fundamental core religious beliefs, take them at their word. The left has shown you exactly who they are. Now, the last time this happened was with the Woodrow Wilson administration. And the Woodrow Wilson administration scared this country out of their mind so much with prohibition and everything else, that they ran from the progressives.
I don't think that's happening. After the progressives in the 1930s, when FDR died, the country was scared so much that Congress passed a law saying the president could not stay in office that long. And the Republicans won by running a campaign that just said, had enough yet? That was it. America ran from this!
After Jimmy Carter, Americans ran. I don't know if Americans are going to run. They're awfully damn comfortable. And they don't see what's over the horizon. It doesn't have to be this way. Life is not this hard. Just a few things you have to get right. Love one another. Be cool with one another. Don't try to change one another. Basically, everything that you do in your marriage, well, except for the one part that Washington is doing to us now, but other than that, just pretty much everything you do in a marriage.
Do me a favor, we're posting this on GlennBeck.com and our Facebook page. I want you to put this on your Facebook page. I want you to take these audio clips, and I want you to share these audio clips. There cannot be any excuse.
I'm glad Bernie Sanders is getting into the race this week. Because Bernie Sanders is going to say, I'm a socialist. Good. I welcome you. Let's have a real debate. Hey, I really believe what they're doing in Sweden is the right thing. Good. Then let's talk about that. Let's not have this bullcrap back and forth where you're lying and the other guy is lying. Where you got Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush both lying about what they're going to do. Can we be honest?
Can we be adults? Can we be Americans and actually disagree with each other's opinions anymore?